The Higher Frontier (Q79469288)

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Literary work and Star Trek novel by Christopher L. Bennett
Language Label Description Also known as
The Higher Frontier
Literary work and Star Trek novel by Christopher L. Bennett


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    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
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    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
    1 reference
    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
    1 reference
    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
    1 reference
    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
    1 reference
    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
    1 reference
    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
    1 reference
    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
    1 reference
    The Higher Frontier | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom (English)
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    “Trust me, Jim, nobody’s punishing you for that incident except yourself. It was a heavy loss, sure, but one of the few among five years of remarkable successes—V’Ger, Lorina, Empyrea, Yannid VI, the Vedala incident…do I need to go on?” Kirk shook his head. (English)
    Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco
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    “Trust me, Jim, nobody’s punishing you for that incident except yourself. It was a heavy loss, sure, but one of the few among five years of remarkable successes—V’Ger, Lorina, Empyrea, Yannid VI, the Vedala incident…do I need to go on?” Kirk shook his head. (English)
    Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco
    1 reference
    “Trust me, Jim, nobody’s punishing you for that incident except yourself. It was a heavy loss, sure, but one of the few among five years of remarkable successes—V’Ger, Lorina, Empyrea, Yannid VI, the Vedala incident…do I need to go on?” Kirk shook his head. (English)
    Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco
    1 reference
    “Trust me, Jim, nobody’s punishing you for that incident except yourself. It was a heavy loss, sure, but one of the few among five years of remarkable successes—V’Ger, Lorina, Empyrea, Yannid VI, the Vedala incident…do I need to go on?” Kirk shook his head. (English)
    Starfleet Headquarters, San Francisco
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    You probably don’t know this, but the Betelgeusian exchange program with Starfleet was kind of my idea—or at least, I suggested it in passing to the head of a ’Geusian argosy a few years back, and they liked the idea and made it happen. (English)
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    The sickbay scene was added in the revision stage at the suggestion of my editor Margaret Clark, since the first draft came out a bit short and I asked if she had any ideas for additions. Fortunately, a Kindle bonus offer came along at the right time to prompt me to finally obtain a copy of Scott Pearson’s e-novella The More Things Change, allowing me to use its Spock/Chapel storyline as the basis for their interaction here. (German)
    TOS: The Higher Frontier Annotations (English)
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    Or rather, they had met a version of this thaan, during an ill-fated attempt to conduct historical research via the Guardian of Forever more than eight years ago. Both men schooled themselves to calm, for incidents connected to the Guardian, time travel, and parallel realities were strictly classified. (English)
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    This version of the end of the second five-year mission was introduced in The Darkness Drops Again. (German)
    TOS: The Higher Frontier Annotations (English)
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    Two of them, his former crewmates Gary Mitchell and Elizabeth Dehner, had possessed fairly high esper ratings but no overt psionic gifts until the Enterprise’s encounter with the mysterious negative-energy barrier at the edge of the galactic disk a decade ago. (English)
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    “Remember how it was a century ago, when the Andorian Guard was the linchpin of Starfleet’s defense force. Our ancestors fought fearlessly in defense of those not our own, whether Federation citizens or not. They stood against the Ware, against the Klingons at Ardan IV, against Maltuvis at—” (English)
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    “Remember how it was a century ago, when the Andorian Guard was the linchpin of Starfleet’s defense force. Our ancestors fought fearlessly in defense of those not our own, whether Federation citizens or not. They stood against the Ware, against the Klingons at Ardan IV, against Maltuvis at—” (English)
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    “Don’t be modest,” Sulu said. “I studied the Agni incident—weren’t you the one who found the key to establishing communication with them?” (English)
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    “And these characters look even less like us than the ones in the sim!” Chekov cried. “At least they didn’t make you a blonde,” Uhura countered. (English)
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    Uhura leaned closer and read over Chekov’s shoulder as he paged through the illustrated serials on the data slate, reacting with startlement and laughter to what they beheld. “They just annihilated those plant creatures! No attempt at communication!” (English)
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    “Is that a papier-mâché Eiffel Tower?” (English)
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    “The bottled emotions of ancient Vulcans? I really don’t think that’s how it works.” (English)
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    “Good Lord, are those gnomes?” (English)
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    Their careers had nearly intersected once before, at the climactic battle with the Tholians over the now-destroyed Starbase Vanguard, but it was hard to make that a basis for casual conversation when nearly everything about it was classified. (English)
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    He had been a junior engineer when Khan Noonien Singh and the rest of the Eugenics Wars superhumans rescued from the S.S. Botany Bay had taken over the ship. (English)

