Property talk:P3348/Duplicates/humans

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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?item2 (REPLACE(CONCAT('[', ?formatter, ' $1]'), '\\$1', ?grateve) AS ?url) WITH { SELECT * { ?item wdt:P3348/^wdt:P3348 ?item2 . FILTER( STR( ?item ) < STR( ?item2 ) ) . { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . } UNION { ?item2 wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . } } } AS %duplicates WITH { SELECT * { wd:P3348 wdt:P1630 ?formatter } LIMIT 1 } AS %formatter WHERE { INCLUDE %duplicates . INCLUDE %formatter . ?item wdt:P3348 ?grateve . ?item2 wdt:P3348 ?grateve . } ORDER BY ?grateve


Item1 Item2 GRATEVE
René Guay Jean-René Guay 108213
Karl Wilhelm Müller Karl Wilhelm Müller 224056