church cemetery (E403)

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# Issue

PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX p: <>

# Example SPARQL query: 
# SELECT ?cemetery WHERE { ?cemetery wdt:P6104 wdt:P39 wd:Q115206846 } limit 5

start = @<SwedishCemetery>

<SwedishCemetery> EXTRA wdt:P106 {
 wdt:P6104   [ wd:Q115206846 ] ; # project
 wdt:P17  [ wd:Q34 ] ; # country
 wdt:P131  .+; # located in the administrative territorial entity
 wdt:P625 .+; #coordinate

 wdt:P18  .+; #image
 wdt:P1343 .*; #described by source
 wdt:P2025 .+; # Find A Grave cemetery ID
 wdt:P5259 .+; #Gravstensinventeringen
 wdt:P2789 .*; #connects with
 wdt:P8592 .*; #aerial view
 wdt:P10689 .*; # OSM way

 wdt:P9660 .*; # not found in - indicate that a site we expect should have this item dont have it