hiking path (E375)

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enhiking pathpath or trail with markingsedit
svvandringsledled med markeringar som man kan vandra efteredit
PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
PREFIX wd: <http://www.wikidata.org/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <http://www.wikidata.org/prop/direct/>

# Example SPARQL query: https://w.wiki/5hVu
# TODO check also Q13405588
# SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {?item (wdt:P31/(wdt:P279*)) wd:Q2143825}
# https://shex.io/shex-primer/#tripleConstraints
#    "+" - one or more
 #   "*" - zero or more
  #  "?" - zero or one
   # "{m}" - exactly m
    #"{m,n}" - at least m, no more than n

start = @<trail>

<trail> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
  wdt:P31 [wd:Q2143825 wd:Q13405588]*; # hiking trail and long-distance trail
  wdt:P15 .?; # route map
  wdt:P17 .+; #  country
  wdt:P18 xsd:string*; # image
  wdt:P30 .?; # continent
  wdt:P112 .?; # founded by
  wdt:P126 .?; # maintained by
  wdt:P131 .+; # admin
  wdt:P137 .; # operator
  wdt:P156 .?; # followed by
  wdt:P138 .*; # named after
  wdt:P206 .*; # located in or next to body of water
  wdt:P214 .?; # VIAF
  wdt:P242 .?; # locator map image
  wdt:P361 .*; # part of
  wdt:P373 xsd:string?; # Commons category
  wdt:P402 .?; # osm relation-id
  wdt:P527 .*; # has part
  wdt:P559 .{2,10}; # terminus
  wdt:P571 xsd:dateTime?; # inception
  wdt:P609 .+; # terminus location
  wdt:P610 .?; # highest point
  # This does not make sense until we decide which information to input. Is it the calculated middle of all points?
  wdt:P625 . {0}; # coordinate location
  wdt:P646 .?; # Freebase-ID
  wdt:P691 .?; # NKC-ID
  wdt:P706 .*; # located on the specified (geo)physical feature. Should not be used when the value is only political/administrative (P131) or a mountain range (P4552).
  wdt:P856 .*; # official website
  wdt:P910 xsd:string?; # topic's main category
  wdt:P912 [wd:Q1797440]?; # equipped with - this is debatable - lean-to allowed for now
  wdt:P973 xsd:string*; # described at URL
  wdt:P1343 .*; # described by source
  wdt:P1427 .?; # start point
  wdt:P1444 .?; # destination point
  wdt:P1545 xsd:string?; # series ordinal # what is this used for on a trail?
  wdt:P1552 .*; # has quality 
  wdt:P1589 .?; # lowest point
  wdt:P1997 xsd:string?; # Facebook place id
  wdt:P2043 xsd:decimal+; # length 
  wdt:P2347 .?;# ALLFO-ID
  wdt:P2670 [wd:Q88075768]?; # has parts of the class - only section/stage allowed
  wdt:P2671 xsd:string?; # google knowledge id
  wdt:P2789 .*; # connects with
  wdt:P3018 .*; # located in protected area
  wdt:P3173 .*; # offers view on
  wdt:P4552 .*; # mountain range
  wdt:P6104 .*; # maintained by wikiproject
  wdt:P7127 xsd:string?;# AllTrails-ID 
  wdt:P7252 .*; # degree of difficulty
  wdt:P8324 .*; # beneficiary
  wdt:P10467 xsd:string?; # naturkartan id # this should be mandatory if P17=Q34 Sweden