ShExR (E1)

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language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enShExRSchema of ShExedit
arShExمخطط لشكل التعبيرedit
astShExResquema de ShExedit
deShExRSchema für ShExedit
esShExResquema de ShExedit
frShExRSchéma de Shexedit
itShExRschema per ShExedit
msShExRskema penerangan ShExedit
nlShExRBasis schema voor een vorm expressionedit
plShExRSchemat SchExedit
ruShExRсхема ShExedit
trShExRShEx için şemaedit
ukShExRсхема ShExedit
PREFIX sx: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>

<Schema> CLOSED {
  a [sx:Schema] ;
  sx:imports @<IriList1Plus>? ;
  sx:startActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ;
  sx:start @<shapeExpr>?;
  sx:shapes @<shapeExpr>*

<shapeExpr> @<ShapeOr> OR @<ShapeAnd> OR @<ShapeNot> OR @<NodeConstraint> OR @<Shape> OR @<ShapeExternal>

<ShapeOr> CLOSED {
  a [sx:ShapeOr] ;
  sx:shapeExprs @<shapeExprList2Plus>

<ShapeAnd> CLOSED {
  a [sx:ShapeAnd] ;
  sx:shapeExprs @<shapeExprList2Plus>

<ShapeNot> CLOSED {
  a [sx:ShapeNot] ;
  sx:shapeExpr @<shapeExpr>

<NodeConstraint> CLOSED {
  a [sx:NodeConstraint] ;
  sx:nodeKind [sx:iri sx:bnode sx:literal sx:nonliteral]?;
  sx:datatype IRI ? ;
  &<xsFacets>  ;
  sx:values @<valueSetValueList1Plus>?

<Shape> CLOSED {
  a [sx:Shape] ;
  sx:closed [true false]? ;
  sx:extra IRI* ;
  sx:expression @<tripleExpression>? ;
  sx:semActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ;
  sx:annotation @<AnnotationList1Plus>? ;

<ShapeExternal> CLOSED {
  a [sx:ShapeExternal] ;

<SemAct> CLOSED {
  a [sx:SemAct] ;
  sx:name IRI ;
  sx:code xsd:string?

<Annotation> CLOSED {
  a [sx:Annotation] ;
  sx:predicate IRI ;
  sx:object @<objectValue>

# <xsFacet> @<stringFacet> OR @<numericFacet>
<facet_holder> { # hold labeled productions
  $<xsFacets> ( &<stringFacet> | &<numericFacet> )* ;
  $<stringFacet> (
      sx:length xsd:integer
    | sx:minlength xsd:integer
    | sx:maxlength xsd:integer
    | sx:pattern xsd:string ; sx:flags xsd:string?
  $<numericFacet> (
      sx:mininclusive   @<numericLiteral>
    | sx:minexclusive   @<numericLiteral>
    | sx:maxinclusive   @<numericLiteral>
    | sx:maxexclusive   @<numericLiteral>
    | sx:totaldigits    xsd:integer
    | sx:fractiondigits xsd:integer
<numericLiteral> xsd:integer OR xsd:decimal OR xsd:double

<valueSetValue> @<objectValue> OR @<IriStem> OR @<IriStemRange>
                               OR @<LiteralStem> OR @<LiteralStemRange>
                OR @<Language> OR @<LanguageStem> OR @<LanguageStemRange>
<objectValue> IRI OR LITERAL # rdf:langString breaks on Annotation.object
<Language> CLOSED { a [sx:Language]; sx:languageTag xsd:string }
<IriStem> CLOSED { a [sx:IriStem]; sx:stem xsd:string }
<IriStemRange> CLOSED {
  a [sx:IriStemRange];
  sx:stem xsd:string OR @<Wildcard>;
  sx:exclusion @<IriStemExclusionList1Plus>
<LiteralStem> CLOSED { a [sx:LiteralStem]; sx:stem xsd:string }
<LiteralStemRange> CLOSED {
  a [sx:LiteralStemRange];
  sx:stem xsd:string OR @<Wildcard>;
  sx:exclusion @<LiteralStemExclusionList1Plus>
<LanguageStem> CLOSED { a [sx:LanguageStem]; sx:stem xsd:string }
<LanguageStemRange> CLOSED {
  a [sx:LanguageStemRange];
  sx:stem xsd:string OR @<Wildcard>;
  sx:exclusion @<LanguageStemExclusionList1Plus>
<Wildcard> BNODE CLOSED {
  a [sx:Wildcard]

<tripleExpression> @<TripleConstraint> OR @<OneOf> OR @<EachOf> OR CLOSED {  }

<OneOf> CLOSED {
  a [sx:OneOf] ;
  sx:min xsd:integer? ;
  sx:max xsd:integer? ;
  sx:expressions @<tripleExpressionList2Plus> ;
  sx:semActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ;
  sx:annotation @<AnnotationList1Plus>?

<EachOf> CLOSED {
  a [sx:EachOf] ;
  sx:min xsd:integer? ;
  sx:max xsd:integer? ;
  sx:expressions @<tripleExpressionList2Plus> ;
  sx:semActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ;
  sx:annotation @<AnnotationList1Plus>?

<tripleExpressionList2Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first @<tripleExpression> ;
  rdf:rest @<tripleExpressionList1Plus>
<tripleExpressionList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first @<tripleExpression> ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<tripleExpressionList1Plus>

<TripleConstraint> CLOSED {
  a [sx:TripleConstraint] ;
  sx:inverse [true false]? ;
  sx:negated [true false]? ;
  sx:min xsd:integer? ;
  sx:max xsd:integer? ;
  sx:predicate IRI ;
  sx:valueExpr @<shapeExpr>? ;
  sx:semActs @<SemActList1Plus>? ;
  sx:annotation @<AnnotationList1Plus>?

<IriList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first IRI ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<IriList1Plus>

<SemActList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first @<SemAct> ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<SemActList1Plus>

<shapeExprList2Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first @<shapeExpr> ;
  rdf:rest  @<shapeExprList1Plus>
<shapeExprList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first @<shapeExpr> ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<shapeExprList1Plus>

<valueSetValueList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first @<valueSetValue> ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<valueSetValueList1Plus>

<AnnotationList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first @<Annotation> ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<AnnotationList1Plus>

<IriStemExclusionList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first IRI OR @<IriStem> ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<IriStemExclusionList1Plus>

<LiteralStemExclusionList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first xsd:string OR @<LiteralStem> ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<LiteralStemExclusionList1Plus>

<LanguageStemExclusionList1Plus> CLOSED {
  rdf:first xsd:string OR @<LanguageStem> ;
  rdf:rest  [rdf:nil] OR @<LanguageStemExclusionList1Plus>