lighthouse (E81)

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PREFIX p:      <>
PREFIX wd:     <>
PREFIX wdref:  <>
PREFIX ps:     <>
PREFIX pq:     <>
PREFIX wdt:    <>
PREFIX xsd:    <>
PREFIX rdf:    <>
 #QUERY MAP: SELECT ?item WHERE {?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q39715} LIMIT 10

start = @<#lighthouse>
<#lighthouse> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
 #instance of
  wdt:P31    [ wd:Q39715 ] ;  # Lighthouse
  wdt:P17    . * ; 
 #located in the administrative territorial entity
  wdt:P131   . * ; 
  wdt:P571   xsd:dateTime ? ; 
 #coordinate location
  wdt:P625   . ; 
 #lighthouse range
  wdt:P2929  xsd:decimal * ; 
 #Admiralty number
  wdt:P3562  xsd:string * ; 
 #light characteristic of lighthouse
  wdt:P1030  xsd:string * ; 
 #focal height
  wdt:P2923  xsd:decimal * ; 
 #described by source
  wdt:P1343  . * ; 
 #located on terrain feature
  wdt:P706   . * ; 
  wdt:P18    . * ; 
 #official name
  wdt:P1448  rdf:langString * ; 
 #located in or next to body of water
  wdt:P206   . * ; 
  wdt:P2048  xsd:decimal * ; 
 wdt:P287 . * ;
 p:P462 {
  ps:P462 . * ;
  pq:P518 . * ;
 } * ; 
 #type of lens
 p:P9597 . * ;
 #material used
 p:P186 {
  ps:P186 . * ;
  pq:P518 . * ;
 } * ;
 p:P1419 {
  ps:P1419 . * ;
  pq:P518 . * ;
 } * ;
 #Commons category
  wdt:P373   . + ; 
  wdt:P366   . * ; 
  wdt:P276   . * ; 
 #service retirement
  wdt:P730   xsd:dateTime * ; 
  wdt:P1365  . * ; 
 #significant event
  p:P793 {
    ps:P793  . * ; 
    pq:P585  xsd:dateTime *  
  } * ; 
 #service entry
  wdt:P729   xsd:dateTime * ; 
 #source of energy
  p:P618 {
    ps:P618  . ; 
    pq:P580  xsd:dateTime * ; 
    pq:P582  xsd:dateTime *  
  } * ; 
 #dissolved, abolished or demolished
  wdt:P576   xsd:dateTime * ; 
#OS grid
 wdt:P613 . * ;
 wdt:P193 . * ;
 wdt:P631 . * ;
 #NGA Lighthouse ID
  wdt:P3563  xsd:string * ; 
 #Online List of Lights ID
  wdt:P3223  xsd:string * ; 
 #MarineTraffic Lighthouse ID
  wdt:P3601  xsd:string * ; 
 #heritage designation
  p:P1435 {
    ps:P1435   .  ; 
    pq:P580    xsd:dateTime * ;
 } * ;
 #ARLHS Lighthouse ID
    wdt:P2980  xsd:string * ; 
 #National Historic Sites of Canada ID
    wdt:P2526  xsd:string * ; 
 #Heritage Lighthouse of Canada ID
    wdt:P3211  xsd:string * ; 
 #BabelNet ID
    wdt:P2581  xsd:string * ; 
 #Federal Heritage Buildings ID (Canada)
    wdt:P3197  xsd:string * ; 
 #Canadian Coastguard Lighthouse ID
    wdt:P3920  xsd:string * ; 
 #Canadian Register of Historic Places ID
    p:P477 {
      ps:P477  xsd:string * ; 
      pq:P518  . *  
    } *   