Wikidata talk:WikidataCon 2023
This is the talk page where you can add questions, feedback and comments about the WikidataCon 2023! Feel free to use English or Mandarin to write here.
WikidataCon 2023 will be organized by Wikimedia Taiwan and Wikimedia Germany
[edit]Hello all,
Following up on the search for a partner to co-organize the WikidataCon 2023 and after talking to several enthusiastic affiliates and local Wikidata communities, I am happy to announce, Wikimedia Germany will support Wikimedia Taiwan and the local Wikidata community in Taiwan in designing and running the next iteration of the Wikidata conference, which will take place on October 28-29, 2023.
The Wikidata community in Taiwan has been active for years and regularly organises events in Taiwan, collaborating with other open source and open data communities. They are particularly interested in geographical data, human settlements and local languages. Wikimedia Taiwan will provide the administrative coordination and legal framework to support the Wikidata community in Taiwan.
Many people from different fields are working on Wikidata: Researchers, cultural institutions, linked open data enthusiasts and more. WikidataCon 2023 attendees will be able to discover how people from other disciplines interact with Wikidata, learn from them, exchange ideas and find inspiration.
With this partnership, we’ll try out a hybrid event format. We will hold an on-site event that will take place in Taipei, welcoming participants from East Asia. Meanwhile, participants from other regions of the world will be able to join the conference online. Finally, we’re encouraging other local Wikidata groups to prepare satellite events and on-site gatherings.
More information and updates will be provided in the upcoming months on Wikidata:WikidataCon 2023 and its talk page. Meanwhile, if you have any questions, feel free to reach the organizers on the talk page.
We’re extremely happy to be collaborating with the enthusiastic Wikidata community in Taiwan. We look forward to this new iteration of the conference.
Léa Lacroix & Alan Ang for Wikimedia Germany
自從宣佈公開徵求Wikidatacon 2023 的伙伴之後,德國維基媒體協會 (Wikimedia Germany) 與數個興趣小組與在地維基數據社群接洽。我們德國維基媒體協會很高興宣佈我們將與台灣維基媒體協會 (Wikimedia Taiwan) 合作,台灣在地的臺灣維基數據社群(Wikidata Taiwan)將會設計與執行下一輪於 2023 10/28-29 舉行的 Wikidatacon 大會。
近幾年台灣的維基數據社群相當活躍,定期在台灣舉行活動,並且與其他的開源與開放資料社群合作。他們關注行政區劃、在地語言、溪流資料。 在地社群,台灣維基媒體協會,則會提供必要的行政協調與法律架構來支援整個社群。
Wikidata:WikidataCon 2023 頁面與討論頁面將會在接下來幾個月提供更多資訊與消息;同時間,如果你有任何問題與回饋意見,你可以在討論頁聯繫主辦方。
德國維基媒體協會 Léa Lacroix 與 Alan Ang
Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 14:13, 28 November 2022 (UTC)
- Dear Wikimedia Community members,
- (apologies for cross-posting - you can find this announcement in Mandarin below)
- Wikimedia Taiwan is excited to collaborate together!
- When Wikidata Taiwan became aware that Wikimedia Germany was seeking a partner for a co-organized WikidataCon event in 2023, there was intense enthusiasm within the community. Followed by several discussions with Wikimedia Germany, the Wikimedia Taiwan chapter and the representatives of the Taiwan Wikidata community confirmed their intent to collaborate. The preparations are all going quite well right now!
- Wikidata development in Taiwan only began in 2018 with more systematic goals and initiatives. Since then, OpenStreetMap x Wikidata organize monthly meetup by the Wikidata Taiwan community and the OpenStreetMap Taiwan community, as well as the Yearly Open Data Day, COSCUP community track and other events, both have consistently promoted the growth of related editing and project development. For instance, importing of data from a ground-level village dataset, various levels of school dataset, art dataset and exhibition information. As a result, it has collaborated with other open-data communities, primarily GLAM and government agencies. Other examples include the citizen open source groups' g0v-Hackathon and g0v-Summit events. In addition, collaboration with the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau to promote river dataset data governance issues. The community also holds the Wikidata Cross-Domain Forum at the end of October to celebrate Wikidata's birthday with the global Wikidata community.
- Wikimedia Taiwan is delighted to work with Wikimedia Germany to co-organize the 2023 WikidataCon with Asia as the focal point, while also following the footway of Wikimedia Movement user group in Brazil. We will continue the development of Wikidata in a variety of cultural contexts. Particularly in relation to Taiwan's issues of cross-disciplines and dialogue. As a result, we advocate for a more diverse and prosperous global Wikidata community.
- As Léa mentioned in her words, WikidataCon will host both online and on-site events the following year, as we want to maximize the capacity for participation. The on-site event will take place in Taipei. When the time comes, all Wikidata contributors and friendly organisations around Taiwan are welcome to join our events!
- Stay tuned for upcoming events!
- Dennis Chen for Wikimedia Taiwan
- Allen Wang for Wikidata Taiwan Community
- 各位維基社群朋友逐家好:
- 台灣維基媒體協會對此合作感到非常興奮!
- 當臺灣維基數據社群(Wikidata Taiwan)在首次獲知德國維基媒體協會尋求 2023 年 WikidataCon 的合作夥伴時,社群內部便抱持高度的興趣,後續在台灣維基媒體協會與臺灣維基數據社群代表經過幾次與德國維基媒體協會的意向討論後,確定了雙方合作的意願,目前所有準備工作也都順利的進行當中!
- 維基數據 (Wikidata) 在台灣的發展,大約始於 2018 年才有比較系統性的目標與措施,自此由 Wikidata Taiwan 社群與 OpenStreetMap Taiwan 社群合辦的 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 月聚以及每年的 Open Data Day 、COSCUP 社群軌等活動,穩定的推動著相關編輯及專案的發展,像是匯入台灣基礎行政區的村里資料、各級學校資料,藝術資料與展覽資訊等。並逐漸地與台灣其他開放社群、GLAM、政府單位等合作,例如公民開源團體的 g0v 大松或是 g0v Summit 活動,以及與水土保持局合作推動溪流資料的資料治理議題;逢年 10 月底,社群也自主性的舉辦「維基數據跨領域論壇」與全球的維基數據社群一同慶祝 Wikidata 生日。
- 能承接在巴西維基媒體運動用戶組之後,與德國維基媒體協會共同籌劃 2023 WikidataCon,並以亞洲作為核心,台灣維基媒體協會備感榮幸。我們將延續對於維基數據在不同文化脈絡下的發展,特別是在台灣我們所關心的跨領域交流與對話,倡議一個更加多元、共榮的全球維基數據社群。
- 誠如 Léa 在信中所言,明年的 WikidataCon 將同時舉辦線上與線下型式活動,我們希望將參與的形式盡可能擴及到最大程度。線下的主場也將在台北舉辦,屆時,如果您就在我們臨近的區域,非常歡迎所有維基數據貢獻者、友好單位的朋友們,一起來台灣現場共襄盛舉!
- 敬請各位持續關注接下來的活動資訊!
- 台灣維基媒體協會 Dennis Chen
- 臺灣維基數據社群 Allen Wang
- Supaplex (talk) 14:43, 28 November 2022 (UTC)
Official announcement of the 2023 Wikidatacon's main visual design! 2023 維基數據雙年會主視覺正式公布!
2023 維基數據雙年會主視覺正式公布!
自去年宣布2023 維基數據雙年會將於臺灣與線上混合舉辦,臺灣的工作團隊便加緊腳步開始了各項籌備工作,其中一個核心工作就是主視覺的製作。
正如同今年的年會主題"鏈結資料 Koh(再)發現:Wikidata 的跨領域匯流",主題將著重在跨領域資料的交流,並且更加重視在地資料如何與國際對話與鏈結。
今年活動將在臺灣設置實體活動,同時也有線上場地,歡迎全球夥伴持續關注 2023 維基數據雙年會,有興趣投稿的夥伴也可以預先準備,我們將盡快公布徵稿消息,敬請期待。
- 5/2 開放全球徵稿
- 7/3 開放全球會議報名
- 10/28 - 10/29 臺灣實體活動與線上活動
有任何問題歡迎聯繫 contact [at]。
Official announcement of the 2023 Wikidatacon's main visual design!
Following last year's news that WikidataCon 2023 will be hosted in a combination of On-Site and On-line in Taiwan, the Taiwanese team have accelerated their preparatory work too! One of the core tasks was the creation of the main visual design.
The conference theme for this year, "Collaboration across boundaries", emphasizes the sharing of data from different domains. Apart from integrating the colors used in previous WikidataCon, this year’s visual design also includes elements and patterns inspired by Taiwanese traditional culture, adding a local touch to the international conference.
This year, the event will be held in Taiwan, and all international participants will be welcomed to join the conference online. Wikidata enthusiasts from around the world are welcome to stay tuned for the 2023 WikidataCon. We will be announcing the call for program participation as soon as possible.
- 5/2 Call for Program Submission (Worldwide)
- 7/3 Call for Conference Registration ( Worldwide )
- 10/28 - 10/29 On-Site Event ( Taiwan) and Online event
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the organizers at contact [at] Allenwang6212a (talk) 10:17, 13 April 2023 (UTC)
World’s biggest Wikidata event Wikidatacon is now calling for proposals! 全球最大 Wikidata 交流盛會 Wikidatacon 即刻起開始徵稿!
全球最大 Wikidata 交流盛會 Wikidatacon 即刻起開始徵稿! Wikidatacon 2023 移師到臺灣舉辦,我們關注的不單單只有 Wikidata 本身,包含提供 Wikidata 的平台技術:Wikibase,以及從 Wikidata 延伸出去的開放資料與鏈結資料生態系,都是我們討論的焦點。 今年有超過四大主題可供您投稿,邀請您站上一同站上 Wikidatacon 的舞台 7 月 31 日(AoE)前,趕緊送出您的投稿提案吧! 四大徵稿主題一次看!
- Data quality 資料清理與正規化
- Underrepresented languages & culture 在地資料與多元社群
- Data reuse 鏈結資料的應用與探索
- Wikidata for the Wikimedia Projects 維基媒體專案與 Wikidata 的應用
- Others e.g. Wikibase/LOD 其他
立即投稿 !
World’s biggest Wikidata event Wikidatacon is now calling for proposals! Wikidatacon2023 is moving to Taiwan! We aren't just focusing on Wikidata also the foundation of Wikidata: Wikibase, and everything else about Linked Open Data Web that stem from Wikidata! This year, we have 4 Topics open waiting for your proposals here at Wikidatacon! Calling for proposals open until July 31st AoE. Better act fast! The 4 Topics:
- Data Quality
- Underrepresented languages & culture
- Data reuse
- Wikidata for the Wikimedia Projects
- Others (e.g. Wikibase / LOD)
Submit NOW! : Allenwang6212a (talk) 07:35, 16 June 2023 (UTC)
Wikidatacon Calling for Proposals Office Hours Wikidatacon 徵稿說明會!
Wikidatacon 2023 的徵稿已經過去了一段時間,你是不是還在猶豫要如何投稿 Wikidatacon 呢?還是對於 Wikidatacon 的徵稿主題還有不了解的地方呢? 所有的疑問都能在 Wikidatacon 徵稿說明會由工作團隊或是議程委員會來為你解答! 從六月底到徵稿結束,Wikidatacon 工作團隊以及議程委員會在臺灣與線上開設有數場的徵稿說明會,除了有使用華語說明的場次外,也有英文的場次,同時也為了顧及不同地區的參與者開設了對應時區的場次!
各場次時間與地點如下,歡迎所有對於 Wikidatacon 投稿有興趣的夥伴參加!
- 7/1 13:00 - 15:00 g0v hackath56n | 台灣零時政府第伍拾陸次真的假的黑客松 x 水保局 地點:集思台中新烏日會議中心
- 7/9 15:30 - 16:30 地點:摩茲工寮
- 7/15 20:00 - 21:00 地點:賽德克族知識研究中心一樓
- 7/19 19:30 - 20:30 地點:暫定臺南新芽
線上場次,將會使用 Gather Town 做為活動場地 線上場地連結公布在 Wikidata:WikidataCon 2023
- 6/28 13:00 UTC (使用語言以英文為主)
- 7/5 17:00 UTC (使用語言以英文為主)
- 7/20 07:00 UTC (使用語言以英文為主)
- 7/22 at 12:00 UTC (使用語言以華語為主)
- 7/26 at 13:00 UTC (使用語言以英文為主)
The WikidataCon 2023 call for proposals has been going on for a few days. Are you still hesitant, or wondering how you could contribute to the WikidataCon? Or do you still have doubts about WikidataCon's call for proposals ? You can address all your questions to our team during the WikidataCon call for proposals office hours!
From the end of June until the end of the call for proposals (July 31st), the WikidataCon team and the program coordination committees will hold several sessions in Taiwan and online, in Chinese and in English, at different times to accommodate participants from different regions!
All interested WikidataCon contributors are welcome to attend the following sessions!
Onsite sessions in Taiwan (in Chinese)
- July 1st at 13:00 UTC+8 at g0v hackath56n
- July 9nd at 15:30 UTC+8 at Mozilla Community Space Taipei
- July 15th at 20:00 UTC+8 at Seediq Knowledge Research Center
- July 19th at 19:30 UTC+8 at Tainan Sprout
Online sessions
- June 28th at 13:00 UTC (in English)
- July 5th at 17:00 UTC (in English)
- July 20th at 07:00 UTC (in English)
- July 22nd at 12:00 UTC (in Chinese)
- July 26th at 13:00 UTC (in English)
The online sessions will take place on GatherTown, the platform that we will use for the event, so we can start getting familiar with it. You can find the link on Wikidata:WikidataCon 2023.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. Allenwang6212a (talk) 15:22, 26 June 2023 (UTC)
WikidataCon 2023 Call For Proposa Final Countdown! WikidataCon 2023 徵稿時間最後倒數!
Wikidatacon 2023 徵稿時間最後倒數中!你有想法但還沒有投遞稿件近來嗎?還是需要其他人的投稿來給你一些靈感呢? 主辦團隊目前把已經投稿的稿件彙整了起來,大家可以透過 Wikidata page 參考其他人的投稿喔! 再次提醒,徵稿系統只開放到 7 月 31 日,但是我們將會開放大家修改稿件內容到 8 月 7 日,所以一定要記得在 7 月 31 日前至少要把草稿內容丟進來喔!
- Wikidatacon 2023 現有投稿:
- 投稿頁面:
The last countdown to the WikidataCon 2023 Call For Proposal is now! Do you have an idea, but have not finished it yet? Or do you want inspiration from others? The organizers have produced a list of entries, so check out the Wikidata page for other people's programs! Again, the Call for Proposal will be open until July 31st, but we'll keep it open for changes until August 7th, be sure to send in your draft before this date !
- Wikidatacon 2023 Existing Programs:
- Submission page:
Allenwang6212a (talk) 10:26, 27 July 2023 (UTC)
WikidataCon 2023: registration open
[edit]Hello all,
On behalf of the WikidataCon 2023 organizing team, I’m happy to share some exciting news about the WikidataCon 2023. The conference dedicated to the Wikidata community and co-organized by Wikimedia Deutschland and Wikimedia Taiwan will take place on October 28-29 with a hybrid format. In this email, you will find more information about the format and registration for the conference.
While most of the world will attend the sessions and discussions online, people living in Taiwan and the neighbouring countries can decide to join the onsite part of the event taking place in Taipei. Online participants will be able to join the conference, follow the sessions and interact with other participants on the platform GatherTown. Onsite participants will be hosted at the National Taipei University. You will find more information about the onsite and online aspects of the conference onwiki.
The first version of the program will be released on October 2nd - stay tuned!
You can now sign up to the event by registering here on the Pretix platform. The registration form includes both online participation and onsite participation in Taiwan. Registration will be open until the start of the event. Some useful information will be sent in the upcoming weeks to people who registered, including the link to the event platform for online participants. Please note that registration is free of charge, but no scholarship to attend the online or onsite event will be provided.
Questions ? Feel free to contact the organizing team by writing on this talk page or at
We are looking forward to seeing you at the WikidataCon 2023!
我代表WikidataCon 2023組織團隊,很高興與大家一起分享,關於WikidataCon 2023的令人興奮的消息。 這項由Wikimedia Deutschland和Wikimedia Taiwan共同舉辦的,意旨Wikidata社群的會議,將於10月28日至29日,以混合形式舉行。 在這封電子郵件裡你將找到,有關會議的格式以及更多關於註冊報名的資訊。
即便世界上大多數地區的人在線上參加會議和討論,但居住在台灣及週邊國家的人,可以選擇參與在台北舉行的實體活動。 線上參與者將能夠參加線上會議,在Gather Town平台上加入會議,並與其他世界各定的參與者互動。 實體參與者將入住國立台北大學。 你將會在維基上找到關於會議現場及線上部分的更多資訊。
行程表的第一個版本將於10月2日發布 - 敬請關注!
你現在可以透過在Pretix平台上註冊並報名活動參加。 註冊表格裡包括:線上參與和在台灣的現場實體參與。 註冊將一直開放至活動開始。 在接下來的數周,我們將對已註冊的人傳送有用的一些資訊,包括:線上參與者的活動平台連結。 請注意,註冊是免費的,但我們不提供參加線上或實體活動的獎學金。
有問題嗎? 請隨時透過在此討論頁面上留言,或發送電子郵件至contact@wikidatacon.org與組織團隊聯繫。
我們期待在WikidataCon 2023見到你! Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 06:44, 21 September 2023 (UTC)
WikidataCon 2023: first version of the program is out
[edit]Hello all,
On behalf of the WikidataCon 2023 organizing team, I’m happy to share that we released the program of the conference dedicated to the Wikidata community. Co-organized by Wikimedia Deutschland and Wikimedia Taiwan, it will take place on October 28-29 with a hybrid format. In this email, you will find more information about the format, the program and registration for the conference.
While most of the world will attend the sessions and discussions online, people living in Taiwan and the neighbouring countries can decide to join the onsite part of the event taking place in Taipei. Online participants will be able to join the conference, follow the sessions and interact with other participants on the platform GatherTown. Onsite participants will be hosted at the National Taipei University. You will find more information about the onsite and online aspects of the conference onwiki.
Part of the program (Day 1 and Day 2) will be delivered from the onsite event in Taipei, on their day time. The other part of the program (Day 1.5 and Day 2.5) will be produced online, at times that will be more friendly to participants located on the European, African and American continents. In any case, the contents of the conference will be available online during or after the conference.
Together with volunteers involved in the program committees, we elaborated an ambitious program that will run across time zones. Connected to our theme “Collaboration across boundaries”, the sessions will cover a huge range of topics (data quality, data reuse, Wikidata and the Wikimedia Projects, open data initiatives). In particular, we want to highlight the Wikidata and open data projects and initiatives in the ESEAP region.You can find the first version of the schedule here. You can switch time zones, languages, and mark sessions as favourites. Some changes may still happen in the upcoming weeks.
English and Mandarin are the official languages of the event. The sessions will be available in these two languages, either via captions or interpretation. If you are interested in helping us translate contents (program, wikipages, sessions) please get in touch!
You can already sign up to the event by registering here on the Pretix platform. The registration form includes both online participation and onsite participation in Taiwan. Registration will be open until the start of the event. Some useful information will be sent in the upcoming weeks to people who registered, including the link to the event platform for online participants. Please note that registration is free of charge, but no scholarship to attend the online or onsite event will be provided.
Questions ? Feel free to contact the organizing team by writing on this talk page or at
We are looking forward to seeing you at the WikidataCon 2023!
2023 年維基數據大會:第一版活動議程上線!
很高興我代表2023年維基數據大會組織團隊,發佈本次 Wikidatacon 2023 的第一版議程。這是由德國維基媒體協會和台灣維基媒體協會共同主辦,會議將於 10 月 28 日至 29 日以混合形式舉行。在此電子郵件中,你會看到更多有關會議形式,專案以及註冊的資訊。
儘管世界上大多數人將參與網上會議以及線上討論,但居住在台灣和鄰近國家的人,可以決定參加在台北舉行的活動的實體活動。線上參與者可加入會議,關注會議並在 Gather Town 平台上,與其他線上參與者互動。實體參與者將在國立臺北大學舉行。你可以在 wikidata page上找到有關現場活動和線上場次的更多資訊。
部份議程(第 1 天和第 2 天)將在白天的臺北現場活動進行。議程的另一部份(第 1.5 天和第 2.5 天)將在線上呈現,該時段更適合對位於歐洲,非洲和美洲大陸的參與者將。會議內容將在會議期間或在這之後,以線上提供。
我們與參與專案的委員會的義工一起制定一項具有企圖心的計劃,該計劃將跨時區運行。與我們的主題“:鏈結資料 Koh(再)發現:Wikidata 的跨領域匯流"”相關,會議將涵蓋廣泛的主題(資料品質,資料重用,維基數據和維基媒體專案,開放資料倡議)。
你已經可以透過在 Pretix 平台上報名該活動。報名表包含線上參與者,和臺灣現場參與者。報名將開放到活動日開始。相關有用的資訊將在未來幾週內寄送給已完成報名者,包括線上參與者的活動平台連結。請注意,報名是免費的,但不提供參加線上或現場活動參與的獎助金。
有問題?請隨時透過在此討論頁或 上寫信與組織團隊聯絡。
我們期待在2023年維基數據大會上與你見面! Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 06:07, 27 September 2023 (UTC)
Wikidata birthday: join the festivities and prepare a birthday present!
[edit]Hello all,
As you may know, Wikidata was launched on October 29, 2012, and every year in October, we celebrate the anniversary of the project with birthday wishes, events and cake. As we will celebrate the 11th birthday of Wikidata this year, we wanted to share with you how you can get involved in this event!
1. Prepare a birthday present
Every year for the birthday, people prepare some presents for the Wikidata community. These presents can be useful, fun or interesting: a new Wikidata tool, a new WikiProject, a logo or another piece of art, a blog post, an important community discussion… They can be worked on alone or in collaboration with other people.
If you have ideas for a Wikidata birthday, now is the perfect time to start thinking about it, and finding other people to work with you! Once the present is ready to be announced, you can add it to the Presents page. If you’re looking for inspiration, you can check what was done for the previous anniversaries on the Eleventh birthday page.
2. Attend the WikidataCon 2023
The WikidataCon 2023 will take place on October 28-29 with a hybrid format: while people from Taiwan and the neighbouring regions can join the onsite event in Taipei, people from all around the world will participate online. Most sessions will be broadcasted and recorded, in English and Chinese.
If you would like to participate, you can register for the event, and check out the program.
3. Present your birthday gift during the WikidataCon 2023
You prepared a present for Wikidata's birthday and would like to present it to the community? You can sign up for the birthday presents lightning talks session that will take place online during the WikidataCon 2023, on Day 2.5, October 29, at 14:15 UTC.
To register for a slot, please read the instructions and add your project to this page.
Please make sure that you are registered for the WikidataCon 2023 in order to access the session.
4. Join or organize other events
You can also autonomously organize a distributed birthday event with your community or in your area: when your event is ready to be announced, please add details on the Distributed events page.
To connect with other people organizing Wikidata-related events, feel free to join the Wikidata Events Telegram group.
If you have any questions or need support, feel free to contact me or to write a message on this talk page.
Looking forward to interacting with you all around the Wikidata birthday!
Best, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk) 06:34, 5 October 2023 (UTC)
Register for the online or onsite WikidataCon 2023
[edit]Hello all,
As you may know, the WikidataCon 2023, the conference dedicated to the Wikidata community, will take place on October 28-29.
People around the world can join online, access the content of the conference live or in replay, and discuss with other participants on the interactive and friendly platform Gathertown. People living in the neighbouring regions have the possibility to join the onsite event taking place at the National Taipei University.
Whether you join online or onsite, we strongly encourage you to sign up by filling out the registration form before October 22, so you can receive all the information you need to attend the event.
While waiting for the WikidataCon to start, you can already have a look at the exciting program put together by community members from the ESEAP region and all around the world.
Finally, you can also consider preparing a present for the Wikidata birthday and presenting it during the birthday presents lightning talks session, and join or organize a satellite event with your local community.
Questions ? Feel free to contact the organizing team by writing on this talk page or at
We are looking forward to seeing you at the WikidataCon 2023!
信件主旨:線上註冊參加或現場參加 WikidataCon 2023
WikidataCon 2023 是專門針對 Wikidata 社群的會議,將於 10 月 28 日至 29 日舉行。
來自全球的人可以在線上參加,選擇觀看直播或看重播的會議內容,並在具有互動性和友善的平台 Gather Town 上,與其他會議參與者進行討論。 居住在臺灣鄰近區域的人,將有機會參加在國立臺北大學舉辦的現場活動。
無論你是參加線上,或是參加實體,我們強烈建議:請於 10 月 22 日以前,填寫報名表,以便你可以取得參加活動所需的所有資訊。
期待 WikidataCon 開始的時間,你可以看到由來自 ESEAP 地區與世界各地的社群成員已經彙整出的精彩議程內容。
最後,你還可以考慮,為 Wikidata Birthday 準備一項禮物,並在生日禮物閃電演講會議期間獻上祝福,並與當地社群一起參加或組織衛星活動。
還有哪些問題嗎? 請隨時在此討論頁面上寫信,或發送電子郵件至 與主辦團隊聯絡。
我們期待在 WikidataCon 2023 上見到你!