Wikidata talk:Edit labels

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The "Unsure" checkbox is not very clear to me. Should I use it instead of selecting one of the buttons? Should I use it as well as one of the buttons? Is it only for the good faith option, or does it mean I'm unsure about whether it's damaging and I'm unsure whether it was in good faith? I would find it more intuitive to have three buttons for good faith (i.e. yes, no, not sure) and a separate skip option for edits I want to skip entirely (e.g. edits for languages I can't understand).

I'm only seeing the item number, which makes it hard to tell what is being edited. It would be helpful if it could display the label and ideally also the description.

I got an edit to Q16943273 in my results. It might make sense to filter out the tour and sandbox items.

- Nikki (talk) 09:19, 7 December 2015 (UTC)[reply]

I agree: I got more than three edits to Q16943273, please, exclude it! --Epìdosis 16:21, 30 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

What about a gadget that allows to label edits of my choosing?[edit]

The way the edit labeling is set up right now does not work for me, as I am simply not motivated/ knowledgeable enough to wade through edits far outside my areas of interest or expertise. However, I am regularly reviewing edits and following up with things like additions, corrections, thank yous, merges or reverts. When engaged in such a follow-up, I would not mind taking a few more seconds to label the particular trigger edit(s) and perhaps my follow-ups as well in a way that would make sense for ORES. Is anyone working/ thinking in this direction? --Daniel Mietchen (talk) 14:03, 27 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]

I opened a ticket for this. --Daniel Mietchen (talk) 14:12, 27 April 2019 (UTC)[reply]