Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/Honoré Daumier

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instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & creator (P170) -> Honoré Daumier (Q187506)

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q187506 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q15727816 } }
image instance of label collection inventory number catalog code inception made from material genre movement depicts
print Eunuchs Reformed by the Bey of Tunis, from 'News of the Day,' published in Le Charivari, January 18, 1860 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.64 1760-01-18 satire
print Une boisson qui ne monte jamais à tête National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1109 18th century
print Dans un cabinet de la maison d'or National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1110 18th century
print Ce n'est pas sous l"empire qu'on aurait dansé comme ca! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1024 18th century
print L'Interieur d'un appartement trop garni... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.632 18th century
print Le printemps annonçant son retour à Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.654 18th century
print Un loge au théâtre VENTADOUR... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.657 18th century
print La planche démontree par le prècepte ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1015 18th century
print Oui c'est bien feue ma femme! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1018 18th century
print Dites donc, not'maire ... des communistes qué qu'c'est ça? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1027 18th century
print Actionnaires de chemins de fer causant dividendes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1037 18th century
print Quant a moi je tiens a employer ... la force du raisonnement National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1028 18th century
print Disciples de M. Cobden National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1042 18th century
print Le jour ou ... Théobald a appris son dégommage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1048 18th century
print Pierre Leroux Osant apostrophe ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.467 18th century
print Monsieur le sténographe ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.470 18th century
print Vue de M. Dupin se rendant a l'assemblée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1043 18th century
print VOILLLLLLLLLLLA LE GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAND galop charivarique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.879 18th century
print M. Dupin dans ses petits souliers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.488 18th century
print Un cauchemar de Mimi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.480 18th century
print Divertissement qui devrait être interdit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.482 18th century
print Vous verrez ... rien n'échappera a la baisse ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.426 18th century
print Un alibi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.419 18th century
print Tout ce qu'on voudra National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1016 18th century
print S'administrant la discipline ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1129 18th century
print Renouvelé de la tour barbe bleue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.610 18th century
print Jeunes gens de cinquante a soixante ans ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.621 18th century
print Parisiens incrédules ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.719 18th century
print La veille du 13 Juin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.720 18th century
print In convénient de tirer les perdreaux ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1212 18th century
print Tiens ... ma femme avec un monsieur ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.740 18th century
print Souvenir du grand festival des orphéonistes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.746 18th century
print Dernière élévation de soulouque National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.752 18th century
print Ah! Théophile ... j'en apprends de belles ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.758 18th century
print Paris grippé National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.763 18th century
print Toujours les merveilles du diamant ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.757 18th century
print L'incomparable somnabule National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1308 18th century
print La harpe, instrument céleste National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1311 18th century
print Les merveilles de la gymnastique ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1313 18th century
print Pisque ca vous amuse ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1322 18th century
print Le quatrième acte d'un drame intéressant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1316 18th century
print La dêroute! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.484 18th century
print Le rêve d'un marguillier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.485 18th century
print Un parricide National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.486 18th century
print Un des ... inconvéniens du macadamisage ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.491 18th century
print Suites du macadamisage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.492 18th century
print Projet de statutes pour orner ... la Bourse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.494 18th century
print Dites donc, M'sieu Colimard ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.495 18th century
print Un Décembrisé National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.496 18th century
print Les suites d'une discussion politique ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.497 18th century
print Une séance du conseil des cinq National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.499 18th century
print Je vous dis que ... il nous faut M. Molé ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.500 18th century
print Frappez et on vous ouvrira! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.505 18th century
print Rentrée des Capucins dans ... Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.507 18th century
print Les burgraves allant en guerre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.509 18th century
print Un autodafé au XIXe siècle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.510 18th century
print Allant aux renseignements politiques ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.512 18th century
print Vue prise au Père Lachaise National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1058 18th century
print Les moucherons politiques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1064 18th century
print Les nouveaux Icares National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1065 18th century
print Les Parisiens ayant trouvé le moyen de circuler ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1066 18th century
print Prestation ... d'un ... membre ... du dix Décembre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1069 18th century
print On dit que les jolies femmes sont ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1071 18th century
print Molé apportant des étrennes au petit thiers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.481 18th century
print Le sauvage bineau ayant ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.490 18th century
print Un réconciliation, scène de haute comédie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.501 18th century
print L'Hercule des Champs-Elysées National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.511 18th century
print Une mauvaise cuisine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1063 18th century
print Passez au large! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.515 18th century
print Le sire de Berryer ...Chevalier ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.525 18th century
print Casmajou -- Ratapoil (tous deux en choeur) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.529 18th century
print Ma femme, t'as tort de me blamer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.547 18th century
print Vous m'excuserez: je vais me mettre a table ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.551 18th century
print L'empereur soulouque ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.514 18th century
print Ce bon M. Ratapoil leur a promis ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.517 18th century
print Un jour de revue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.520 18th century
print Ils voudraient éteindre jusqu'au soleil National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.524 18th century
print Un Bonapartiste nouvellement converti National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.526 18th century
print Une séance de l'union électorale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.528 18th century
print Moi, j'ai habitude de ne ... rien donner National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.543 18th century
print Amateurs parisiens profitant du séjour de Rossini National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.558 18th century
print Examinant le nouveau plafond ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1079 18th century
print Une famille mélomane ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1085 18th century
print Le docteur Véron refusant ... consolation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1091 18th century
print Enlèvement d'une fille de l'air National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1097 18th century
print Conducteur ... j'avais pris vos messageries ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1101 18th century
print A qui penses-tu donc, coquenard? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.553 18th century
print Toutes le Parisiennes qui possèdent des chiens ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.564 18th century
print Oh! Monsieur, quel talent possède ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1083 18th century
print Un train de plaisir aérien National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1095 18th century
print Le danger de faire voir a des enfants ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1105 18th century
print Un jour ou l'on ne paye pas National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.572 18th century
print Maniére d'entrainer les cosaques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.593 18th century
print Artistes en train d'examiner ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1107 18th century
print Le déjeuner du patron le sixiéme clerc ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1113 18th century
print Tiens, papa, te v'la! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.570 18th century
print Quand sonnent quatre heures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.573 18th century
print Oui, Mossieu Fremouillet, tout va de mal en pis ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1116 18th century
print Les alliés s'appretent a pousser les opérations ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1147 18th century
print Paris enrhume National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1151 18th century
print Ce qui nous prouve ... que ce colosse ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.600 18th century
print Sébastopol National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.611 18th century
print L'empereur Nicolas recevant une députation ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1118 18th century
print Le roi des grecs ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1121 18th century
print Un terrible cauchemar National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1133 18th century
print Le soldat...Je sais... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1145 18th century
print La fonte d'un colosse de neige National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.599 18th century
print Est-ce le garçon? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.633 18th century
print Croquis pris aux Champs Elysées National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1153 18th century
print Une lecture intéressante et rafraichissante National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1157 18th century
print C'est bien décidé ... Je ne chasserai plus avec vous! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1163 18th century
print Toujours la heunesse-flourens National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1169 18th century
print A Naples: Voyons, je lui fais grace ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1175 18th century
print Ma chére, je vous apporte une potiche ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1181 18th century
print Toujours le livre de M. Flourens National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1186 18th century
print C'été Molière que été sur ce monumente ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1191 18th century
print Mon dieu, mon dieu ... pourvu ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.620 18th century
print Que diable peut-il bien y avoir dans ce fourré-la? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1167 18th century
print Adélaide ... ma bonne ... fais donc ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1179 18th century
print Aux Champs-Elysées...De trois a six heures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1192 18th century
print C'est peut-être bon ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.666 18th century
print Mr Prudhomme...ce n'est pas moi qui me ferai ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.646 18th century
print Progrès de l'équitation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.662 18th century
print La justice chinoise National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.967 18th century
print Chinois causant politique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.975 18th century
print En garde national National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.953 18th century
print Le chemisier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.958 18th century
print La dame qui cultive les arts National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.962 18th century
print Les courses de chevaux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.971 18th century
print Les paysagistes. Le premier copie la nature National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1329 18th century
print Porter des charges comme ca 'puis six heures ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1290 18th century
print Faut pas s'plaindre de c'temps-la ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1292 18th century
print Un crimimel! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1293 18th century
print Les personnes de l'aimable société qui ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1309 18th century
print En délicatesse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1318 18th century
print Ah! Vous l'êtes ... que voulez-vous que ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1319 18th century
print Le garde du commerce National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1325 18th century
print Ah! Mon cher monsieur, vous m'avez ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.765 18th century
print Elle est encore très bien, cette dame ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.771 18th century
print Moi d'abord sitot que je vois un lièvre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.772 18th century
print Madame ...Nous voici ... au quinze Novembre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.776 18th century
print Quien! ... Core des parisiens qui veniont s'baigner ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.777 18th century
print Un philosophe National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.767 18th century
print Halte!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.828 18th century
print Floraison du Cactus-grandiflorus... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.661 18th century
print "-Ouriskoff!..trouvez-vous cela ressemblant?" from Actualities National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.604 18th century
print Ce monsieur Courbet... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.628 18th century
print Un rendez-vous National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.951 18th century
print Ma greffe d'un cerisier sur un abricotier n'a pas pris ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.987 18th century
print Un neveu qu gagne cruellement une succession National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.984 18th century
print Un amour propre satisfait National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.942 18th century
print Un usage d'Inde National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.944 18th century
print Un banquet de barbistes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.952 18th century
print Une consultation scientifique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.960 18th century
print Dis donc ... mon mari ...j'ai bien envie d'appeler mon drama ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.981 18th century
print Mr. Alfred Cabassol ... recevez ce signe de l'honneur ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.998 18th century
print Ah! Ciel maman maman ... Ah! Dieu ma fille ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.991 18th century
print Ce qu'on appelle, aller jouir a la campagne ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.992 18th century
print Dire pourtant que j'avais planté des pommes de terre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.993 18th century
print Les èleves de l'institution Pascareau essayent un nouvel uniforme ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1005 18th century
print Ne l'effraye pas Eudoxie... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1010 18th century
print C'est demain la fête de sa femme National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1011 18th century
print Mossieu Rabourdeau ... je ne parlerai plus politique avec vous .. National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1012 18th century
print Ouverture de la chasse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.639 18th century
print A Haiti National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.640 18th century
print Emigration National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.645 18th century
print Vous voila maintenant passe citoyen National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.647 18th century
print Courses nautiques de 1856 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.655 18th century
print Aspect de Paris, depuis qu'on a joue... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.663 18th century
print Un animal rempli de modestie... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.665 18th century
print V'la une p'tite femme qu'est pas paresseuse ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.696 18th century
print Un rappel de chanteuse ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.697 18th century
print L'astronome allemand lachant un ... Canard National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.709 18th century
print Les inqiétudes du viticulteur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1224 18th century
print Le bon temps est passé ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1219 18th century
print Mr. Prudhomme vouant son fils au ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1220 18th century
print Ayant eu la vaniteuse idée de vouloir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.779 18th century
print Grand bal a petit orchestre... (recto); Une société en nom collectif (verso) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.787 18th century
print Aux bains a quatre sous National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.809 18th century
print Le premier bain National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.810 18th century
print Prenant le titre ... de Mr de Girardin trop au sérieux ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.818 18th century
print Gentlemen en toilette de workhouse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.820 18th century
print Exercises de l'hercule prussien National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.822 18th century
print Le Président de la diète National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.823 18th century
print Un inventeur qui craint que son fonds ne luis reste ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.827 18th century
print Cocher! La main de notre fille! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.829 18th century
print Concert européen National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.831 18th century
print Renouvelée de la fontaine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.833 18th century
print Les augures modernes ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.836 18th century
print Que faites-vous donc la avec ces civières National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.845 18th century
print Pauvre vieux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.846 18th century
print Pourvu que l'aiguilleur ne fasse rien dérailler! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.849 18th century
print Les vendanges a Argenteuil National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1332 18th century
print Mr. et Mme Prudhomme prenant un ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1339 18th century
print Chargé ... de garder les insignes de la souverainté National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1341 18th century
print Que diable est-ce qu'ils font la-haut! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.855 18th century
print Pauvre vieux! T'es comme moi ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.857 18th century
print Je t'en avais comblé ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.862 18th century
print Le hic c'est quand il s'agit de lui mettre une tête National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.868 18th century
print Nos saltimbanques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.874 18th century
print Assaut de la tribune National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.466 18th century
print Un discours fatigant pour le président National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.468 18th century
print Vois-tu, le petit estancelin comme il parle ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.474 18th century
print Une mine d'or qui dort National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1482 18th century
print Un peintre fantaisiste National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.801 18th century
print Ah! Mon cher monsieur, permettez de ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.802 18th century
print Quelle société abatarde et corrompue ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.803 18th century
print Votre client est un gredin ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1334 18th century
print Chut ... ! Ma fille est en communication ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.815 18th century
print Ca mord, quelle chance! Je vous défends ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1337 18th century
print La rèforme électorale en angleterre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.819 18th century
print Et ces deux grands débris se consolaient National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1342 18th century
print J'ai eu beau le bercer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1343 18th century
print Les chasses ... ne se ressemblent pas National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1346 18th century
print Hi! hi! ... Il m'a léché le beurre de ma tartine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.826 18th century
print Un divertissement de pékin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.334 18th century
print Eh bien Malin! comment le trouvez vous celui-la! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.880 18th century
print Tiens vous v'la, què que vous avez donc la National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.881 18th century
print La cour rend des services et non pas des arrêts! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.187 18th century
print Le vol au renfoncement National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.190 18th century
print Bertrand, j'adore l'industrie... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.193 18th century
print Robert Macaire banquier et juré National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.196 18th century
print Une mine d'or qui dort National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.199 18th century
print Votre visite a été bien courte ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.580 18th century
print La voyez-vous la comète? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1430 18th century
print Croyant l'apercevoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1431 18th century
print La parisiens dans l'attente de la ...comète National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1432 18th century
print Ah! Pauv' Madame Chaffarou ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1433 18th century
print C'est tout d'même flatteur d'avoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1434 18th century
print Le chapeau qu'on rapporte de Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.341 18th century
print J'aimerais autant voir un ouragan ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1435 18th century
print Passager ayant payé ... pour se rendre a New-York ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1436 18th century
print Les comédiens de société National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1437 18th century
print Une méprise a l'odéon ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1438 18th century
print Pas mèche!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.869 18th century
print Un joli calembour National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.913 18th century
print Le départ de l'hiver National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1439 18th century
print Devant le tableau de M. G. Moreau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1440 18th century
print Distribution de vivres un jour d'extra National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.595 18th century
print Les russes encourageant l'agriculture National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.601 18th century
print Bigre! ... j'ai eu tort de me mettre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.613 18th century
print Un amateur difficile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1441 18th century
print La buvette National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1442 18th century
print Ohé! ... Combien votre lievre? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1443 18th century
print Quelle chance! J'ai tué un frquet! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1444 18th century
print L'eau est-elle bonne? ... / Une pleine eau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1445 18th century
print Villageois économes se contentant ... ; A la campagne, pas de grèves de cochers ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1446 18th century
print A Clichy National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1447 18th century
print Devant le tableau de M. Manet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1448 18th century
print Voyons ... admirez au moins ce Courbet! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1449 18th century
print Une plaisanterie dont ne se lasse ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1450 18th century
print Mon chagrin c'est de ne pouvoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1451 18th century
print Association en commandite our l'exposition de l'humanité a la santé des pratiques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.918 18th century
print Tiens, le moineau a été sepercher National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1452 18th century
print Allons bon ... c'est encore mon chien ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1453 18th century
print Robert Macaire Md de Bibles National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.202 18th century
print Au fait, maitre Barbotteau... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.207 18th century
print Que Diable Monsieur Ne Bougez donc pas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.208 18th century
print Garçon brasseur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.213 18th century
print Vous sentez bien, mon cher monsieur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.221 18th century
print Garçon, qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.225 18th century
print Vous savez bien l'éponge que vous disiez... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.227 18th century
print Oui, chère amie, jaloux tant que tu voudras!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.229 18th century
print Mariez-vous donc! vieux Grigou... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.232 18th century
print Ciel! trouve ma femme déménagée! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.235 18th century
print Hein! comme il regarde les cervelas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.238 18th century
print Visite matinale d'un créancier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.241 18th century
print Quelle heure est'il, s'il vous plait?... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.244 18th century
print Saisissement National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.246 18th century
print Ma fois je ne sais pas comment ils ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.250 18th century
print Ascension de Jèsus-Christ National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.254 18th century
print A bon chat bon rat National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.260 18th century
print On reprend son bien ou on le trouve National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.263 18th century
print C'est pesque toujours a la halle ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.265 18th century
print Le marchand de contremarques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.268 18th century
print L'ami d'un grand homme National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.272 18th century
print Réglement de comptes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.277 18th century
print Argument irrésistible National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.279 18th century
print Cré nom: Elles sont plus heureuses ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.281 18th century
print En choeur. Le soleil est si beau ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.284 18th century
print La veille des Thermopyles National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.287 18th century
print L'épée de Damoclès National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.290 18th century
print Marius à Carthage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.295 18th century
print A la tribune National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.301 18th century
print Tiens! Moi qui croyais que nous venions de découvrir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.303 18th century
print Impressions et compressions de voyage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.310 18th century
print On vous a pris en flagrant délit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.314 18th century
print Je te dis que je l'ai fait partir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.321 18th century
print Un coléoptère chinois National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.335 18th century
print Femme de lettre humanitaire se livrant sur l'homme ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.337 18th century
print T'as tort de vouloir afficher cette ... annonce ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.339 18th century
print Ah! Monsieur ...votre bouillon est ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.342 18th century
print Monsieur vous qui êtes si bon ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.348 18th century
print Mais pis que j'vous dis qu'c'est des amis ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.358 18th century
print Nouveau propriètaire faisant connaissance avec le chien ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.361 18th century
print Aux petits des oisons, ils donnent la mangeaille ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.362 18th century
print Ah! Tu rapportes tout au maître ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.368 18th century
print Tiens Dorothée ... Voila où m'a conduit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.371 18th century
print Il est devenu pro-pri-é-taire! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.375 18th century
print Ah! ... Je crois que ce sont des oiseaux de proie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.379 18th century
print Si tu ne viens pas plus que ça au collège ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.389 18th century
print Elle a encore ... une jolie taille Madame Coquardeau! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.393 18th century
print Ayant faitartie des muscadins sous le directoire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.395 18th century
print Vois-tu, c'est l'éclipse qui commence ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.399 18th century
print J'veux a boire! Mais puisque j'vous dis ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.402 18th century
print La femme doit suivre son mari ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.404 18th century
print Mon pauvre azor qu'est mort! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.410 18th century
print Manière polie de mettre ... a la porte ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.413 18th century
print Un citoyen exaspéré par les buffleteries National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.418 18th century
print Deux ex capacité de l'ancien régime National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.421 18th century
print Allongeons le pas ... voila ceux hommes ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.427 18th century
print M'sieu, c'est une lettre de trois sous ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.429 18th century
print Les maris ne sont pas ce qu'un vain peuple pense! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.431 18th century
print A.O. Glais-Bizoin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.443 18th century
print Achille Tenaille de Vaulabelle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.449 18th century
print Les amis de la paix ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.452 18th century
print Qu'est la femme aujourd'hui dans la société ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.458 18th century
print Ma femme reste bien longtemps a ce banquet ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.460 18th century
print Troisième et dernière séance du congrès ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.463 18th century
print Le sauvage bineau faisant son entrée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.473 18th century
print Entrée en classe du jeune Estancelin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.476 18th century
print Fête du 4 Mai National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.487 18th century
print Ratapoil et Casmajou National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.498 18th century
print Oh! Ciel Madeleine! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.504 18th century
print Un cauchemar d'un ...Bourgeois de la Place St. Georges National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.506 18th century
print Alliance des Bonapartistes et des Capucins National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.508 18th century
print Mimi Vèron croit avoir ... trouvé le ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1053 18th century
print Je ne puis en croire ma lorgnette ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.534 18th century
print Décidément elle est bien malade! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.538 18th century
print Zaïre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.541 18th century
print Oh! Papa, papa ...v'la un beau ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.545 18th century
print Eh! Ben et mon verre ... si je n'ai pas ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.546 18th century
print Restaurateur au Bois de Boulogne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.548 18th century
print Aux Champs-Elysées National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.559 18th century
print Un nouvel Hercule Farnèse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.562 18th century
print T'nez, v'la encore M'sieu Godard ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1072 18th century
print En v'la une bonne chasse! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.591 18th century
print A Bucharest National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.594 18th century
print Un effet des démolitions dans Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1108 18th century
print Les boyards réduits a cultiver ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.602 18th century
print Cavales cosaques mortes de soif ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.605 18th century
print Il faut avouer que je viens d'avoir une ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.608 18th century
print D'ou arrives-tu? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.614 18th century
print Nouveau divertissement des soirées National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.624 18th century
print Vue prise dans un atelier ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.627 18th century
print Auras-tu bientot fini de regarder ces chales? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.630 18th century
print Abordage a l'ile Saint-Denis National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.635 18th century
print Le portier de Mr Vautour National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1155 18th century
print Le rébus illustré National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.325 18th century
print Ne sachant plus comment utiliser leurs loisirs ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.651 18th century
print A Bercy: Nous faisons ... ce que nous pouvons ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.660 18th century
print Réunion de Savants se proposant... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.667 18th century
print Les nouveaux chalets National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.664 18th century
print M. Coste, s'apercevant qu'a force de tirer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.670 18th century
print Impressions de vendages National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.677 18th century
print Comment, madame ... J'ai l'imprudence ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.680 18th century
print Les thèatres au mois d'aout National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1197 18th century
print Mr 'Prudhomme a la chasse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.687 18th century
print Mr Prudhomme. Tu vois, Oh! Mon fils ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1208 18th century
print Le régisseur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.693 18th century
print La princesse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1216 18th century
print Tiens ... vous m'aviez dit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.702 18th century
print J'en voulons point d'vot' billet ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.705 18th century
print Je n'ai pas peur de la mort pour moi ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.712 18th century
print Un jour de verglas National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1301 18th century
print Ah! ... Comme cette cheminée fume ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.785 18th century
print Mr Hume se passant la fantaisie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.723 18th century
print Par suite de la maladie de la vigne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.725 18th century
print Comment, c'est dans cette cave que ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.728 18th century
print Vot' Bourgeois est-y pour liberté de la boucherie? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.734 18th century
print Le rues de Paris dans les premiers jours de Septembre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.739 18th century
print Voici les francais! ... je fille ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.742 18th century
print Viens donc ..., mon ami, je ne trouve pas ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.751 18th century
print Ne craignez rien ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.745 18th century
print J'ai acheté ... un tonneau de vin ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.754 18th century
print Le coin des politiques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.760 18th century
print Une visite du jour de l'an National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1241 18th century
print Un renseignement National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.773 18th century
print Ou allez-vous donc? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.775 18th century
print Pour la septième fois voulez-vous me rendre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.764 18th century
print Tout n'est pas rose dans l'agriculture ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1302 18th century
print Le retour est souvent difficile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.790 18th century
print En v'la un qu'est un drole de corps ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1323 18th century
print Les crétins! ... On leur peint un tableau ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1331 18th century
print J'ai donc tué un perdreau! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1335 18th century
print Des huitres a vingt-cinq sous la douzaine ... ! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.821 18th century
print Mon cher Holsteinois, votez je vous en prie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.824 18th century
print Hier le fusil a aiguille, eux demain ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.830 18th century
print Turgot -- Eh bien mon pauvre condé ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.832 18th century
print En ballon captif National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.834 18th century
print Comment Madame Prudhomme ... En vivandière ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.838 18th century
print La rentrée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.843 18th century
print La perche National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.850 18th century
print Et ils veulent rattraper le train!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.853 18th century
print C'est pourtant pas pour ca ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.859 18th century
print Un nouveau théatre modèle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.876 18th century
print M. Frémouillot je vous y prends, vous connaissez... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.883 18th century
print L'instituteur: votre fils me fera honneur!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.888 18th century
print L'ouie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.892 18th century
print Vois-tu Bertrand... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.894 18th century
print Ce matin avant l'aurore... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.897 18th century
print Le mari. Bobonne veux-tu l'étrenne de ma barbe? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.903 18th century
print Bonsoir ché ton épicier nous voyait... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.909 18th century
print Une profession de foi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.911 18th century
print Pélerinage de St Roch National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.917 18th century
print L'inconvénient de se faire bichonner ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.945 18th century
print Un monsieur qui se rajeunit National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.947 18th century
print Un mari trop aimé de sa femme National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.948 18th century
print L'amateur de melons National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.959 18th century
print Une loterie philantropique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.961 18th century
print Un souvenir de gloire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.963 18th century
print Mariage chinois National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.968 18th century
print Une récompense artistique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.976 18th century
print Les mendians National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.979 18th century
print Allons! ... On n'a pas encore rendu compte de mon roman ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.983 18th century
print Un monsieur qui voulu étudier ... les moeurs ... des abeilles National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.986 18th century
print Danger de se trouver au milieu d'une course au clocher National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.988 18th century
print A asniéres National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.780 18th century
print La vielle méthode National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.996 18th century
print Un jeune homme pour qui rien n'est sacre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.999 18th century
print Le leçon d'histoire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1002 18th century
print Un jeune homme en train d'acquérir ... un art d'agrément National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1007 18th century
print C'est l'apollon du nouvel opéra National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.854 18th century
print Comment se termine ... une conversation conugale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1014 18th century
print Je voudrais bien savoir quel est ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.806 18th century
print La cinquième acte a la gaité National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1020 18th century
print Le spectacle est une chose bonne pour le peuple de Paris ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1023 18th century
print Sainte Rosette Tamisier ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.530 18th century
print V'la pourtant ma femme qui s'en va ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1030 18th century
print Francois, votre cousin le pompier est venu ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1033 18th century
print Saprelotte ... Complet! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1036 18th century
print Oui! Puisque je trouve un ami si fidèle ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1038 18th century
print Un citoyen exaspéré par les buffleteries National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1041 18th century
print Cérémonie imposante du scrutin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1046 18th century
print Soirée chez M. Dupin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1049 18th century
print Achille Vèron se retirant sous sa tente National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1056 18th century
print Seul costume ...approprié a ce personnage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1061 18th century
print Prochaine ordannace du préfet de police National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1068 18th century
print Membres de la société de secours du Dix-Décembre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1070 18th century
print Ell me plait beaucoup ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1075 18th century
print Le morceau qu'on obligé d'avalier ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1080 18th century
print En train de charmer toute une société ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1086 18th century
print Ou l'on reconnait ... un ancien pharmacien National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1089 18th century
print Emotion du docteur Véron ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1092 18th century
print Un service ... pas facile a rendre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1098 18th century
print La gare du chemin de fer de Boulogne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1099 18th century
print Arrivée a une station National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1102 18th century
print Une maitresse a l'opera National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.955 18th century
print Ce qu'on est convenue d'appeler un rafraichissement National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1111 18th century
print En valachie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1124 18th century
print S'étant placé sur une pente dangereuse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1127 18th century
print Costumes russes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1130 18th century
print Tableau ... de l'empire de russie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1136 18th century
print Se passant la fantaisie de faire naufrager ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1139 18th century
print Un inspecteur général russe National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1142 18th century
print Deux Grands-Ducs Lachés ... sur Sébastopol National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1148 18th century
print Continuant ... Le divertissement des tables tournantes ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1152 18th century
print Vue prise sur n'importe quel boulevard National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1158 18th century
print C'est bizarre ... été National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1161 18th century
print La pluie tombe déja comme ça depuis ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1164 18th century
print A Flourens, la jeunesse reconnaissante! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1170 18th century
print A Naples: Délégués de la commission ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1173 18th century
print Le nouveau polichinelle napolitan National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1176 18th century
print De l'inconvénient d'aimer a la fois ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1182 18th century
print Un affreux cauchemar National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1185 18th century
print Premières impressions...Stupefaction ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1189 18th century
print Lecteur du moniteur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.300 18th century
print Un directeur de n'importe quel theatre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1199 18th century
print Une visite aux bains National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1202 18th century
print Tiens papa! ... un singe! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1205 18th century
print Parisien commencant a regretter ... la chasse au lion ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1211 18th century
print Si le chasseur a froiD ... le lièvre n'a pas froid ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1214 18th century
print De l'utilité d'une famille pour une cantatrice National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.699 18th century
print On dit qu'on commence déja a la voir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.704 18th century
print Décidément, ce qui, cette année, obtient ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1230 18th century
print La dernière semaine avant l'ouverture du salon ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1233 18th century
print Le nouvel étendard des blanchisseuses National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1236 18th century
print Mon vieux, ta peinture manque de chaleur ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1286 18th century
print Il me semble que nous allons dèrailler ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1249 18th century
print Les bourgeois ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1252 18th century
print J'en aurais fait un boucher ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1255 18th century
print Aspect de la rue Lacépède ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1261 18th century
print Voyons Mr. le Baron ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1264 18th century
print Dites-donc Baptiste ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1267 18th century
print Le terrible régisseur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1272 18th century
print Le mère de la débutante National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1275 18th century
print Eh bien, mon cher, vous avez perdu ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1278 18th century
print Seul moyen de faire avec sécurité National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1284 18th century
print Soyez donc pas dégouté comme ca ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1291 18th century
print Dire qu'il y a des gens qui boivent de l'absinthe ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1300 18th century
print C'est bien agréable de jardiner National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1303 18th century
print Une journée de pluie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1306 18th century
print L'accordéon, dit soufflet a musique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1312 18th century
print Plus qu'un point! ... Pas de chance!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1315 18th century
print Voisin, êtes-vous comme moi? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.792 18th century
print On nous avait dit de venir dans ce pays ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1324 18th century
print Un réveil en sursaut National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1327 18th century
print Cette année encore des vénus ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1330 18th century
print Dis donc, mon homme, s'ils savaient ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.814 18th century
print Le prèvenu National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1338 18th century
print La toile!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1344 18th century
print Dire que peut-être j'en serai réduit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.618 18th century
print Ventre affamé n'a pas d'orleilles National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.919 18th century
print Bien venu qui apporte National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.920 18th century
print Un homme sans asile ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.921 18th century
print Les petits présens ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.922 18th century
print Le groom public National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.923 18th century
print L'allumeur de chalands National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.924 18th century
print Probité chinoise National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.970 18th century
print Entrez donc dans la mer sans crainte ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.638 18th century
print Hola, hé! Madame l'hotesse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.925 18th century
print Le lecture du journal National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.926 18th century
print La pipe matinale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.927 18th century
print L'habitué de la boutique de Félix National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.928 18th century
print Le brodeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.929 18th century
print Trop de politesse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1242 18th century
print Le réfugié politique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1455 18th century
print Crévera! Crévera pas! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.851 18th century
print Le regulateur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.930 18th century
print La patience est la vertu des ânes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1454 18th century
print Macaire Hértier-Philantrope National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.931 18th century
print Le recors National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1456 18th century
print Encore mes créanciers, toujours ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1457 18th century
print Excellent placement National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1458 18th century
print Un monsieur tenant a prouver qu'il peut ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1459 18th century
print Amateurs classiques ... convaincus ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1460 18th century
print Ah! Fouchtrra! ... Ma femme ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.932 18th century
print Fidèles aux vieux usages ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1461 18th century
print Les facconnant les Moldo-Valaques ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1462 18th century
print Ayant enfin trouvé le moyen d'utiliser leurs loisirs! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1463 18th century
print Dire que peut-être j'en serai réduit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1464 18th century
print Qui veut de la couronne de Bysance? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1465 18th century
print Saint Serge ... Mon bon Saint Serge! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1466 18th century
print Le czar a Sébastopol National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1467 18th century
print Le séduira-t-il? Les Paris sont ouverts National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1468 18th century
print Un léger zéphir annoncant l'arrivée du printemps National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1469 18th century
print Ce Monsieur Courbet, fait des figures ... vulgaires ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1470 18th century
print Descendant joyeusement le fleuve de la vie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1471 18th century
print Vue prise aux bains a quatre sous National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1472 18th century
print Je crois que je tiens un lièvre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1473 18th century
print Je viens prévenir le roi Agamemnon ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1474 18th century
print Scène d'Hippophagie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1475 18th century
print Vous viendrez diner, ma femme soupe en ville ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.933 18th century
print J'la croyais mieux qu'ça ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1476 18th century
print Ou ça bourgeois? C'est-il a l'heure ou ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.934 18th century
print Tout est perdu! Fors la caisse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1477 18th century
print Ton, ton ... ton taine ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.935 18th century
print Une petite séance a la buvette National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1478 18th century
print L'intérim d'un instituteur suspen du ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1479 18th century
print La note ou la vie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1480 18th century
print Les Parisiens dans l'attente de le ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.717 18th century
print Ménélas vainqueur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.936 18th century
print Le retour d'Ulysse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.937 18th century
print Une rencontre de jouyeauz augures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.938 18th century
print Une station infiniment trop prolongée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1351 18th century
print Un Voyage d'Agrément de Paris a Orléons National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1352 18th century
print L'enlevement d'Hélène National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.939 18th century
print Le fil d'Ariane National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.940 18th century
print Un Jour de 1ère Représentation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.941 18th century
print Vue ... et elévation des ... omnibus du boulevard ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.581 18th century
print Faut pas vous désoler comme ca ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.583 18th century
print Chez le tailleur chez le coiffeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.584 18th century
print La difficulté d'arriver a une place National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.585 18th century
print Ce qui nous prouve comme quoi il est ... inutile ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1217 18th century
print Un amateur difficile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.770 18th century
print C'est tout d'même flatteur d'avoir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.729 18th century
print Devant le tableau de M. G. Moreau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.769 18th century
print Ah! Ma pauv' Madame Chaffarou ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.718 18th century
print Plaisanterie que se permettent ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.736 18th century
print Ils m'ont refusé ca ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.748 18th century
print Dans la galerie du Louvre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.586 18th century
print Un Monsieur tenant à prouver qu'il peut... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.560 18th century
print En train de ...confectionner quelques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1123 18th century
print Une Descente en parachute National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.567 18th century
print Amateurs classiques convaincus National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.569 18th century
print Laisse-moi regarder encore ... papa! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.574 18th century
print Précaution indispensable que prennent les Parisiens ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1223 18th century
print Si tu veux, je t'achète deux cents billes ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1226 18th century
print Ce qu'on appelle les plasirs du turf National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1227 18th century
print Papa ... viens donc voir ce qui est ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1232 18th century
print Les parisiens en vendages National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1238 18th century
print Ayant abusé du raisin de 1857 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1239 18th century
print Le constructeur du Léviathan se décidant ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1245 18th century
print Archimède démontrant aux ingènieurs anglais ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1246 18th century
print La personne ... demande a monter tout de suite ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1251 18th century
print Eh! Ben ... puisque vous voulez qu' les bouchers ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1257 18th century
print Les débats ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.587 18th century
print Tiens, mon ami, voici M. Chapoulard ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.588 18th century
print T'nez not' maitr' en voila un p'tit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.590 18th century
print Ce ne sont plus des femmes, ce sont des ballons National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1171 18th century
print Aspect des boulevards pendant la foire aux bibelots National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.644 18th century
print Fureur de Mr Cobden ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.648 18th century
print Mmrs. Cobden, Gladsone et Brigth ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.649 18th century
print He bien! t'ant pis!...nous plaiderons. j'aime mieux ça... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.882 18th century
print Ayant trop fêté la Saint-Hubert National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1295 18th century
print Mr. Cunin Grid...(Cunin-Gridaine) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.174 18th century
print Sire! Lisbonne est prise... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.175 18th century
print Parlons, Madame...ces nudités sont révoltantes... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.817 18th century
print La voyez-vous la comète? ... La-haut ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.708 18th century
print Une erreur excuable National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.700 18th century
print Entre recors National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.794 18th century
print Une mission délicate National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.299 18th century
print Le Petit Thiers, Baptisé Doctrinaire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.186 18th century
print Mon Dieu! Monseigneur, je suis... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.197 18th century
print Robert Macaire commissionnaire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.200 18th century
print Robert Macaire Directeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.203 18th century
print Triomphe de la probité politique commerciale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.204 18th century
print Mon cher ami, je vous présent Monsieur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.206 18th century
print La fourmi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.211 18th century
print Le Crocodile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.212 18th century
print Un échantillon de ce qu'on appèll...les beaux de paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.218 18th century
print Tout est payé? Nous n'avons fait...salut National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.220 18th century
print Le Toucher National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.223 18th century
print Je suis le plus grand ennemi des factions National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.224 18th century
print Soyez tranquille bourgeois, on connait National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.226 18th century
print Dire que ça si dandine avec un petit air... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.228 18th century
print La plainte en adultère National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.233 18th century
print En v'là un petit pochard! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.234 18th century
print Le mari du bas-bleu... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.236 18th century
print J'ai trois sous National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.240 18th century
print Ma patrie, a moi?... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.247 18th century
print Je me dis en moi-même National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.249 18th century
print Mme Greluche: Oh Gustave, qu'elle est bonne! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.252 18th century
print Qui aime Bertrand aime son chien National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.261 18th century
print Comme on fait son lit on se couche National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.259 18th century
print Ce monsieur, au sortier de l'estaminet ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.257 18th century
print On n'est jamais bien servi que par soi-même National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.258 18th century
print Le mari lisant: nous étions mollement étendus... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.230 18th century
print Il n'ya pas pourtant qu'une heure que je tire! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.231 18th century
print Le dernier bain! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.256 18th century
print Allons lancez vous père goutot... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.253 18th century
print Pauvre jeune homme! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.255 18th century
print Grand Gueux va! je voudrais t'y voir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.237 18th century
print L'or est une chimère National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.239 18th century
print Il ne faut pas mettre le doigt ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.262 18th century
print En voila un de jobard! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.264 18th century
print Cabriolet là M'sieu, là M'sieu... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.242 18th century
print ce qui prouve que quand on fait...patrouille... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.243 18th century
print M'ame Bonneau... J'aime m'ame Bonneau moi!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.210 18th century
print suis courtier de commerce... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.245 18th century
print Désagrément de causer avec les gens... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.219 18th century
print Traquenards politiques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.185 18th century
print Robert Macaire commis-voyageur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.195 18th century
print La Vue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.222 18th century
print La Dot...vous connaissez la fortune... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.198 18th century
print Une promenade d'argrément aux Champs-Elysées National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.622 18th century
print Le barbier pense a ses créanciers... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.248 18th century
print Dis donc, Macaire, qué que c'est que c'thé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.201 18th century
print Dis donc, not'homme, faut-y ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.571 18th century
print Je crois que c'est un lièvre... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.589 18th century
print Théatre de palais royal... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.205 18th century
print Le Charivari, obligé de refaire...une vouvelle vue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.835 18th century
print De Podenas National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.173 18th century
print Comme quoi tout le monde de peut ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.578 18th century
print Une soirées musicale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.579 18th century
print Les Mannequins Politiques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.176 18th century
print Un corps de garde peint par Decamps National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.182 18th century
print L'antre du lion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.184 18th century
print Des oeufs de Pâques longs â couver National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.840 18th century
print Mes pauvres raisins, si vous ne revenez pas à la santé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.582 18th century
print Je viens prévenir le roi Agamemnon ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.691 18th century
print Monsieur Berryer devant sa glace ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.537 18th century
print Vous allez bien aujourd'hui, M'sieu Chapoulard? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1115 18th century
print Qu'as-tu donc, Robert? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.278 18th century
print Bon mot du temps National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.291 18th century
print Un marchand de vin contrarié dans son commerce National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.298 18th century
print La famille de l'électeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.302 18th century
print Aspect des rues de Paris depuis ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.681 18th century
print Le Perruquier du Faubourg National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.189 18th century
print Qu'est-ce que vous faites la... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.191 18th century
print La loge grillée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.192 18th century
print Robert Macaire philantrope National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.194 18th century
print Vous raisonnez comme une canne! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.214 18th century
print Auteurs dramatiques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.216 18th century
print Eh bien! Vous voila capitaine de la garde nationale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.217 18th century
print Le Md de Chaines de suretés National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.266 18th century
print La Glaneuse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.267 18th century
print Le Protecteur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.269 18th century
print L'ancien négociant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.270 18th century
print Le membre de toutes les académies National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.271 18th century
print Les comédiens de province National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.273 18th century
print L'amateur de café National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.274 18th century
print Oui, monsieur, vous voyez en moi une victime National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.275 18th century
print Robert Macaire professeur de français National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.276 18th century
print Mossieu le concierge National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.675 18th century
print Ne laissez donc pas votre ami dans cet état la! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.282 18th century
print Adieu! ... A la grâce de dieu ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.283 18th century
print Paganini moderne ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.285 18th century
print Ou peut on être mieux ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.286 18th century
print La colére d'Agamemnon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.288 18th century
print Socrate chez aspasie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.289 18th century
print Ayant eu la facheuse idée d'aller ... au bord de l'eau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.683 18th century
print Marius a minturnes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.292 18th century
print Télémaque et Mentor National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.293 18th century
print Télémaque rendu a la vertu National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.294 18th century
print Hippolyte lardé par Cupidon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.296 18th century
print Désillusion! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.297 18th century
print Divertissement ... renouvelé des Grecs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.686 18th century
print Une nouvelle maniére de descendre le fleuve de la vie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.304 18th century
print Cristi! ... Notre canot a rompu son amarre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.305 18th century
print Combat Naval National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.308 18th century
print Et ... Voila ...Les voyageurs qui nous passent devant le nez! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.309 18th century
print Le danger de s'assoupir en voyage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.311 18th century
print Eh! Mère Godichet c'est pas étonnant ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.313 18th century
print Quand tu étais dans ton village t'aurais ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.315 18th century
print François, qui est-ce qui a bu mon vin ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.317 18th century
print Le jardin des Tuileries National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.318 18th century
print Merci! Ce monsieur m'invite a chasser ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.319 18th century
print Un jour de grande tenue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.322 18th century
print Le mardi gras National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.323 18th century
print Un article louangeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.326 18th century
print Un homme a la mer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.306 18th century
print Un léger manuscrit National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.327 18th century
print Les satanés séducteurs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.332 18th century
print Le vin de propriétaire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.333 18th century
print Carotte du calicot National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.338 18th century
print Le portrait au daguéréotype National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.340 18th century
print Désolé ... Je suis de la société des philantropes du nord ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.343 18th century
print Monsieur, je souscris pour le temblement de terre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.344 18th century
print Hier dans la rue Saint-Honoré ... unviellard National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.345 18th century
print Messieurs les juré ... l'accusé a tué Jean Maclou ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.346 18th century
print Tire ferme, Gaspard ... y va s'neyer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.347 18th century
print Approchez M. Gérenflot ... venez recevoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.349 18th century
print N'ayez pas d'inquiètoude ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.351 18th century
print Apportez, messieurs, apportez ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.352 18th century
print Monsieur par suite de la fusion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.354 18th century
print Mon cher ami, nous avons appris ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.356 18th century
print Le mari veut qu'on regarde sa couche ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.357 18th century
print Un léger coup de vent National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.364 18th century
print Premier grand prix de mathématiques, M. Cabuchet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.366 18th century
print Eléves de sixième voulant jouer aux rhétoriciens National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.367 18th century
print Un jour déclipse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.370 18th century
print Dis donc, ravignard, si nos femmes nous voyaient! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.374 18th century
print Un amateur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.386 18th century
print Inconvénient d'épouser une femme qui possède un talent d'agrément National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.387 18th century
print Allons bon ... v'la p'tit qui dit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.388 18th century
print Locataires noctambules National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.391 18th century
print En famille National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.394 18th century
print Parisiens qui ne seront jamais ... sous la surveillance ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.396 18th century
print Faut-y qu'il en ait fume des pipes celui-la National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.398 18th century
print Nous avons donc volé le ballon de Mr. Green? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.400 18th century
print Depuis que Zémire sait qu'elle va me couter quinze francs ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.403 18th century
print Un jour de garde National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.405 18th century
print On a dit au gouvernement qu'il ne marchait pas ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.406 18th century
print A quoi pensez-vous, M. Piquepruneman, de m'avoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.408 18th century
print Un homme dans ses petits souliers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.409 18th century
print Un français peint par lui-même National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.412 18th century
print Dire que je n'ai pas pu tirer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.414 18th century
print Je ne m'étonne plus si je ne voyais pas mon chapeau ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.415 18th century
print Louis-Philippe, dernier roi des français National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.416 18th century
print Tiens, Eudoxie, voila mon bonnet a poil ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.417 18th century
print Une nuit au poste National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.423 18th century
print Ah! Mon dieu on a mis le feu a la maison du voisin ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.425 18th century
print Je crois qu'on bat le rappel ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.430 18th century
print Oh! M'sieu l'avocat, tachez de ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.432 18th century
print Rifolard ouvre le bal ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.436 18th century
print J. Martial Bineau (2nd Plate) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.439 18th century
print Ariste trouvé Chauvel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.440 18th century
print Adolphe Crémieux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.441 18th century
print Ant. Laurent Pagnerre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.442 18th century
print J. Jacques Dupin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.444 18th century
print P. Lamotte Rateau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.446 18th century
print Marie Michel Altaroche National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.447 18th century
print Louis-Joseph Buffet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.450 18th century
print Jules Favre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.451 18th century
print Toujours l'influence du congres de la paix ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.453 18th century
print Comme vous faites belle, ma chère? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.456 18th century
print Il parait que les clubs vont être ... fermés ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.457 18th century
print Repoussée ... une porte me reste ouverte ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.459 18th century
print Ayant terminé leurs travaux ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.464 18th century
print La paix universelle étant décrétée ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.465 18th century
print Le jour ou il y a une nouvelle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.469 18th century
print Lucien Murat et Antony Thouron ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.471 18th century
print Quand un orateur ennuyeux est a la tribune National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.472 18th century
print Conciliabule chez le grand homme National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.475 18th century
print Deux phénomènes, spectacle gratis ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.477 18th century
print Séance de nuit National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.478 18th century
print Mariez-vous donc ... en chine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.969 18th century
print L'empereur soulouque ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.489 18th century
print Oui, Madame Chaboulard ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.503 18th century
print Réapparition de la jeunesse dorée en 1851 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.518 18th century
print Le perroquet de M. Guizot National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.519 18th century
print Le trois légitimistes ... revenant de Claremont National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.522 18th century
print Projet d'une statue ... a Odilon-Nemrod National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.523 18th century
print Air connu: Oh! Richard, Oh! Mon roi ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.527 18th century
print Belle dame voulez-vous ... accepter mon bras? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.532 18th century
print Bas-relief en pain d'épices ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.533 18th century
print Vue prise dans la salle des pas perdus ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.536 18th century
print Le triomphe de la loi du 31 Mai National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.539 18th century
print Athalie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.540 18th century
print Comment ... tu as encore acheté un ... chapeau ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.542 18th century
print J'veux pas entrer dans tant d'eau ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.544 18th century
print Une promenade conjugale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.549 18th century
print Ayant une discussion a propos de leur beauté National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.550 18th century
print Tiens! Moi, croyais avoir tué un lapin! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.688 18th century
print Un comité écoutant la lecture d'une tragédie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.554 18th century
print Quand des femmes savent avoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.555 18th century
print Un affeux trio National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.561 18th century
print Recevant la férule National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.563 18th century
print L'ennemi des chiens ayant eu l'imprudence ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.565 18th century
print Nouveau manteau talma National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1073 18th century
print Un jour de représentation a benéfice National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1074 18th century
print A la santé du raisin! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.575 18th century
print Voila des gens ont une ... fichue maniére ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.592 18th century
print Il faut me trouver ... trois pièces ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1194 18th century
print Un rendez vous, c'est peut-être de la... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.251 18th century
print Le jeudi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1106 18th century
print Bertrand, voila des gaillards ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.596 18th century
print Entre deux fauteuils le ...monsieur par terre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.603 18th century
print Ayant enfin trouvé le moyen d'ultiliser leurs loisirs! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.606 18th century
print Le Pruth National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.607 18th century
print Les deux grands ducs ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.609 18th century
print Arrivée en Alsace du commissaire ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.483 18th century
print Voyons, genéral ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.612 18th century
print La descente de la courtille en 1855 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.616 18th century
print Sur le point de se noyer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.617 18th century
print Saint Mitophan et le dieu mars ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.619 18th century
print L'ogre et le petit poucet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1117 18th century
print Toujours la comète National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.715 18th century
print Plus que ca d'ballon ... Excusez! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.623 18th century
print Le 14 Juin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.625 18th century
print Venant de donner le dernier coup de pinceau ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.626 18th century
print Vue prise a la buvette pendant la canicule National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.629 18th century
print Nouveau système de pendule ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.631 18th century
print Nymphes des bords de la marene National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.634 18th century
print Monsieur Prudhomme ... Je me noie! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.636 18th century
print Philosophes d'eau douce ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.637 18th century
print Ayant éprouvé le besoin de se rafraichir avec ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1196 18th century
print Après vous ... s'il en reste! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.641 18th century
print Voila pourtant ce qu'on est convenu d'appeler ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.642 18th century
print Un dernier toast National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.307 18th century
print Un des trois amis de la paix ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.650 18th century
print Le boursicotières ... Voyons, ma chère ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.652 18th century
print Les boursicotières. Me trouvez-vous bien ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.653 18th century
print Une 1er reprèsentation de la bourse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.656 18th century
print La tête de Méduse pour l'épicier fautif National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.658 18th century
print Ayant eu ... l'idée d'aller ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.659 18th century
print Voici votre comptre: Il vous revenait ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.312 18th century
print Monsieur, Auriez-vous la bonté de me dire ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1206 18th century
print Cinq coeurs, quinte et quatorze ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.316 18th century
print Grande révolte des rats de montfaucon ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.668 18th century
print Ils vont un train d'enfer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.643 18th century
print En contemplation devant le vaisseau de l'opera National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.673 18th century
print En contemplation devant le vaisseau de l'opera National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.672 18th century
print Vue prise a Argenteuil (Octobre 1856) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.676 18th century
print Puisqu'il n'y a pas de garde champêtre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.678 18th century
print Magnifique projet ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1193 18th century
print Votre maison me fait l'effet de devoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1195 18th century
print Un entr'acte, par trente degrés de chaleur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1200 18th century
print Tent deux degrés!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.685 18th century
print Les bains a quatre sous National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1201 18th century
print Pour s'habiteur a attendre le lion ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1207 18th century
print Ce perdreau est mort sur mon terrain ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.689 18th century
print Mossieu la directeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.692 18th century
print Agamemnon se fiasant couronner a huis-clos National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.694 18th century
print Le mère d ela chanteuse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.695 18th century
print Dire que dans mon temps, moi aussi ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1215 18th century
print Une expèrience culinaire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1218 18th century
print Ca doit être bien amusant la-dedans ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1222 18th century
print Eh! Bien, voisin ... pourquoi avez-vous poussé ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.706 18th century
print Mossieu, j'quittons vot' service ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.707 18th century
print Aspect que commencent déja a avoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.711 18th century
print Les planètes étant elles-mêmes dans ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.713 18th century
print Croyant l'apercevoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.714 18th century
print Un émule de Mr Hume National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.722 18th century
print Mr et Mme Prudohomme revenant de la foire ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.724 18th century
print Aspect de salon le jour de l'ouverture ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.727 18th century
print Etude de révérence pour le quadrille des lanciers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.721 18th century
print Passager ayant payé ... pour se rendre a New-York National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.732 18th century
print Tenez, je viens de tuer un magnifique ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.756 18th century
print Eh! Bien, comment trouvez-vous cela? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.737 18th century
print Oui madame ... ces animaux-la ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.738 18th century
print Monsieur le concierge, allant en soirée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.741 18th century
print Fonctionnaires ... veillant au salut de l'empire! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.743 18th century
print Quelle horrible chose ... si nous avons le guerre! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.744 18th century
print Aspect de la salle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.747 18th century
print Ma femme ..., comme nous n'aurions pas ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.749 18th century
print Le peintre qui a eu un tableau refusé ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.750 18th century
print Commençant a rendre justice aux blanches National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.753 18th century
print Tiens ... qu'est-ce qu'c'est donc qu'ça? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.755 18th century
print La chasse sur l'eau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.320 18th century
print Les spectateurs de l'orchestre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.761 18th century
print Monsieur Colimard si vous continuez ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.762 18th century
print A la minute National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.731 18th century
print Je commence a trouver ... en temps de neige! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1294 18th century
print Quelle est votre opinion sur ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.766 18th century
print Un récit de chasse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.774 18th century
print L'ouverture de la chasse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.324 18th century
print Le retour des huitres National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.328 18th century
print Un bain contrarié National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.778 18th century
print Une amelioration a apporter National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.768 18th century
print Musiciens jouant pendant douze heures ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1307 18th century
print Un ami qu'on a invité ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.786 18th century
print A la campagne, pas de grèves de cochers ... (recto); Villageois économies se contentant ... (verso) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.788 18th century
print Trois demoiselles a marier; Famille bourgeoise convaincue ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.789 18th century
print Posant en membre du comice d'agriculture ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1320 18th century
print Chez un usurier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.795 18th century
print Toujours les Hippophages National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.798 18th century
print N'bougez pas! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.799 18th century
print Vous ne prenez rien? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1326 18th century
print Ché cha une belle chaudronnerie! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.804 18th century
print Eh! Bien en regardance ce tableau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.805 18th century
print Vue prise a la buvette d'un bain National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.807 18th century
print Ouverture de la chasse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.812 18th century
print Monsieur, vu l'absence complète ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.813 18th century
print Un plaideur auquel manquent ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1333 18th century
print Eh! Bien ... mon ami, a quoi penses-tu? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.816 18th century
print Séances musicales National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1336 18th century
print Un moment ... votre vache n'a pas eu l'epizoodie? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1340 18th century
print Renouvelé des petites Danaides National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.825 18th century
print Abusant de la liberté National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1345 18th century
print L'Arbre de Noël des Grands Enfants National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.837 18th century
print Allons pour année papa mars ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.839 18th century
print Vous croyez peut être que c'est un spectateur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.841 18th century
print Faisons semblant de dormier ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.842 18th century
print La partie de saute-mouton National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.844 18th century
print Bonne occasion pour vérifier ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.847 18th century
print Pas trop écourté, s'il vous plait National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.848 18th century
print Est-ce que vous allez ouvrir la porte de la cage ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.852 18th century
print Projet ... Pour désarmer les ennemis de ... Voltaire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.856 18th century
print L'idéal de certains journaux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.858 18th century
print Décret de la commune National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.860 18th century
print La Tristesse de Rouher National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.861 18th century
print Requiescat in pace! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.863 18th century
print La république de Milo... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.864 18th century
print Une assembleé modèle ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.865 18th century
print Merci, je sors d'en prendre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.866 18th century
print Mon bon ami, faites-moi le plaisir de signer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.867 18th century
print Pas étonnant que ce soit long ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.870 18th century
print Merci, ma vieille, trop décrépite! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.871 18th century
print Et ces deux laids débris se désolaient entre eux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.872 18th century
print Etrennes de 1856 ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.875 18th century
print L'europe peut dormir tranquille ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.877 18th century
print Le député ventrigoulu National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.878 18th century
print Coulman en Alsacienne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.177 18th century
print Bataille (Alex. Simon Pataille) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.178 18th century
print De L'or (J. -Ant. -Adrien Delort) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.179 18th century
print Harlé Père, en buste National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.180 18th century
print C'est toujours avec la plus profonde douleur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.181 18th century
print 2.000 fr...sans écurie...ça ne me convient pas! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.884 18th century
print Vous êtes un jeune homme bien né!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.885 18th century
print Il est charmant je vous dis... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.886 18th century
print Souvenirs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.887 18th century
print Mon dieu! M'ame Bombec qué que vous avez attrapé? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.889 18th century
print Ca vous coiffe comme un gant! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.890 18th century
print Un coup de feu! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.891 18th century
print Vous yoyez ici les grandes célébrités... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.893 18th century
print Je t'ai épousé pour charmer mon existence... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.895 18th century
print Et les cinq francs de ce matin? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.896 18th century
print Je me fiche bien de votre Mme Sand... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.899 18th century
print Une envie de femme grosse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.901 18th century
print Monsieur a sa bête, Madame son animal... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.902 18th century
print La femme. Je viens de découvrir une mèche... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.904 18th century
print Je te le dis toujours, avec ton sucre... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.905 18th century
print Arthur, vous m'aviez promis un trône... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.907 18th century
print Ça n'empêche que ça vaut encore mieux.... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.908 18th century
print Lolo!...veux-tu laisser la chaisse tranquille... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.910 18th century
print Pardon, Mr Le Maire! ... pourriez-vous ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.912 18th century
print L'enseignement mutuel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.914 18th century
print Poids et mesures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.915 18th century
print Le lecture du charivari National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.916 18th century
print Un jour de fête et de bretelles National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.946 18th century
print Une visite a l'atelier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.949 18th century
print Un triomphe d'avocat National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.950 18th century
print Un soir de fête nationale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.943 18th century
print Un paiement de dividende National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.954 18th century
print L'anniversaire du mariage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.956 18th century
print Un nouvel anobli National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.957 18th century
print Aux Champs-Elysées National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.964 18th century
print C'est bien aujourd'hui 28 Juillet ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.965 18th century
print Hotel de la Marine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.966 18th century
print Fumeurs et priseurs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.972 18th century
print La leçon de musique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.973 18th century
print Les mandarins lettrés National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.974 18th century
print Comment on passe ses soirées en chine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.977 18th century
print Le premier jour de l'an National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.978 18th century
print Industrie chinoise National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.980 18th century
print Madame, comment trouvez-vous cette cigarette? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.982 18th century
print Reviens y donc encore ... grand enjeoleu! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.985 18th century
print J'vous dis que vous avez dérangé la limite ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.989 18th century
print Ah! Saperlotte! ... Le raisin n'est pas bon cette année! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.990 18th century
print Femme de lettre humanitaire se livrant sur l'homme ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.994 18th century
print Un service d'ami National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.995 18th century
print Une émeute National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.997 18th century
print Monsieur Adolphe Chamouillard vous vous montrerez donc ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1000 18th century
print Promenade hygiénique et sentimentale ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1001 18th century
print Triste sort des professeurs ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1003 18th century
print Vous voyez ... l'orde le plus parfait règne ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1004 18th century
print Dans cette réclame que vous allez envoyer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1006 18th century
print Une Panique a la bourse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1008 18th century
print Dire ... que c'st comme ça qu'on améliore les chevaux ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1013 18th century
print Un pierrot déplumé National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1017 18th century
print V'la un particulier qui doit ...être inquiet ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1019 18th century
print Qué qu'vous êtes ... devenu, m'sieu Lebrun? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1021 18th century
print Ah! Ma chère, quand on a un chien ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1022 18th century
print C'est pourtant la que j'ai gravé mon chiffre ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1025 18th century
print Inconvènient d'être trop sentimental ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1029 18th century
print Je vous demande pardo si je ne vous ai pas apercue ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1031 18th century
print Oui ... on a eu l'indignité de me refuser ce tableau ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1032 18th century
print Et plus un grain de poudre! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1034 18th century
print N'faites pas attention m'sieu ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1035 18th century
print Le Gamin de Paris aux Tuileries National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1039 18th century
print Dernier conseil des ex-ministres National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1040 18th century
print Ça pince, M'sieu Galimard, ça pince! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1026 18th century
print Occupation des représentans ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1044 18th century
print Un cabriolet ayant une facheuse ressemblance ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1045 18th century
print M. Berger, dit le superbe ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1047 18th century
print Il demande tous les jours la parole ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1050 18th century
print Un soliciteur Guettant ...Bineau! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1051 18th century
print M. Laurent (de l'ardèche) Passant ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1052 18th century
print Trois saints dans le même bénitier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1054 18th century
print L'arbre de la liberté National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1055 18th century
print Place de la Bastille National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1057 18th century
print L'Empereur Nicolas travaillant dans son cabinet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1059 18th century
print Le Citoyen ... Thiers essayant un nouveau costume National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1060 18th century
print Lègende de l'an 1850 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1062 18th century
print Les fricoteurs politiques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.513 18th century
print Facheuse situation des marchands de galette National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1067 18th century
print Tendresse conjugale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1076 18th century
print Un parisien resté fidèle ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1077 18th century
print Se posant en appréciateur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1078 18th century
print Cherchant a fasciner une riche ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1081 18th century
print Un victime de la politesse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1082 18th century
print Amateurs du grand monde National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1084 18th century
print J'ai vu trancher les jours de ma famille ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1087 18th century
print Le docteur Véron lachant tous les canards ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1088 18th century
print Le docteur Véron ... a Auteuil ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1090 18th century
print Comment vous portez pas encore de talma? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1093 18th century
print Le triomphe du paganisme National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1094 18th century
print Plus je me rapproche du soleil... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1096 18th century
print Manquant le convoi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1100 18th century
print Invasion es wagons un jour ou l'on fait partir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1103 18th century
print Se posant en connaisseurs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1104 18th century
print L'inconvénient d'avoir des domestiques ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.552 18th century
print Nouvelle mode anglaise National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1112 18th century
print Trois Pauvres aveugles National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.531 18th century
print Je suis bien malheureux, si vous voulez ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1114 18th century
print La tentateur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1119 18th century
print Courant rejoindre les insurgés National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1120 18th century
print Un homme poursuivi ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1122 18th century
print Ca ne va pas ... comme il le voudrait National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1125 18th century
print Usant jusqu'a son dernier homme ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1126 18th century
print Ayant attrapé un coup de soleil National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1128 18th century
print Soldats russes se préparant par le jeune ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1131 18th century
print Manière dont ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1132 18th century
print Comment, ils emportent mon argent ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1134 18th century
print La bourse ou le knout! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1137 18th century
print Un ours contrarié National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1138 18th century
print Comme quoi ... sur un lit três vaste ,,, National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1140 18th century
print Le deux grands ducs racontant ...Inkermann National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1143 18th century
print Bouquet envoyé ... A l'empereur de Russie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1144 18th century
print Le nouvel Icare ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1146 18th century
print Giboulées de mars a Sébastopol National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1149 18th century
print A la mairie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1150 18th century
print Nouvelles positions prises par les russes ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.597 18th century
print A louer, logements de garçon entre le ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1154 18th century
print T'nez v'la l'seul logement d'garçon ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1156 18th century
print Tenue de canicule National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1159 18th century
print M. Prud'homme ... Je ne sais pas si ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1160 18th century
print Bertrand et Raton National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1162 18th century
print Ce messieurs ont ... du gibier a déclarer? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1165 18th century
print Faut-il qu'un animal soit bête National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1166 18th century
print Ils ont beau m'avoir dit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1168 18th century
print Un monsieur en bonne fortune aux Champs-Elysées National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1172 18th century
print Commission des bastonnades National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1174 18th century
print Nouveaux chapeaux de dames ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1177 18th century
print Tristesse des bouchers de Paris ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1178 18th century
print Ah! Ciel, ma plus belle potiche! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1180 18th century
print Tiens, voila mamzelle palmyre qui fait ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1183 18th century
print Je crois pouvoir dire, sans me flatter ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1184 18th century
print C'est pourtant bien facheux pour ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1187 18th century
print Ah! Monsieur Gobinet, dans quel temps ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1188 18th century
print Un jour ou l'on paye cinq francs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1190 18th century
print M. Prudhomme visitant les ateliers ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1347 18th century
print M. Vautour: Je ne saurais trop ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.679 18th century
print Descendant joyeusement le fleuve de la vie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.682 18th century
print Villégiature National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1198 18th century
print Un abri a la campagne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.684 18th century
print Aux bains Deligny National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1203 18th century
print Dites donc, monsieur Beaufumé ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1204 18th century
print Allons Bon! J'avais oublié de décharger mon fusil! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1209 18th century
print Oh! Le gueux ... il a été mourir la ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1210 18th century
print Combien votre lièvre, l'ami? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1213 18th century
print Une reine se préparant a une grande tirade National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.690 18th century
print La danseur qui se pique d'avoir conservé ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.698 18th century
print Un engagement d'artiste National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.331 18th century
print Un cours de morale moderne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1221 18th century
print Comme vous arrivez tard a la bourse ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.703 18th century
print Nouveaux équipements pour la chasse au lion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1225 18th century
print Rèapparition des tritons ... de l'océan National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1228 18th century
print Le restaurant de l'exposition National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1229 18th century
print Triste contenance de la sculpture ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1231 18th century
print Un effet de crinoline au bord de la mer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1234 18th century
print Ayant ... trouvé le moyen de passe agréablement l'été National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1235 18th century
print Faut que je egardions comment qu'murit l'raisin ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1237 18th century
print Mois, mon avis est ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1240 18th century
print Mais ou est donc le perdreau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1243 18th century
print Archimède riant des efforts ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1244 18th century
print L'ingénieur du Leviathan trouvant, en rève ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1247 18th century
print J'veux monter tout de suite la-dedans ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1248 18th century
print Paris grippé National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1250 18th century
print Allons, v'la encore le mouton qui a haussé National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1253 18th century
print Le désespoir des bouchers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1254 18th century
print Comment ... c'est-t'y dieu possible! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1256 18th century
print Cocher, Cocher! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1259 18th century
print Commencant a trouver que l'impèriale ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1260 18th century
print Apparition du ... serpent de la rue Lacépède National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1262 18th century
print La répétition National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1265 18th century
print Voyez, cette pièce est très grande ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1266 18th century
print Rappelès avec enthousiasme! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1268 18th century
print Eh bien! Mon brave anglais ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1270 18th century
print Voyons ... ouvrons le bouche! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1271 18th century
print Un soir de première représentation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1273 18th century
print Ne soyez pas inquiets ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1276 18th century
print Vue d'un atelier ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1277 18th century
print Moi ce que j'aime dans la salle de sculpture ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1279 18th century
print M. Prud'homme: Je ne monte jamais ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1282 18th century
print Ils ont l'air de se concerter ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1283 18th century
print Grand train de plaisir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1285 18th century
print Baigneurs intrepédes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1289 18th century
print Voyons, voyons ... pas tant d'empressement ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1298 18th century
print Cet imbécile de dubrancart ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1299 18th century
print Vous voyez ... je viens de faire ... mon marché ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.669 18th century
print Mais on jouit d'une félicité pure National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1304 18th century
print Satanées salades ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1305 18th century
print Le bouquet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1310 18th century
print Ah! Enfin voila le train! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1321 18th century
print La première lecon ... ; Un monsieur ... ; Collé sous bande; Deux amateurs de la banlieue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1314 18th century
print Un divertissement qui ... de mode National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.791 18th century
print Mossieu ... je suis ce mari aux dépens duquel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1317 18th century
print J'ai parlé ... trois heures et demie! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1328 18th century
print Une soirée d'allégresse a Clichy National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.796 18th century
print Vois le cours de la bourse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.800 18th century
print Bavant pour se desennuyer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.577 18th century
print Sur l'Imperiale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.784 18th century
print Nous voila libres ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1258 18th century
print Pardonnez-moi, o mon dieu! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1263 18th century
print Déesse mais pas fière National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1269 18th century
print Je crois vous avoir ... prouvé que mon client ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1274 18th century
print Le visiteur ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1280 18th century
print La figure de ce monsieur ne me revient guère ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1281 18th century
print Est-il permis d'être maigre comme ca! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1287 18th century
print Et toi, qu'est-ce que tu trouves de meilleur ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1288 18th century
print Les Jolis Chasseurs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.782 18th century
print Cocher, arrêtez donc National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.783 18th century
print Les agréments d'une flanerie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1296 18th century
print Si la patience était bannie du reste ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1297 18th century
print Tous les entrepreneurs d'affaires, ca adore ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.671 18th century
print Modification du costume parisien ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.674 18th century
print Philantrope anglais dans l'exercice ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.350 18th century
print Je compte sur vous pour signer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.353 18th century
print Manière ingénieuse de décharger les toites ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.355 18th century
print Danger de secouer trop fortement ... Un prunier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.359 18th century
print Malheureux enfant! ... Ca t'appendra a faire ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.360 18th century
print In convénient de se batir une maison de campagne ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.363 18th century
print Jeunes imprudens qui se laiseent emporter ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.365 18th century
print Je ne m'étonne plus si celui-la se tentaint tranquille ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.369 18th century
print Eh! Bien comment me trouves-tu dans mon nouvel uniforme ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.372 18th century
print Au nom du ciel, Théodore ne regarde pas ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.373 18th century
print Il parait qu'on vient de revoir le serpent de mer ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.376 18th century
print Un chapeau ... deux chapeaux ... les malheureux ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.377 18th century
print Achat d'un tableau horloge National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.378 18th century
print Robert ... tu ne soutiens plus la conversation ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.383 18th century
print Vous êtes toujours galant! ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.384 18th century
print Vois comme ils avaient abimè ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.392 18th century
print Je ne pourrai jamais faire croire a ma femme ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.397 18th century
print Au restaurant a 32 sous National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.407 18th century
print Aspect de la Seine de Paris a chatou National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.411 18th century
print Discussion de la constitution National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.420 18th century
print Tiens au milieu de ...bouleversemens ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.422 18th century
print Sur les boulevards de Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.424 18th century
print Eh! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a de nouveau? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.428 18th century
print Toast porté a l'émancipation des femmes ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.433 18th century
print Eh! Ben, v'la du propre! ... on dit ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.434 18th century
print Rifolard ... oublie ... les inconvénients de la traversée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.437 18th century
print Et dire que Proudhon ne veut pas ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.438 18th century
print Luneau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.445 18th century
print P.J. David D'Angers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.448 18th century
print L'heure de la rentrée en classe National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.454 18th century
print L'insurrection contre les maris ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.455 18th century
print La femme du représentant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.461 18th century
print Tu connais bien l'gros député d'en face ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.462 18th century
print David et Goliath National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1135 18th century
print Quittant le valachie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1141 18th century
print Aspect que commencent dèja a avoir ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.710 18th century
print Les planetes étant elles-mêmes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.716 18th century
print De l'utilité de la crinoline pour frauder l'octroi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.726 18th century
print Oh! Mamechaboulard ... qu'est-ce qu'y va ... arriver ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.733 18th century
print Toute entière a l'etude de son role ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.735 18th century
print N'allant aux bains froids que ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.808 18th century
print Ma chère, notre comédie ... vient d'etre refusée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.556 18th century
print Je vous présente mon fils ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.557 18th century
print Cauchemardé par les ombres de ses victimes ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.566 18th century
print N'est-il pas vrai que cette tragédie renferme des beautés ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.568 18th century
print Laisse-moi regarder encore un peu, Papa! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.576 18th century
print Comment, ils osent dire que je ne suis pas invincible ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.615 18th century
print Une erreur excusable National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.701 18th century
print Ce qu'on voit à peu près tous les jours National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.479 18th century
print Un réconciliation, scène de haute comédie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.502 18th century
print Une nomination National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.329 18th century
print En Carnaval National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.330 18th century
print –They're talking about new elections. –Before I vote for a candidate, I want him to be examined by a doctor to make sure he is not declared invalid again, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 27, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.226 1809-09-27 satire
drawing Girl Albertina 24125 1830 black chalk
portrait girl
print Passe ton chemin, cochon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2918 1830
print Dieu ai-je aimé cet être la National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2919 1831
print Un héros de juillet, Mai 1831, published in La Caricature Metropolitan Museum of Art 28.80.5 1831-06-01 satire
bust Antoine Maurice Apollinaire, baron d'Argout - RF 3477 Musée d'Orsay RF 3477 1832 terracotta
Antoine Maurice Apollinaire d'Argout
bust Charles Philipon - RF 3504 Musée d'Orsay RF 3504 1832 mudbrick
Charles Philipon
sculpture series Célébrités du Juste Milieu Musée d'Orsay 1832
portrait at bust length
print Dupin ainé National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2920 1832
print Soult (Maréchal) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2921 1832
print Comte d'Argout National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2922 1832
print Viennet a la Tribune National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2961 1832
Portrait-charge d'Hippolyte LucienJoseph Lucas (1807-1878), journaliste Musée Carnavalet S3433 1832 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge d'Alexandre-Simon Pataille (1784-1857), magistrat et député Musée Carnavalet S3449 1832 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Clément-François-Gabriel- Victor Prunelle (1774-1853), médecin, maire de Lyon et député Musée Carnavalet S3428 1832 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge d'inconnu, dit Alfred-Pierre, comte de Falloux (1811-1886), député Musée Carnavalet S3442 1832 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Charles-Léonard Gallois (1789-1851), publiciste et historien ou de son fils Léonard-Joseph-Urbain-Napoléon (1814-1874), journaliste Musée Carnavalet S3440 1832 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Charles Philipon (1800-1862), journaliste et directeur de revue Musée Carnavalet S3432 1832 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge d'Antoine-Maurice-Apollinaire, baron d'Argoult (1782-1858), ministre et pair de France Musée Carnavalet S3448 1832 terracotta caricature
book Le Charivari, December 1, 1832–May 31, 1833 Metropolitan Museum of Art 23.92.1 18th century musical instrument
print Siré. Lisbonne est prise. - aaaah!! . aussi j'ai revè que je me battais crânement Brasiliana Itaú Collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
23104989 1833 paper portrait
literary character
print Kssssse! Pédro . Ksssse! Ksssse! Miguel! ('Ces deux capons là ne feront jamais grand mal) Brasiliana Itaú Collection
Brasiliana Iconográfica
23104988 1833 paper portrait
literary character
sculpture Auguste Hilarion, comte de Kératry Musée d'Orsay RF 3495 1833 mudbrick Auguste Hilarion, comte de Kératry
lithograph Mr. Cunin Grid... - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005936 1833 lithograph
print J. Claude Fulchiron National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2923 1833
print Harlé père National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2924 1833
print Comte Horace Sébastiani National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2925 1833
print Charles Guillaume Étienne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2926 1833
print Antoine Odier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2927 1833
print Docteur Prunelle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2928 1833
print Félix Barthe National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2929 1833
print Baillot National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2930 1833
print Comte de Kératry National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2931 1833
print Amiral de Rigny National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2932 1833
print Fruchard, en buste National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.59 1833
print Un nouveau nez National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.60 1833
sculpture Buste de Monsieur Odier Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris PPS3077 1833 bronze sculpture in the round
Portrait-charge de Jean-Ponce-Guillaume Viennet (1777-1868), député, pair de France et académicien Musée Carnavalet S3429 1833 terracotta
Portrait-charge de Pierre-Paul Royer-Collard (1763-1845), député de la Marne Musée Carnavalet S3426 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Charles-Guillaume Etienne (1778-1845) député de la Meuse et pair de France Musée Carnavalet S3444 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge d'Auguste Gady (1774-1847 ?), magistrat Musée Carnavalet S3451 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Jean-Claude Fulchiron (1774-1859), député, pair de France et poète Musée Carnavalet S3423 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge du baron Joseph de Podenas (1782-1851), député Musée Carnavalet S3421 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de François-Pierre-Guillaume Guizot (1787-1874), député de Lisieux, ministre et historien Musée Carnavalet S3443 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Hippolyte-Abraham Dubois (1794-1863) député et magistrat Musée Carnavalet S3445 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge du baron Joseph de Podenas (1782-1851), député (S3421) Musée Carnavalet S3421 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge du comte Auguste-Hilarion de Kératry (1769-1859, député du Finistère et pair de France Musée Carnavalet S3424 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Félix Barthe (1796-1863), député et garde des Sceaux Musée Carnavalet S3425 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Claude Baillot (1771-1836), député et pair de France Musée Carnavalet S3441 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Jean-Marie Fruchard (1788-1872), député du Morbihan Musée Carnavalet S3431 1833 terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge du baron Benjamin Delessert (1773-1848), industriel et député Musée Carnavalet S3422 1833 terracotta caricature
print My deceased husband gave me tickets…, from ‘L’Imagination’ published in Le Charivari Metropolitan Museum of Art 23.92.1(45) 1833-01-14 satire
print The Misanthropist published in Le Charivari, February 10, 1833 Metropolitan Museum of Art 23.92.1(71) 1833-02-03 satire
lithograph Rue Transnonain 1834 Massacre of Transnonain Street
lithograph The Legislative Belly Museo Soumaya 1834
Portrait-charge d'inconnu, Pierre-Louis comte Roederer ? (1754-1835), avocat et homme politique Musée Carnavalet S3439 180s terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge du comte François-Dominique-Reynaud de Montlosier (1755-1838), pair de France Musée Carnavalet S3452 180s terracotta caricature
Portrait-charge de Charles-Louis Huguet, marquis de Sémonville ? (1759-1839), diplomate et magistrat Musée Carnavalet S3447 180s terracotta caricature
lithograph La Tête Branlante - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005914 1834 lithograph
lithograph Repos de la France - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005915 1834 lithograph
lithograph Yeux Noirs, Front Haut, Teint Brun, Barbe, Favoris.. C'est Bon!... on te Reconnaitra, Mon Gaillard - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005916 1834 lithograph
lithograph Les Honneurs du Pantheon - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005917 1834 lithograph
lithograph Les Mannequins Politiques - Le Jeu n'a duré que Trois Jours - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005939 1834 lithograph
print The ugly man of China Musea Brugge 2014.GRO0419.III 1834 paper
print Le passé - Le présent - l'Avenir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2933 1834
print Gros Cupide, va! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2934 1834
print Voyage a travers les populations empressées National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2935 1834
print Repos de la France National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2936 1834
print Baissez le rideau, la farce est jouée (Lower the Curtain, the Farce is Over) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2937 1834
print La tête branlante National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2938 1834
print Les honneurs du Panthéon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2939 1834
print Marie-Louise-Charlotte-Philippinepairie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2940 1834
print La Tentation, parodie d'une toile de Téniers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2941 1834
print Le Ventre Législatif (The Legislative Belly) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2953 1834
print Très hauts et très puissans moutards et moutardes légitimes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2954 1834
print Ne vous y frottez pas!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2955 1834
print Enfoncé Lafayette!... Attrappe mon vieux! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2956 1834
print Rue Transnonain, le 15 avril 1834 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2957 1834
print Les réjouissances de Juillet... vues de Ste. Pélagie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2962 1834
print Le Ventre Législatif (The Legislative Belly) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1991.229.1 1834 wove paper
print Mlle. Etienne-Goconde-Cunégonde-Bécassine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1994.60.10 1834
print Magot de la Chine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2002.98.14 1834
print Celui-la, on peut le mettre en liberté! (This one we can set free! He is no longer dangerous!) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2002.98.12 1834
print Repos de la France National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2002.98.15 1834
print Le Ventre Législatif (The Legislative Belly) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.1348 1834 wove paper
work of art
visual artwork
Rue Transnonain, le 15 de Avril 1834 1834 Realism Realism
painting Un homme jetant son chien a l'eau Itami City Museum of Art, History and Culture 1
1834 oil paint
lithograph La Caricature (journal) N.221 - Voila la Guerre!... Sauve qui peut! - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005937 1835 lithograph
lithograph La Caricature (Journal) N.234. De tes Humbles Foutriquets… - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005938 1835 lithograph
lithograph La Caricature (Journal) N.218. La Première Blessure - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005941 1835 lithograph
print La première blessure National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2942 1835
print L'Apoplexie allant remplacer a Londres la paralysie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2943 1835
print Le Fantome National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2944 1835
print Barbé-Marbois National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2945 1835
print Barbé-Marbois National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2946 1835
print Comte Portalis - Duc de Bassano - Comte de Montlosier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2947 1835
print Girod de l'Ain - J.-Joseph Rousseau - Amiral Verhuel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2948 1835
print Huguet de Sémonville - Robert Macaire (Thiers) - Comte Roederer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2949 1835
print C.-A. Gabriel, duc de Choiseul National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2950 1835
print Gazan National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2951 1835
print Napoléon Lannes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2952 1835
print Amiral Verhuel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2958 1835
print Comte J.-Jérome Siméon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2959 1835
print Baron de Lascours National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2960 1835
engraving Ռոբերտ Մակեր National Gallery of Armenia 18874 1836 lithography
print Bordeaux-Laffite National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3260 1836
print O qu'ils sont laids! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3262 1836
print Voyez, Mr. Mayeux, cet animal... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9364 1836
print Bobonne... ne le regarde pas tant! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9365 1836
print Dieu de Dieu! mais c'est un pppolisson... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9366 1836
print La Potion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9367 1836
print Une lecture entrainante National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9368 1836
print L'amateur d'huitres National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9369 1836
print Le bon morceau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9370 1836
print Fameuse perruque National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9371 1836
print La renommée des glaces National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9372 1836
print La bonne prise National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9373 1836
print Le vrai Fumeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9374 1836
print Oh! ma femme est morte! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9375 1836
print Général P. Mendez Vigo National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.14 1836
print Mr. de Robert Macaire Restaurateur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2003.28.2 1836
print La carte a payer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9376 1837
print Encore une heure!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.9377 1837
print A toutes les personnes qui ont des capitaux a perdre Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1970.058 1837
print Le Chevalier des Adrets est l'amant... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2963 1838
print C'est tout de même flatteur d'avoir fait tant d'élèves!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2964 1838
print L'Éducation au biberon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2965 1838
print Un quiproquo - Vous vous trompez... allez... au diable... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.26 1838
print Mon cher! vous vous êtes admirablement... évanoui... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.9 1838
print Vilain dormeur, va! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.10 1838
print Y n'y a rien comm' ça pour le rhume... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.13 1838
print Vous allez voir!... ça va arrêter le sang... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.14 1838
print La Maman - Est-il gentil a manger son sucre d'orge!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.15 1838
print Lolo qu'aimes-tu mieux de ton papa ou de ta maman... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.16 1838
print Allons... baisez ce maitre... tout de suite... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.17 1838
print Le pur havane! Le cigare de marseille National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.18 1838
print Henri!... vous me jugez bien mal!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.19 1838
print Appuyez fort, ça fait rentrer la bosse... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.20 1838
print Actionnaires de mines... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.21 1838
print Bertrand, dis donc, s'ils allaient nous faire... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.22 1838
print A tous les coeurs bien nés que la patrie est chère!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.28 1838
print Musique pyrothecnique, Charivarique et Diabolique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.29 1838
print Piétié Filiale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.30 1838
print Le Perroquet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.155 1838
print Plate 94 from Caricaturana (Characters); as published in Le Charivari, October 18, 1838 Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1957.009 1838
print Plate 19: Robert Macaire at the restaurant, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.12 1838 satire
print Plate 11: Someone stole a thousand franc note from me, Monsieur..., from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.19 1838 satire
print Plate 9: Robert Macaire, barrister, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.21 1838 satire
print Plate 8: Robert Macaire, doctor, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.22 1838 satire
print Plate 7: Ladies and gentlemen!, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.23 1838 satire
print Plate 5: Robert Macaire as notary public, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.25 1838 satire
print Plate 45: Exploitation of love, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.34 1838 satire
print Plate 40: My God! Monseigneur, I am forced to leave for the countryside, allow me to leave my wife behind to keep you company, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.39 1838 satire
print Plate 37: Exploitation of paternity, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.42 1838 satire
print Plate 32: What in the devil Macaire!, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.47 1838 satire
print Plate 27: Robert Macaire, merchant, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.52 1838 satire
print Plate 26: Marriage of convenience, from 'Caricaturana,' published in Les Robert Macaires Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.693.53 1838 satire
lithograph Les Baigneurs. File... File... Moellon! v. le Municipal... - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005905 1839 lithograph
lithograph Moeurs Conjugales. Six Mois De Mariage by Honore Daumier - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005910 1839 lithograph
print Volé!... Rue vide-gousset... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2969 1839
print Équitation boutiquière National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3057 1839
print Les Badauds National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3060 1839
print Soyez donc poli... i... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.58 1839
print Avoir perdu sa demi-tasse au Domino et sa bourse dans la rue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.4 1839
print Est-il joli!... ce chérubin!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.11 1839
print Charmant... trainant tous les coeurs après soi... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.12 1839
print 7 heures du matin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.42 1839
print Une heure - Promenade au Luxembourg National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.43 1839
print 2 heures - Le gouter d'Azor National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.44 1839
print 9 heures du soir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.45 1839
print Je n'y redescends plus!... je crois... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.103 1839
print Intérieur d'un omnibus National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.124 1839
print Intérieur d'un omnibus National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.125 1839
print Domino!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.126 1839
print Pas fameux? N'est-ce pas!!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.127 1839
print B'en parlez pas j'suis enrubé du cerbeaux... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.128 1839
print On flaire la marchandise... avant de la mécaniser!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.130 1839
print Il y a pourtant des gens qui ressemblent a ça! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.131 1839
print Voila!... un fameux temps pour les petits pois... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.132 1839
print Douze ans et demi et trois premiers prix National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.181 1839
print Daumier fut le peintre ordinaire... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.254 1839
print Promenade du Boeuf gras National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1982.48.3 1839
print Monsieur Coquelet... partage son... déjeuner National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.3 1839 wove paper
print 8 heures du matin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.2 1839 wove paper
print 9 heures du soir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.12 1839 wove paper
print Sept heures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.11 1839 wove paper
print 5 heures du soir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.10 1839 wove paper
print Trois heures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.9 1839 wove paper
print 7 heures du matin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.1 1839 wove paper
print 10 heures du matin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.4 1839 wove paper
print 11 heures du matin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.5 1839 wove paper
print Une heure National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.7 1839 wove paper
print 2 heures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.8 1839 wove paper
print Sans doute M. Riflot le droit... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1995.68.6 1839 wove paper
print File...Moello! Vla le municipal! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1998.118.4 1839 wove paper
print On flaire la marchandise... avant de la mécaniser!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2009.54.3 1839 wove paper
print Le Vieux Pécheur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.215 1839
painting Workmen on the Street Museum Wales NMW A 2450 5
1839 oil paint
lithograph Moeurs Conjugales. Effets de Lunes - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005911 1840 lithograph
lithograph La Pêche. Un Pecheur Endurci - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005918 1840 lithograph
lithograph La Pêche. C'est presque toujours à la Halle.. - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005919 1840 lithograph
lithograph La Pêche. Le Pecheur acharné ou il ne faut pas disputer des gouts - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005920 1840 lithograph
lithograph La Pêche. Le Barbillon entraine la Ligne.. - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005921 1840 lithograph
lithograph La Pêche. Malheur à la Ligne. - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005922 1840 lithograph
lithograph Les Gens De Justice. Un Defenseur En Justice De Paix Causant Affaires Dans Son Cabinet Habituel ... - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005929 1840 lithograph
print Oui Monsieur vous n'êtes pas de Paris... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2966 1840
print C'est unique! j'ai pris quatre tailles... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2970 1840
print Le Barbillon entraine... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2971 1840
print Le Barbillon entraine... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2972 1840
print Eh bonjour! enchanté de vous rencontrer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.252 1840
print Pour lors... nous... sommes dans le pétrin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.35 1840
print Ah! monstre, vous vous permettez... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1978.104.1 1840
print Poète classique composant une églogue... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1978.104.3 1840
print Nouveau parapluie, par Brevet... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.3 1840
print Chiennes de bottes!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.6 1840
print Salut! Terre de l'hospitalité... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.24 1840
print C'est unique! j'ai pris quatre tailles... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.140 1840
print Ah! Excusez National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.141 1840
print La Queue au spectacle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.142 1840
print Quand on est possesseur de cent actions... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.149 1840
print Le Guitariste-Amateur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.167 1840
print Le Bétophile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.168 1840
print Le coton tombe, l'homme reste... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.174 1840
print Ma foi! c'est comme on dit... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.175 1840
print Oh!... absolument comme si on y était; la grande... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.178 1840
print Oui, Monsieur, votre air respectable m'enhardit... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.179 1840
print Regrets National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.180 1840
print La Queue au Spectacle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1993.37.2 1840 wove paper
print Ingrate patrie, tu n'auras pas mon oeuvre!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1993.37.1 1840 wove paper
print Fausse position!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1998.118.3 1840 wove paper
print Oh Patrie!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2000.165.1 1840
print Notre bon allié le Pacha d’Egypte…et la Syrie, Monsieur, la Syrie! Oui, mais le Statu quo Européen Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1973.021 1840
print Plate 23 from Moeurs Conjugales (Married Life) Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1995.064 1840
print Plate 29 from Types Parisiens (Parisian Types) Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1979.0699P 1840
print Quand les enfants ont été bien sages le papa les mène au bain par partie de plaisir (Alexis ou l'Erreur d'un bon Père) Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1973.020 1840
print Celebrrrre Jury de Peinture..., published in Le Charivari, March 16, 1840 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1978.656.3 1840-03-16 satire
lithograph Le Portier en Tournées de Visites du jour de l'An (Silhouettes No. 5) - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005904 1841 lithograph
lithograph Moeurs Conjugales. Le Compliment - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005912 1841 lithograph
lithograph La Pêche. En Voila un de Plaisir.. - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005924 1841 lithograph
print Épicier citoyen, guerrier pur et sans tache... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2967 1841
print Le Mendiant a domicile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2973 1841
print L'Ami de collège National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2974 1841
print Pique-Assiette National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2975 1841
print Le Portier en tournées de visites... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2979 1841
print Pour qui sont ces Serpents... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2980 1841
print J'ai vu Seigneur... votre malheureux fils... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2981 1841
print Je pars plus amoureux que... jamais... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2982 1841
print Le Puits de Grenelle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3059 1841
print L'Eau du puits de Grenelle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.243 1841
print Origine des Bédoins a Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.245 1841
print En Voila un de plaisir! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.248 1841
print Parole d'honneur Mme. Frenouillet... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.254 1841
print Comme tu y vas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.276 1841
print Allons! mon jeune ami, une bonne poignée... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.278 1841
print Ah! très bien j'en suis sur! malheureuse... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.19 1841
print Le Charivari reconnaissant a l'année 1841 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.26 1841
print Oui je viens, dans son temple... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.25 1841
print Je pars plus amoureux que... jamais... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.38 1841
print Voila! t'es devenu rentier, moi médecin, lui... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.41 1841
print Charmé de se voir exposé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.17 1841
print Nourri dans le séraii... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.55 1841
print Sortez!... (Bajazet) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.56 1841
print Va faire... admirer ta fureur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.57 1841
print Un Monsieur au dessous de ses affaires National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.229 1841
print L'Amitié d'un grand chimiste... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.1 1841
print Origine des Bédoins a Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.5 1841
print Farce dramatique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.23 1841
print L'Adoption - Ah ça! Robert, mon ami... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.25 1841
print Inventaire chez un veuf National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.26 1841
print L'homme in naturalibus National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.27 1841
print Nouveautés philantropiques... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.31 1841
print (Robert) Hé bien! mon cher directeur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.32 1841
print Oui, Madame, je suis tout dévoué a notre... Prince... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.33 1841
print Le Préfet de l'Empire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.34 1841
print Le Maraudeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.37 1841
print Le Ramasseur de bouts de cigares National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.38 1841
print Bains de Femmes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.106 1841
print L'Eau du puits de Grenelle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.143 1841
print Malheureux! tu veux donc tuer le père de tes enfants? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.146 1841
print Onze degrés centigrades! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.147 1841
print Charmé de se voir exposé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.148 1841
print Le Malade imaginaire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.165 1841
print Le Chasseur Parisien National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.166 1841
print Le Distrait National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.169 1841
print Le Jour n'est pas plus pur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.176 1841
print Oui je viens, dans son temple... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.177 1841
print Tiens c't'idée! Le municipal qui boit un coup... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1998.118.8 1841 wove paper
print L'Oeil du maitre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2968 1842
print Le Placeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2976 1842
print Le Claqueur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2977 1842
print L'Acteur des Funambules National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2978 1842
print Ulysse et Pénélope National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2983 1842
print Le Supplice de Tantale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2984 1842
print Télémaque interrogé par les sages National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2985 1842
print Pygmalion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2986 1842
print Le Futur monument de Napoléon aux Invalides National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2987 1842
print Impressions de voyage d'un grand poete National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2988 1842
print Les Journaux bienfaisans National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2989 1842
print Et on appelle ça descendre le fleuve de la vie... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3058 1842
print Présentation d'Ulysse a Nausica National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3061 1842
print Le Nouveau pavage en bois... de Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.244 1842
print Le Conseil de révision National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.246 1842
print Les Bains a vingt centimes, nouveau style National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.253 1842
print Ma femme m'a dit: attends moi cinq minutes... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.263 1842
print Monsieur... Monsieur, v'la vot' mouchoir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.264 1842
print Faut de la prudence père Balivot, vot petite a seize ans... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.277 1842
print L'Ex-Colonel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.31 1842
print Enée et Didon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1978.25.4 1842
print L'Agent d'affaires National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.35 1842
print Le Ravageur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.36 1842
print Le Marchand d'habits National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.39 1842
print Le Tondeur de chiens National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.40 1842
print L'Acteur des Funambules National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.41 1842
print Attention, Gargouillet, v'la le bourgeois qui passe... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.104 1842
print Un Abus de confiance National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.105 1842
print Présentation d'Ulysse a Nausica National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.170 1842
print Les Nuits de Pénélope National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.171 1842
print Oedipe chez le Sphinx National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1993.2.1 1842 wove paper
print Emotions Parisiennes: Une Victime des Factions National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1994.60.11 1842 wove paper
print Ménélas Vainqueur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.1 1842
print La Veille des Thermopyles National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.2 1842
print Achille sous sa Tente National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.3 1842
print Présentation d'Ulysse a Nausica National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.4 1842
print Les Amazones National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.5 1842
print Les Nuits de Pénélope National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.6 1842
print Le Retour d'Ulysse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.7 1842
print La Colère d'Agamemnon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.8 1842
print L'Éducation d'Achille National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.9 1842
print Socrate chez Aspasie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.10 1842
print L'Êpée de Damoclès National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.11 1842
print Une Rencontre de Joyeux Augures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.12 1842
print L'Enlevement d'Hélène National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.13 1842
print Ulysse et Pénélope National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.14 1842
print Enée et Didon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.15 1842
print Le Fil d'Ariane National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.16 1842
print Énée aux Enfers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.17 1842
print Bon Mot du Temps National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.18 1842
print Jeunesse d'Alcibiade National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.19 1842
print Alexandre et Diogène National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.20 1842
print Marius a Minturnes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.21 1842
print Le Baptême d'Achille National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.22 1842
print Le Beau Narcisse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.23 1842
print L'Abandon d'Ariane National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.24 1842
print Hercule Dompté par l'Amour National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.25 1842
print Les Écuries d'Augias National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.26 1842
print Télémaque Ravagé par 'Amour National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.27 1842
print Le Passage d'Annibal National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.28 1842
print Télémaque et Mentor National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.29 1842
print Denys le Tyran National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.30 1842
print La Chute d'Icare National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.31 1842
print Têlémaque Rendu a la Vertu National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.32 1842
print Le Sauvetage d'Arion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.33 1842
print Les Filets de Vulcain National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.34 1842
print Marius à Carthage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.35 1842
print Apelles et Campaste National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.36 1842
print Le Supplice de Tantale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.37 1842
print Mars et Vénus National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.38 1842
print Léandre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.39 1842
print Le Désespoir de Calypso National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.40 1842
print Hippolyte Lardé par Cupidon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.41 1842
print Télémaque Interrogé par les Sages National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.42 1842
print Œdipe Chez le Sphinx National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.43 1842
print La Mort d'Anacréon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.44 1842
print Endymion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.45 1842
print La Mère des Gras National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.46 1842
print Pygmalion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.47 1842
print Les Bergers de Virgile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.48 1842
print La Mort de Sapho National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.49 1842
print Clémence de Minos National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.169.3.50 1842
print Plate 16 from Bohémiens de Paris (Bohemians of Paris) originally published in Le Charivari, January 11, 1842. Le Protecteur (The Protector) Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1995.065 1842
print Plate 23 from Bohémiens de Paris (Bohemians of Paris)); originally published in Le Charivari, February 20, 1842. Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1995.066 1842
print Plate 45 from Moeurs Conjugales (Married Life) Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1995.063 1842
lithograph Les Canotiers Parisiens - Un Leger Grain - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005925 1843 lithograph
lithograph Les Canotiers Parisiens. Une rencontre en pleine eau - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005926 1843 lithograph
lithograph Les Canotiers Parisiens. - Vois-tu Mon ami Durand.. - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005927 1843 lithograph
print Dites donc, mame Giboulard... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2990 1843
print L'Entrée dans la vie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2991 1843
print Un Voyage d'agrément a Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2992 1843
print Vois-tu, mon ami... il n'y a que deux élemens... du bonheur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2993 1843
print Une Révolte a bord National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2994 1843
print Ah! ben... le convoi... peut se flatter de l'échapper... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2995 1843
print Allons donc... que diable cocher... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2996 1843
print Une Rencontre en pleine eau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3062 1843
print Trente secondes de station National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3063 1843
print Si ma machine est bonne? je crois bien... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3064 1843
print Si ma machine est bonne? je crois bien... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3065 1843
print Un Pauvre père de famille qui... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3066 1843
print Le Dernier du Télémaque National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.247 1843
print Fallait pas me tutoyer, j'suis dans... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.249 1843
print V'la plus de six francs que je perds... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.250 1843
print Est-il permis de revenir... dans un état pareil... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.258 1843
print Le Coup de vent National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.259 1843
print Une Réception National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.260 1843
print Une Guerrier électrisé National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.262 1843
print Tu m'embêtes, mon épouse!... v'la une heure... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.7 1843
print Le Charbonnier aime être (est maitre)... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.156 1843
print Eh!... Eh!... mais il parait que... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.157 1843
print L'Entrée du Grand tunnel d'un chemin de fer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.158 1843
print Une Rencontre en pleine eau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.159 1843
print Un Homme sauvé malgré lui National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.160 1843
print L'Élection National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.161 1843
print La Visite électorale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.162 1843
print L'Héritier présomptif National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.163 1843
print Clémence de Minos National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1993.2.2 1843 wove paper
print Une Révolte a Bord National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2001.25.1 1843
print L’entrée du grand tunnel d’un chemin de fer. (The entrance of the big railway tunnel); as published in La Caricature, July 9, 1843 Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1979.0700P 1843
lithograph Les Philantropes du Jour - Ah! Monsieur... Votre Bouillon… - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005908 1844 lithograph
print La Rencontre sous bois National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2997 1844
print Un Amant trop heureux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2998 1844
print Adieu, mon cher, je vais chez mes éditeurs... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3013 1844
print Carotte du restaurant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3014 1844
print Monsieur, pardon si je vous gêne un peu... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.11.45 1844
print Carotte dramatique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.261 1844
print Ah vous trouvez que mon dernier roman n'est pas tout a fait... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.20 1844
print Carotte de l'écrin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.22 1844
print Carotte du voltigeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.23 1844
print C'est singulier... il ne me vient plus d'idées... que... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.25 1844
print Le Constitutionnel et le Juif errant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.27 1844
print Un Début a la chasse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.28 1844
print Emportez donc ça plus loin... impossible de travailler... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.29 1844
print Entrez Messieurs... voici de magnifiques... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.30 1844
print Une Femme comme moi... remettre un bouton?... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.32 1844
print Satané piallard d'enfant va!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.33 1844
print Un Grand homme de plus National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.34 1844
print Une Heureuse nouvelle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.35 1844
print Ce Journal trouve mon ouvrage pitoyable... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.36 1844
print O plaisir de l'opium que tu me ravis!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.39 1844
print Le Rajeunissement du Constitutionnel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.43 1844
print Rencontre de la payse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.44 1844
print Rencontre de la payse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.45 1844
print L'Escompte d'un billet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.23 1844
print Saperlotte!... que je voudrais... que ma femme ait fini... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.26 1844
print Un Diner maigre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.27 1844
print Un Triomphe de botaniste National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.28 1844
print Ah!... quelle singulière éducation vous donnez a votre fille?... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.29 1844
print Une Heureuse trouvaille National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.31 1844
print Le Jour de l'an National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.32 1844
print Ainsi donc, mon ami, a vingt-deux ans... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.37 1844
print Un Début galant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1952.8.223 1844
print Comment! encore une caricature sur nous... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1975.3.1 1844
print Un Complément de brillante éducation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.8 1844
print Voyez donc un peu, Isménie!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.73 1844
print La Présidente criant a tue-tête: Mesdames!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.74 1844
print Nous voila... réunies pour écrire le premier numéro... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.75 1844
print O Lune!... inspire-moi ce soir quelque petite pensée... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.76 1844
print Dis donc, Bichette... a quoi songes-tu donc... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.77 1844
print Au revoir, Ophélia!... ne manquez pas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.78 1844
print Le Bas-bleu déclamant sa pièce National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.79 1844
print L'Artiste m'a représentée au moment ou j'écris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.80 1844
print ...dussent-ils me maudire. Ces barbares parens... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.81 1844
print Un Bouquiniste dans l'ivresse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.82 1844
print Un Diner chez Véry National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.85 1844
print Une Rencontre agréable National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.86 1844
print L'honneur d'être parrain National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.89 1844
print Je t'ai déjà défendu de m'appeler maitre... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.152 1844
print La Carotte de l'élection National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.153 1844
print O douleur!... avoir rêvé... un époux... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1982.48.2 1844
print Une Représentation a bénéfice National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1982.48.4 1844
print Le Rajeunissement du Constitutionnel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2002.98.13 1844
print Un Jour de Grande Tenue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2009.54.4 1844 wove paper
print Une Bonne Fin de Mois (A Good Month's Work) Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1957.010 1844
painting Le Spectacle gratis Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection
Kunsthaus Zürich
BU 0027 110
1844 oil paint
painting The Beggars National Gallery of Art 1963.10.12 111
1845 oil paint
painting On a Bridge at Night The Phillips Collection 0377 8
painting Two Children Reaching for Fruit National Museum of Western Art P.2010-0007 7244 1845 oil paint
lithograph Les Philantropes du Jour. Apportez Messieurs, Apportez… - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005906 1845 lithograph
lithograph Les Philantropes du Jour. Monsieur Voici que nous donnons cette année… - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005907 1845 lithograph
lithograph Les Beaux Jours de la Vie. Une Loterie Philantropique - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005930 1845 lithograph
lithograph Les Beaux Jours de la Vie. Le Jour ou il Faut se Montrer Galant - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005931 1845 lithograph
painting The Kiss Musée d'Orsay RF 1973 15 180s oil paint
print Une Demande en séparation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.2999 1845
print Devant M. le Maire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3000 1845
print Une Maitresse a l'Opéra National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3001 1845
print Les Fumeurs de Hadchids National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3002 1845
print Un Vainqueur de Steeple-chase National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3003 1845
print Le Format de plus en plus monstre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3004 1845
print Un Chapeau Pamèla National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3005 1845
print Les Crêpes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3006 1845
print Oui, mon cher monsieur Badoulard, je vais... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3015 1845
print Abonnés recevant leur journal... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3016 1845
print Gibier qui peut être chassé en toutes les saisons National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3017 1845
print La Cour, vidant le délibéré... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3018 1845
print Et parlant a sa portière ainsi déclarée... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3019 1845
print Ton habit me convient, je te l'emprunte... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3029 1845
print Un Ami est un crocrodile... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3030 1845
print Mon cher je t'assure que je te... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3031 1845
print Est-ce que votre mari serait jaloux... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3032 1845
print Comment!... tous mes moutons sont morts... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3033 1845
print Comment trouvez-vous ce petit vin-la... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3034 1845
print Dis donc ma femme... je ne vois rien! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3035 1845
print Ah! Gringalet d'Paris... tu viendras faire danser... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3036 1845
print Plus souvent que je te conduirai... au bal... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.265 1845
print Allons bon!... voila les grafignons... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.266 1845
print Il n'y a pas a dire, il faut que je traverse ce... bois... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.268 1845
print Le Danger de... visiter un site par trop sauvage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.269 1845
print Une Charge déplacée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.270 1845
print Un Surveillant obligé de fermer l'oeil... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.274 1845
print C'est bien parce que c'est votre ami... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.24 1845
print Quand on a brulé son dernier chevalet! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.41 1845
print Quelle heureuse rencontre!... C'est... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.42 1845
print Un Retour de jeunesse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.46 1845
print Abonnés recevant leur journal... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.30 1845
print Un Monsieur qu'on rajeunit trop National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.33 1845
print La Visite a la nourrice National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.34 1845
print Ah! Saperlotte, je crois que nous sommes pincés! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.36 1845
print Et dire que voila trois... prévenu que je n'ai pas pu faire condamner!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.40 1845
print Avons saisi dito... un pot a eau, sans eau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.21 1845
print Faut-y faire une lettre pour l'attendrir? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.22 1845
print Un Avocat qui est... rempli de la conviction... intime... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.23 1845
print Allons donc, chers confrères... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.24 1845
print Comme je vous ai dit vertement votre fait! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.25 1845
print Vous m'avez injurié dans votre plaidoirie... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.26 1845
print Et parlant a sa portière ainsi déclarée... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.27 1845
print Oui, on veut dépouiller cet orphelin... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.28 1845
print Et dire que voila trois... prévenu que je n'ai pas pu faire condamner!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.29 1845
print Dites donc, confrère, vous allez soutenir... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.30 1845
print Vous aviez faim... ce n'est pas une raison... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.31 1845
print Perdu, monsieur... perdu sur tous les points... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.242 1845
print La Cour, vidant le délibéré... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.243 1845
print Mon cher que voulez-vous... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.244 1845
print Le Jour ou il faut se montrer galant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.230 1845
print L'Eau est délicieuse... je t'assure... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1978.104.5 1845
print Les Voisines devant le Juge de paix National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.83 1845
print Le Retour de la foire de Saint-Cloud National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.84 1845
print Fusion des compagnies National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.87 1845
print Une Réparation d'honneur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.90 1845
print Un Prix de poésie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.91 1845
print Une Promotion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.92 1845
print Un Habit a la mode National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.93 1845
print Les Cigarettes de camphre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.94 1845
print Un Chapeau neuf National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.96 1845
print Une Attention délicate National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.98 1845
print Comment on devient un grand mathématicien National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.99 1845
print Comme quoi la gymnastique forme les membres... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.100 1845
print Ou peut conduire la lecture du Constitutionnel! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.110 1845
print Le Danger de... visiter un site par trop sauvage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.111 1845
print Que nous sommes bêtes d'avoir une peur pareille... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.113 1845
print Comme quoi, au village, la vertu la plus grêlée... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.114 1845
print Je croyais que c'était plus amusant que ça... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.117 1845
print Une Terrible rencontre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.118 1845
print Vas-tu te taire avec tes Cocoricos... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.119 1845
print Et dire que c'est aujourd'hui la Saint-Médard! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.120 1845
print Comment trouvez-vous ce petit vin-la... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.121 1845
print Oh!... une bête a cornes... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.122 1845
print Désagrément de diner au trop grand air National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.123 1845
print Madame Cabassol se promène... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.151 1845
print Monsieur... voici ce que nous donnons... en prime... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.70.1 1845
print Plate 59 from Les Beau Jour de la Vie; As published in Le Charivari, April 26, 1845 Quand on a son portrait au salon Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 2003.030 1845
print Plate 9 from Les Gens du Justice (Men of the Law) Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1979.0702P 1845
painting The Night Walkers Museum Wales NMW A 2452 180s oil paint
lithograph Les Bons Bourgeois. Ce que le Bourgeois est Convenu de Nommer une Petite Distraction - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005932 1846 lithograph
lithograph Les Bons Bourgeois - Quand le Journal est trop Interessant… - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005933 1846 lithograph
lithograph Les Bons Bourgeois. Je Suis Logé un peu Haut..... - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005935 1846 lithograph
print Une Visite du 1er Janvier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3007 1846
print Réception d'un franc-maçon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3008 1846
print Un Père heureux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3009 1846
print Une Nouvelle connaissance National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3010 1846
print Un Retour de jeunesse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3011 1846
print Un Monsieur qui veut se donner la satisfaction... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3012 1846
print Mr. le Juge de paix a rendu sa décision... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3020 1846
print Voila le ministère public qui vous dit des choses... désagréables... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3021 1846
print Il défend l'orphelin et la veuve, a moins... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3022 1846
print Au Café d'Aguesseau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3023 1846
print Un Défenseur... causant... dans son cabinet habituel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3025 1846
print J'ai vu un lièvre... il y a huit jours! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3037 1846
print Ah! il est frais... mais t'nez donc garçon... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3038 1846
print Guide, allons-nous-en... au nom du ciel... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3051 1846
print Attends... j'te vas en donner... du maitre d'école National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3052 1846
print Mission pénible et délicate du professeur de dessin... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3053 1846
print On rend des comptes aux actionnaires National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3067 1846
print Leçon d'équitation, haute école National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3069 1846
print Comment on donne... le goût de la navigation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3070 1846
print La veuve National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3223 1846
print Diogène et Alcibiade a l'Odéon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.240 1846
print Ma femme... ça mord... ça mord! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.256 1846
print Allons bon!... voila que'elle me cueille une rose... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.267 1846
print Comme quoi l'emprisonnement cellulaire... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.271 1846
print Le Dortoir d'un pensionnat bien tenu National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.272 1846
print M'sieu... que c'est tannant d'avoir la colique quand... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.273 1846
print Un Jeune homme qui est l'espoir... de la famille Badinguet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.55 1846
print L'Avocat que se trouve mal National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.21 1846
print Monsieur voila vingt ans que je poursuis l'union de... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.38 1846
print Mariage de l'Époque et du Constitutionnel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.15 1846
print Tiens, ma femme, v'la mon portrait... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.18 1846
print Mr. l'avocat a rendu pleine justice... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.32 1846
print Voyons témoin il serait important de... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.33 1846
print Maitre Chapotard lisant... l'éloge de lui-même... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.34 1846
print Ce qui m'chiffonne c'est... douze vols!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.35 1846
print Mon cher monsieur... impossible de plaider votre affaire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.36 1846
print Voila le ministère public qui vous dit des choses... désagréables... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.37 1846
print Il défend l'orphelin et la veuve, a moins... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.38 1846
print Au Café d'Aguesseau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.39 1846
print Quel dommage que cette charmante... femme... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.40 1846
print Mr. le Juge de paix a rendu sa décision... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.41 1846
print Un Plaideur peu satisfait National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.42 1846
print Un Défenseur... causant... dans son cabinet habituel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.43 1846
print Ainsi donc, quoique j'vous avoue... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.44 1846
print Plaidez... ça sera un bon tour a jouer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.45 1846
print Dire... que nous avons un fils qui est... avocat... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.14 1846
print Le Coup de canon du Palais-Royal National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.163 1846
print Ménage modèle... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.46 1846
print Je suis logé un peu haut... mais... je jouis d'une jolie vue! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.47 1846
print Ce que le bourgeois est convenu de nommer une... distraction National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.52 1846
print Quand le journal est trop intéressant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.53 1846
print Il admire les beautés de la nature - Plaine St. Denis National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.54 1846
print Ma femme... ça mord... ça mord! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.62 1846
print Recherche infructueuse de la planète Leverrier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.64 1846
print Oh! p'pa... la belle femme! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.68 1846
print Comment on donne... le goût de la navigation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.71 1846
print Un Premier voyage en chemin de fer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.88 1846
print Un Hommage filial National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.95 1846
print A la porte Saint-Martin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.97 1846
print Comment on décide un jeune homme a venir... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.101 1846
print Jeunes collégiens... lavant jusqu'a leur dictionnaire latin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.102 1846
print Inconvénient pour un propriétaire de ne pas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.112 1846
print Quand on fait ses foins... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.115 1846
print Avantages des terrasses italiennes... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.116 1846
print Grrrrand Déménagement du Constitutionnel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1991.230.1 1846 wove paper
print Inconvenient de quitter National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2003.28.1 1846
print Monsieur dessine un paysage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2013.87.13 1846 wove paper
lithograph Yes, It Is My Deceased Wife!...Only You Have Flattered Her Too Much! (Oui c'est bien feue ma femme ! ...Seulement je trouve que vous l'avez trop flattée!....) Brooklyn Museum 39.541 1847 lithograph
wove paper
painting Triumphant Advocate Museum of Fine Arts Boston 48.531 119
18th century oil paint
print Nous avons grande représentation aujourd'hui National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3026 1847
print Qu'il est gentil comme ça, Dodore... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3039 1847
print Ah! vous êtes fort en vers latins, jeune homme... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3040 1847
print Papa contemplant l'image de son image National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3041 1847
print Je crois que j'ai entendu chanter un hibou... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3042 1847
print Au novel an, visite... a la tante Rabourdin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3043 1847
print Bourgeois se fesant lire, après diner, quelques chapitres... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3044 1847
print Le Jour ou il s'agit de faire une conquête National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3045 1847
print Est-il dieu permis... fendre du bois... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3047 1847
print Inconvénient de visiter sans précaution un entresol... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3048 1847
print Brigand de propriétaire... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3049 1847
print Un Locataire qui a eu un oubli le 1er janvier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3050 1847
print Une Position difficile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3054 1847
print Entrez donc, monsieur... ne vous gênez pas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3055 1847
print Diable!... il parait que le rasoir n'est guère bon... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3056 1847
print Mais puisque j'vous dis que c'est son ballon... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3068 1847
print Un Père qui fait sucer à son fils... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3071 1847
print Une Famille chez qui réside l'instinct guerrier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3072 1847
print Allons, papa... encore... trente-deux tours!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3073 1847
print Un Enfant qui s'amuse de peu... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3074 1847
print Une Nuit agitée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3075 1847
print La Première leçon de natation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3076 1847
print Plaisirs de la paternité National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3077 1847
print Un Fils modèle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3078 1847
print Inconvénient de mettre son logement... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3082 1847
print Mais monsieur le propriétaire, voyez... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3083 1847
print Déménagé!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3084 1847
print Un Déménagement furtif National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3103 1847
print Comment on comprend le balcon Espagnol a Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3104 1847
print Un Locataire qui paie exactement son terme National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3105 1847
print Le Compte est-il bien exact?... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3106 1847
print Madame Rabourdeau a sa première leçon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3109 1847
print Les Barbotteuses National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3110 1847
print A la buvette National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3111 1847
print Fesant toutes partie de la plus belle moitié... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3112 1847
print En Famille National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3113 1847
print Le Chiffonnier philosophe National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3114 1847
print Ma femme est-elle a la maison? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3160 1847
print Mais quand je vous dis que je ne peux pas remuer les pieds... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3161 1847
print Inconvénient d'un parapluie a ressorts trop compliqués National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3162 1847
print Ah! docteur... je crois... que j'suis poitrinaire! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3163 1847
print Un Mari brûlé du feu de la jalousie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3164 1847
print C'est t'y a vous c'hien la? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3165 1847
print Les Temps sont durs... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3166 1847
print Le Plus farceur de la société National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3167 1847
print Moi aussi j'ai été jeune... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3168 1847
print Une élè...zélée travaillant a domicile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.255 1847
print Une Imitation bourgeoise du Zéphir de Prudhon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.257 1847
print Ce logement est un peu cher, pour la place Royale... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1947.7.36 1847
print Désagrément d'aller a la pêche... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1947.7.37 1847
print Deux bons voisins National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.56 1847
print Parisien transportant dans un autre quartier... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.57 1847
print Laissez dire un peu de mal de vous... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.37 1847
print Chère baronne, je vous félicite... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.22 1847
print Laissez dire un peu de mal de vous... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.46 1847
print Une Péroraison a la Démosthène National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.47 1847
print Oh! quant a la vue, vous ne trouverez pas mieux qu'ici! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.54 1847
print Le Cordon donc!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.164 1847
print Le Départ pour le bal National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1978.95.2 1847
print Une Idylle dans les blés National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.48 1847
print Quand il y a trente degrés de chaleur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.49 1847
print Un Veritable amateur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.50 1847
print Six degrés au-dessous de zéro... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.51 1847
print Ayant la prétention de faire partie du beau monde National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.55 1847
print Un Chateau en Espagne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.56 1847
print Trois heures du matin... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.57 1847
print Une Soirée au corps de garde National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.58 1847
print Oh! la... tant mieux... ça prouve qu'elle vient! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.59 1847
print Un Jour de grande toilette National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.60 1847
print Quand en société vous voudrez bien recevoir un... coup... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.61 1847
print Brigand de tailleur... encore un habit... rétréci! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.63 1847
print Pour une belle vue, v'la une belle vue!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.65 1847
print Inconvénient de quitter...un convoi de chemin de fer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.66 1847
print Une Famille chez qui réside l'instinct guerrier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.69 1847
print Un Jour de grande revue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.70 1847
print Allons, papa... encore... trente-deux tours!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.72 1847
print En pleine eau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.107 1847
print Entre deux plongeons National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.108 1847
print Les Baigneuses prudentes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.109 1847
print Ah! ça mais... arriverons-nous bientôt? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.133 1847
print Inconvénient de demander des réparations... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.134 1847
print Un Déménagement furtif National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.135 1847
print Le Cordon donc!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.136 1847
print Ah! il m'a donné congé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.137 1847
print Inconvénient de louer... non loin d'une rivière National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.138 1847
print Je ne loue pas aux gens qui ont des enfants! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.139 1847
print Nayades de la Seine (Sea Nymphs of the Seine) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1998.118.6 1847 wove paper
print A la recherche d'une forêt en Champagne (In Search of a Forest in Champagne) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1998.118.5 1847 wove paper
print Tiens v'la peut-etre une pratique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2000.165.2 1847
print Vingt sous de denier a Dieu... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.390 1847
painting The Bathers Burrell Collection 35.212 20
1847 oil paint
painting Badende junge Mädchen musée d'Art moderne de Troyes MNPL 49 12
1847 oil paint
painting Family on the Barricades National Gallery Prague O 4782 75
1848 oil paint
lithograph Les Bons Bourgeois. -Mossieu Rabouleau, .. - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005934 1848 lithograph
painting The Republic Musée d'Orsay RF 1644 26
1848 oil paint
allegory breastfeeding
phrygian cap
print Encore perdu en Cour Royale... et il se lamente... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3027 1848
print Vous avez perdu votre procès c'est vrai... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3028 1848
print Doux loisir d'un quincailler retiré di commerce... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3046 1848
print Ah! monsieur... faut pas lui rire comme ça... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3080 1848
print Madame, j'ai bien l'honneur! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3087 1848
print Inconvénient d'envoyer un mauvais tableau... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3090 1848
print Tu m'reprendras encore... a aller souhaiter... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3091 1848
print Est-il bon, au moins, votre vin!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3092 1848
print Tiens... je ne te reconnaissais pas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3094 1848
print Ce satané Pigochard... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3095 1848
print L'Interdiction du port des décorations National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3096 1848
print Le Voyage en chemin de fer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3097 1848
print Rifolard est plus charmé que jamais... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3098 1848
print Plusieurs gardes nationaux qui n'avaient pas songé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3099 1848
print Les Journaux Napoléoniens sortant de l'Assemblée Nationale... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3102 1848
print Eh! bien monsieur et mes trois termes... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3107 1848
print Tiens, voilà un écriteau que ma femme a passé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3108 1848
print Il y a trois mois, m'sieu l'vicomte posait... comme ça... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3115 1848
print Des chargés d'affaires National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3116 1848
print Désolé, citoyenne... je ne reçois pas de chiens... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3117 1848
print Confrère, méfiez-vous du petit baron... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3118 1848
print Adolphe Thiers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3146 1848
print J. Antoine Taschereau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3147 1848
print Inconvénient d'acheter un journal... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.242 1848
print Faudra que je vous fasse faire un jour... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.251 1848
print Non, madame, je ne vous quitterai pas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.275 1848
print Emmanuel Arago National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.49 1848
print Quand le crime ne donne pas National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1950.16.40 1848
print Voila une femme qui, a l'heure solennelle... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.20 1848
print Encore perdu en Cour Royale... et il se lamente... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.48 1848
print Vous avez perdu votre procès c'est vrai... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.49 1848
print Grand escalier du Palais de justice. Vue de face National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.50 1848
print Il parait... que mon gaillard est un grand scélérat... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.51 1848
print Il parait... que mon gaillard est un grand scélérat... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.52 1848
print Vous êtes jolie... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.53 1848
print Je n'métonne pas si les femmes ont... du goût... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.59 1848
print Quand le crime ne donne pas National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.245 1848
print Quand on a un père farceur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.67 1848
print Le garde national Rifolard ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.435 1848
painting Les fugitifs museum collection Am Römerholz 1848 oil paint
painting Le martyre de saint Sébastien Musée d'Orsay RF 1994 18 1849 oil paint
religious art
painting Mme Pipelet, the Concierge Rhode Island School of Design Museum 32.257 9101 18th century oil paint
painting Landscape with Don Quixote and the Dead Mule Rhode Island School of Design Museum 32.258 9087 18th century oil paint
landscape art
painting Second-Class Carriage Rhode Island School of Design Museum 21.343 9093 18th century
print Vue d'une antichambre ministérielle... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3085 1849
print Aperçois-tu un lieu civilisé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3089 1849
print Une Gloire éteint l'autre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3093 1849
print Décidément nous nous amusons trop, Guillochard!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3100 1849
print Les Deux banqueteurs en joie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3101 1849
print Antony Thouret National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3139 1849
print Jean Charles Besnard National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3140 1849
print A. Fréd. Pierre comte de Falloux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3141 1849
print Eus. Isidore Buvignier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3142 1849
print F.J. Ducoux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3143 1849
print Jean-Louis Greppo National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3144 1849
print L.F. Raymond Wolowski National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3145 1849
print P.J. Proudhon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3148 1849
print Jules Bastide National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3149 1849
print J. Alexandre Bixio National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3150 1849
print C.H. Odilon Barrot National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3151 1849
print Vois-tu petit, t'as tort... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3153 1849
print Ils prétendent qu'ils la soutiennent National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3154 1849
print Dites donc, président, impossible d'attraper un lièvre... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3155 1849
print A.P.F. Deslongrais National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3157 1849
print J. Marie-Anne Degousée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3158 1849
print Ferdinand Flocon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3159 1849
print A. Granier de Cassagnac National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3194 1849
print Pierre-Napoléon Bonaparte National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3195 1849
print Pierre Louis Parisis National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3198 1849
print Le Constitutionnel contemplant l'horizon politique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3199 1849
print Ce char marchera toujours... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3209 1849
print Le Constitutionnel contemplant l'horizon politique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3210 1849
print Les Suites d'une insurrection National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1947.7.38 1849
print Achille Fould National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.40 1849
print H.M. Augustin Corne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.41 1849
print Ferdinand Favre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.42 1849
print Prince Lucien Murat National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.43 1849
print J. Marie Joseph Deville National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.44 1849
print Félix Saint-Priest National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.45 1849
print J.-B. Gustave de Laboulie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.46 1849
print Marie Denis Larabit National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.47 1849
print Ch. Ferdinand Gambon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.48 1849
print Comte de Montalembert National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.50 1849
print Alex. Ch. Henri de Tocqueville National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.51 1849
print Charles Dupin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.52 1849
print Arm. Jacques Lherbette National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.53 1849
print Maréchal Bugeaud National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.24 1849
print Ph. Auguste Demesmay National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1951.16.39 1849
print Ath. L. Charles Coquerel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.6 1849
print Ath. L. Charles Coquerel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.7 1849
print Lagrange National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.27 1849
print Auguste Avond National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.28 1849 Antoine Avond
print Alex. Thomas Marie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.29 1849
print Jos. Ant. Ronjac National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.30 1849
print Gustave Sautayra National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.31 1849
print Le Jeune Estancelin est obligé de rentrer en classe! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.32 1849
print Le Jeune Estancelin est obligé de rentrer en classe! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.33 1849
print Les Délégués du club central socialiste ont repoussé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.34 1849
print Oui, ma chère, mon mari a ravalé ma dignité... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.36 1849
print Henri de Larochejacquelein National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.172 1849
print Ah! il prétend m'empêcher d'aller... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1991.150.91 1849
print Oui, ma chère, mon mari a ravalé ma dignité... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1991.150.93 1849
print Ah! vous êtes mon mari, ah! vous êtes le maître... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1991.150.94 1849
print Moyen d'aller chercher les barbillons dans leur propre domicile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.401 1849
painting The Miller, His Son and the Ass Burrell Collection 35.222 27
1849 oil paint
print No. 25 from Les Representans Representés, Assemblée Législative; Achille Fould Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1979.0698P 1849
painting Christ and His Disciples Rijksmuseum SK-A-1869 767
18th century canvas
oil paint
religious art
painting Wandering Saltimbanques National Gallery of Art 1963.10.14 18th century oil paint
painting To the Street The Phillips Collection 0382 161
18th century
painting Zwei Advokaten Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon B 1305 D 23
18th century oil paint
lithograph Actualités. Un Parricide - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005940 1850 lithograph
painting Hunters by the fireside 9543 18th century
painting Don Quixote in the Mountains Artizon Museum gy171 42
180s oil paint Alonso Quijano
painting Don Quixote and the Windmills Art Institute of Chicago 1925.296 9017 1850
print Comment, Saint-Gervais a pris cette... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3088 1850
print Clytemnestre poussée par mimi Véron... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3156 1850
print Actionnaires Californiens National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3175 1850
print Membre... du dix Décembre prenant le la... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3176 1850
print Oui, madame Chaboulard... vingt-quatre épiciers... [recto] National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3177.a 1850
print Ovide Remilly National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3196 1850
print Lannes, duc de Montebello National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3197 1850
print Suffrage universel National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3201 1850
print Ex-membres de l'ex-société de l'ex-Dix-décembre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1946.21.241 1850
print Eugène Rouher National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.37 1850
print R.P.L. Ségur d'Aguesseau National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.38 1850
print M.L.P.F. Esquirou de Parieu National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.39 1850
print Le Nouveau tapissier de la couronne... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.231 1850
print Quand un orateur ennuyeux monte a la tribune National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.35 1850
print Les Augures de l'Empire... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.37 1850
print Lilliputiens essayant de profiter du sommeil... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.38 1850
print Les Fricoteurs politiques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.39 1850
print Attachés par leur grandeur au rivage de la Seine... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.61 1850
print Inconvénient d'avoir un parent qui se nomme Babylas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.165 1850
print Le Festin de Baltazar-Véron National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.166 1850
print Les Caniches et les rentiers allant féliciter l'Assemblée... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.173 1850
print Le Festin de Baltazar-Véron National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.569 1850
print Le Secret confié au dieu faune National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.572 1850
print V'la mon petit... s'il n'a pas assez de moyens... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1978.104.4 1850
print On a beau dire, l'antique est toujours beau... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.173 1850
print Inconvénient... des domestiques qui ont servi chez M. Duprez National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1991.150.95 1850
painting Le fardeau Villa Flora
Hahnloser Collection in Villa Flora
painting The Gossip Glasgow Museums Resource Centre 2385 180s oil paint
painting Femmes poursuivies par des satyres Montreal Museum of Fine Arts 1945.880 40
1850 oil paint
sculpture Ratapoil Hamburger Kunsthalle S-1985-16 1851 bronze
sculpture Ratapoil Bavarian State Painting Collections B 870 1851 bronze
painting The Burden (The Laundress) Hermitage Museum ГЭ-10623 46
180s oil paint
print A Naples - Le meilleur des rois... (1st plate) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3173 1851
print Oui, monsieur Gimblet, l'ordre ne sera... rétabli... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3086 1851
print Le Commerce un jour d'échéance National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3174 1851
print L'Esprit frappeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3178 1851
print L'Inconvénient d'avoir un ami mélomane National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3180 1851
print C'est bête d'avoir en hiver, des... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3182 1851
print Un Chemin dangereux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3211 1851
print Un Lutteur malheureux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1949.5.54 1851
print Expliquez-moi donc, monsieur Badoulard... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.232 1851
print Grandeur et décadence d'O. Barrot National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.40 1851
print Les Malheurs du chimiste Dumas National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.41 1851
print Les Curieux Punis National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.42 1851
print Le Nid abandonné National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.43 1851
print Le Sommeil d'Endymion-Berryer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.44 1851
print La Souscription Napoléonienne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.45 1851
print Une Panique de Lilliputiens... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.46 1851
print Regrets Superflus! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.47 1851
print Docteur... je ne suis pas aussi malade... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.48 1851
print Ce n'est pas encore cette fois-ci... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.49 1851
print Un Matamore portant une... botte... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.50 1851
print Un Chemin dangereux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.51 1851
print Un Lutteur malheureux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.52 1851
print A Naples - Le meilleur des rois... (2nd plate) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.53 1851
print Hamlet National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.54 1851
print Oedipe National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.580 1851
print Un Replatrage National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.589 1851
print Vous finirez par vous lasser de m'attaquer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.251 1851
painting Une salle d'attente (The Waiting Room) Buffalo AKG Art Museum 1964:12 51
painting Children with flowers Jan Michiel Pieter Glerum collection 18th century oil paint
genre art
painting Don Quichotte et Sancho Pança Itami City Museum of Art, History and Culture 54
1851 oil paint
painting Ecce homo Museum Folkwang 41
18th century oil paint
religious art Ecce Homo
print An Aircraft of Amusement Musea Brugge 2014.GRO0420.III 1852 paper
print A descent by parachute Musea Brugge 2014.GRO0421.III 1852 paper
print (Le Domestique) - Monsieur ferait bien... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3171 1852
print Une Leçon de botanique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3172 1852
print (1er Bas Bleu) - Profitons de l'occasion... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3179 1852
print Le Jour de l'an National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3181 1852
print Une Promenade conjugale National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3183 1852
print A l'instar d'Henri IV National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3184 1852
print Se réjouissant... de la fin de la Canicule National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3185 1852
print Il me semble que j'aperçois... un... chien... pas muselé!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3186 1852
print Je vous arrête, mauvais sujet... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3187 1852
print Le Beau sexe a l'école de natation National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3188 1852
print Madame Chapotard se disposant a faire ses confitures National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3189 1852
print Le Jour ou l'on dine chez Monsieur le Directeur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3190 1852
print Mais, monsieur, je vous assure que c'est du... veau!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3191 1852
print Oui, monsieur Chapuzot... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3192 1852
print Un Jour de représentation a bénéfice... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3193 1852
print L'Artiste - Voila qui est terminé!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3200 1852
print Henri Monnier (Rôle de Joseph Prudhomme) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.55 1852
print L'Artiste - Voila qui est terminé!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.62 1852
print Ces pauvres animaux... n'se reconnaissent... plus... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.167 1852
print Physionomies de spectateurs de la Porte St.-Martin... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.168 1852
print Allons bourgeois, levez-vous vite... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.169 1852
print Un Train de plaisir un peu trop gai National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.170 1852
print Voila... mon pot de fleurs... va avoir du soleil... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.181 1852
print Aspect d'une gare de chemin de fer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.4 1852
print Il faut que vous fassiez encore place... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.5 1852
print Un Train de plaisir un peu trop gai National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.6 1852
print Parisiens regrettant vivement... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.7 1852
print L'Inconvénient d'être dans un wagon... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.8 1852
print Un Train de plaisir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.9 1852
print Invasion de Paris par les Bas-Normands National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.10 1852
print Au Havre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.11 1852
print Garçon!... garçon!... allons il est décidé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.12 1852
print Ayant eu la facheuse idée d'aller... en mer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.13 1852
print Arrivée dans une ville trop hospitalière... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.14 1852
print Parisiens recevant un grain... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.15 1852
print Parisiens surpris par la marée... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.16 1852
print Autre émotion maritime National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.17 1852
print Le Retour a Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.18 1852
print Premier sujet d'un café-concert chantant... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.164 1852
painting Deux enfants Itami City Museum of Art, History and Culture 61
1852 oil paint
painting Don Quichotte et la mule morte Kröller-Müller Museum KM 103.945 19
1853 Alonso Quijano
print Expérience qui réussit trop bien National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.63 1853
print La Rencontre du tailleur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.182 1853
painting Susannah and the Elders Burrell Collection 35.227 88
1853 oil paint
religious art
painting Le dessinateur (The Artist) Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum WU 3961 1853 oil paint
print Astronomes parisiens observant la Comète (Paris Astronomers Observing a Comet), published in Le Charivari, September 3, 1853 Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1965.017 1853
painting Les petites paysannes Lyman Allyn Art Museum 1966.18 137
180s oil paint
painting The Burden (Laundress) National Gallery Prague O 4787 1853
painting Abogado en alegato Museo Soumaya 1854
print C'est un peu dur d'être obligé National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.67 1854
print Madame Prudhomme... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2009.54.5 1854 wove paper
painting In Church National Gallery of Art 1943.11.1 121
180s oil paint
painting Three Lawyers The Phillips Collection 0381 117
180s oil paint
painting Street Musicians Art Institute of Chicago 1954.308 9070 1855
painting Horsemen Museum of Fine Arts Boston 41.726 94
1855 oil paint
work of art
Self-Portrait National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
2014.136.292 1855 bronze
print Allant gouter ce qu'on est convenu d'appeler... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.15 1855
print Des gens dont le soleil réjouit peu la vue National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.64 1855
print Le Czar a Sébastopol National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.65 1855
print La Levée en masse en Russie... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.66 1855
print On dit que le chien est ami de l'homme... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.68 1855
print Les Hommes de vingt-cinq ans... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.69 1855
print A Naples: Défilé des... gardes-du-corps... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.70 1855
print Un rêve qui tourne a la réalité National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.174 1855
print Une Famille qui vient d'apprendre... un impot sur les chiens National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.175 1855
print Le Nouveau polichinelle napolitain National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.176 1855
print Modes du printemps de 1855 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.184 1855
print Un Faux vase du Japon faisant... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.154 1855
painting Neighbourhood gossip The Mesdag Collection
private collection Hendrik Willem Mesdag
hwm0107 1855 oil paint
painting The Good Samaritan Burrell Collection 35.215 114
180s oil paint
religious art
painting Les enfants au bain museum collection Am Römerholz 1855 oil paint
painting La veille de don Quichotte Kunstmuseum Basel G 1977.39 1855 oil paint
Alonso Quijano
painting The Print Amateur Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1943.226 102
1855 oil paint
painting Head of a Man Museum Wales NMW A 2456 76
1855 oil paint
painting The Watering Place Museum Wales NMW A 2451 92
1855 oil paint
painting Deux personnages en buste Musée d'Art et d'Histoire AP 1653 180s oil paint
painting Sancho Panza Musée Angladon 1996-K-62 1855 oil paint
painting The Heavy Burden National Museum Cardiff NMW A 3891 18th century oil paint
print Les allies s'apprètent à pousser les opérations du siège avec plus de vigueur que jamais…, from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, February 26, 1855 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.73 1855-02-26 satire
painting The Loge (In the Theatre Boxes) Walters Art Museum 37.1988 87
180s oil paint
painting French Theater National Gallery of Art 1963.10.13 1856 oil paint
painting Theater Audience National Museum of Western Art P.1984-0001 134
1856 oil paint
painting Third Class Carriage Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 1996.51 1856 oil paint
print M. Prudhomme Philantrope National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.71 1856
print Mossieu le directeur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.172 1856
print Facheux résultat... de la viande de cheval National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.177 1856
print Le Boeuf-éléphant nouvelle variété National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.178 1856
print Un nouveau marius National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.180 1856
print Il faut me trouver... trois pièces... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.183 1856
print Le Retour de l'age d'or National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.145 1856
painting The Burden Burrell Collection 35.213 105
1856 oil paint
painting Heimkehr vom Markt museum collection Am Römerholz 1856 oil paint
painting Les Deux Avocats Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection
Kunsthaus Zürich
BU 0028 116
1856 oil paint
print Descendant joyeuseument le fleuve de la vie, from Croquis d'Été, published in Le Charivari, August 7, 1856 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.446 1856-08-07 satire
print C'est peut-être bon...mais c'est égal..., from Les Hippophages, published in Le Charivari, October 23, 1856 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.298 1856-10-02 satire
print Danger de Porter des Jupes-Ballons, Plate 26 of La Crinolomanie, published in le Charivari, April 3, 1857 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.67 1857 satire
painting The Emigrants Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris PPP1031 67
1857 oil paint
genre art
painting The Reading Rijksmuseum SK-A-2980 127
1857 oil paint
print Tiens... notre jardin... produit des perdreaux!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.171 1857
print Parisiens prenant... leurs précautions... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.179 1857
painting Four Heads Burrell Collection 35.226 153
1857 oil paint
print Plate 388 from Actualités (Current Events) Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1979.0701P 1857
painting La soupe Itami City Museum of Art, History and Culture 7266 1857 oil paint
print La mère de l'amour...., from Croquis Dramatiques, published in Le Charivari, January 20, 1857 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.184 1857-01-20 satire
print Adèlaïde...Il me semble que je comète! (Adelaide...I think I see the comet!), from Croquis Parisiens, published in Le Charivari, February 18, 1857 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.326 1857-02-18 satire
print Divertissement aquatique renouvelé des Grecs, from Croquis d'Été, published in Le Charivari, August 16-17, 1857 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.319 1857-08 satire
print Le nouvel étendard des blanchisseuses, from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, August 26, 1857 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.237 1857-08-26 satire
print Parisiens surpris par la marée montante, from Émotions de Voyage, published in Le Charivari, October 8, 1857 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.332 1857-10-08 satire
print Archimède riant des efforts impuissants que font les Anglais pour mettre à flot le Leviathan, from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, December 5, 1857 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.228 1857-12-05 satire
lithograph Actualites. M. Babinet prévenu par sa portière de la visite de la comète - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005909 1858 lithograph
painting Thieves and the Donkey Musée d'Orsay RF 844 1858 oil paint
painting Man on a Rope Museum of Fine Arts Boston 43.31 164
1858 oil paint
painting The Serenade National Galleries Scotland NG 2453 144
1858 oil paint
print Pourriez-vous me dire...? J'ai la grippe!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3228 1858
print Ah!... les comètes... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.2 1858
painting Head of an Old Woman Henry and Rose Pearlman collection
Princeton University Art Museum
L.1988.62.8 1858 oil paint
painting Fumeur et Buveur d'absinthe Foundation E.G. Bührle Collection
Kunsthaus Zürich
BU 0029 135
1858 oil paint
print L'astronome allemand lâchant un fameux canard, from La Comète de 1857, published in Le Charivari, March 17, 1857 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.66 1858-01-13 duck
print Commençant à trouver que l'imperiale des omnibus..., from Croquis Parisiens, published in Le Charivari, February 10, 1858 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.336 1858-02-10 satire
print Rappelés avec enthousiasme!.., from Les Comédiens de Société, published in Le Charivari, May 1, 1858 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.81 1858-05-01 performance
print La simple comédie ne suffisant plus à l'ambition artiste de Mr. de Boisfumé..., from Les Comédiens de Société, published in Le Charivari, May 11, 1858 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.342 1858-05-11 satire
print Ne t'assoies pas là-dessus malheureuse!.... c'est peut-être le crocodile de la Patrie!...., from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, July 8, 1858 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1983.1123.11 1858-07-08 satire
print Les Parisiens à Cherbourg, from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, August 16-17, 1858 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.98 1858-08 satire
print La crinoline en temps de neige, from Croquis d'Hiver, published in Le Charivari, November 13, 1858 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.305 1858-11-13 satire
print Eh! ben.....camarade....., from En Chine, published in Le Charivari, December 17, 1858 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.59 1858-12-17 satire
print Qu-est-ce qui disent donc les autres..., from En Chine, published in Le Charivari, December 20, 1858 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.100 1858-12-20 satire
painting Man on a Rope National Gallery of Canada 5061 18th century oil paint
print Il y a la guerre... les loyers vont... diminuer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3227 1859
print L'Empereur du Maroc consultant... Desbarolles National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.72 1859
print Cristi... v'la-t-y un boeuf qui est bien fait!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1975.72.1 1859
print Au Jardin des Plantes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.1 1859
print Un Parasol dans une position difficile National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.2 1859
print Actualités: Mme. Potard - N'est-il pas vrai, brave turco... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1977.81.3 1859
print Le Cid se mettant aussi en campagne... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.246 1859
print La Situation de l'Italie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.351 1859
print Le Réveil de l'Italie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.352 1859
print Un Triomphateur à Milan National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.354 1859
print Ils ont peur de l'eau... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.355 1859
print Tarteifle!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.356 1859
print Tu ne lui as rien laissé, à ce fermier?... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.359 1859
print Le Général Giulay taillant ses ennemis National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.361 1859
print A Milan... vous oubliez la caisse!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.362 1859
print Tu viens m'annoncer la victoire... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.363 1859
print Venant annoncer... le résultat... de Magenta National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.365 1859
print Tiens... y m'semble que j'vois la-bas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.366 1859
print Notre retraite s'est opérée... dans l'ordre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.367 1859
print Tenez général... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.368 1859
print Le Général Schlagman, s'imaginant que le costume... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.369 1859
print Pauvre Giulay!... repoussé de partout... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.371 1859
print Mars... je vous ai fait bien peur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.372 1859
print Tiens... tu te mets en autrichien... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.374 1859
print Le Vieux général Giulay National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.375 1859
print Entrée en campagne du général Schlick National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.376 1859
print Le Général... passant l'inspection... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.377 1859
print A Mantoue - Comment... voici qu'ils viennent... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.378 1859
print Dire que je vais être... exposé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1994.60.12 1859 wove paper
print Visitant l'interieur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2009.54.6 1859 wove paper
painting Bust of a Woman Dumbarton Oaks HC.P.1937.10.(O) 1859 oil paint
painting La Confidence ou Le baiser de Judas Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris PPP1032 101
1859 oil paint
print La situation de l'Italie, from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, February 21, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.107 1859-02-21 satire
print Difficult to restore it to be like new, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, February 22, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.148 1859-02-22 satire
print Maudit propriétaire..., tu seras donc cause de tous mes maux..., from L'Exposition de 1859, published in Le Charivari, April 26, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.190 1859-04-26 satire
print Ils ont peur de l'eau..., from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, May 11, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.108 1859-05-11 satire
print Quelle nouvelle dans le journal?...., from Croquis d'Été, published in Le Charivari, August 5, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.4 1859-08-05 satire
print Oh! Mon ami...., j'ai peur de ces gens-là..., from Au Camp de Saint-Maur, published in Le Charivari, August 30, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.349 1859-08-30 satire
print Tiens, regarde cette caisse...., elle renferme les envoyés Américains qui se rendent a Pékin!...., from En Chine, published in Le Charivari, October 4, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 64.682.127 1859-10-04 satire
print Eh! bien, monsieur Caboulot, vous ne venez pas?...., from Croquis de Chasse, published in Le Charivari, October 6, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.299 1859-10-06 satire
print Patrouille chinoise en reçonnaissance, from En Chine, published in Le Charivari, November 7, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.295 1859-11-07 satire
print Un parasol dans une position difficule., from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, November 25, 1859 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.222 1859-11-25 satire
painting Outside the Print–Seller's Shop Dallas Museum of Art 1981.33.FA 191
1860 oil paint
genre art realism print
painting Don Quixote and the Dead Mule Metropolitan Museum of Art 09.198 260
180s oil paint
Don Quixote
painting The Imaginary Illness Philadelphia Museum of Art 1954-10-1 180s oil paint
The Imaginary Invalid
painting The Print Collector Philadelphia Museum of Art W1954-1-1 1860 panel
print On the imperiale, "At one's feet one can observe the swarming of a human ant-hill," from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.386 180s satire
painting Melodrama Bavarian State Painting Collections 8697 187
1860 oil paint
genre art stage
painting Scène de comédie Musée d'Orsay RF 2666 180s oil paint
painting The Print Collector Art Institute of Chicago 1957.305 198
18th century
painting Two Lawyers Art Institute of Chicago 1933.425 170
painting Laundress on the Quai d'Anjou Buffalo AKG Art Museum 1964:2 104
painting Landscape with a Figure Ashmolean Museum WA1988.295 9089 1860 oil paint
landscape art
painting La partie de dames museum collection Am Römerholz 1860
painting Chanteurs ambulants Musée des beaux-arts de La Chaux-de-Fonds 1306.04 1860
painting The Print Collector Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris PPP39 173
1860 oil paint
genre art
painting Les Chanteurs de rue Musée d’Art et d’Histoire de Genève
Garengo Foundation
BA 1998-0522 165
1860 oil paint
print Mr. Prudhomme and young Adolph, from 'News of the Day,' published in Le Charivari, January 27, 1860 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.111 1860-01-27 satire
print Sudden showers in March, in Morocco, from 'News of the Day,' published in Le Charivari, March 16, 1860 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.136 1860-03-16 satire
painting The Drinkers Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.143.1 155
18th century oil paint
painting The Print Collectors Clark Art Institute 1955.696 180s oil paint
painting Scapin Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1943.225 168
painting The Painting-Lovers Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 2597 (OK) 192
180s oil paint
painting The Free Pardon Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 2596 (OK) 180s oil paint
painting Painting by Honoré Daumier Belvedere 1907 343
180s oil paint
drawing The Connoisseur Metropolitan Museum of Art 29.100.200 180s man
drawing Le Défenseur (Counsel for the Defense) National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Collection (William A. Clark Collection)
2014.136.173 1862 pen
India ink
print L'Ane et les deux voleurs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3208 1862
print En Chemin de fer... un voisin agréable (On the Railroad... an agreeable neighbor) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3224 1862
print Le Dimanche au Jardin des Plantes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3226 1862
print Je n'ai jamais tant ri qu'a l'enterrement de la fille a Bourdin... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.19 1862
print Madeleine-Bastille National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.16 1862
print A travers les ateliers National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.17 1862
print Le Nouveau Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.18 1862
print Paysagistes au travail (Landscape Artists at Work) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.19 1862
print En v'la un, il pourrait bien être malheureux... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.20 1862
print En Chemin de fer... un voisin agréable (On the Railroad: A Pleasant Neighbor) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.21 1862
print Nadar élevant la Photographie à la hauteur de l'Art National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.22 1862
print A la Varenne Saint-Maur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1954.12.23 1862
painting Head of Pasquin Dallas Museum of Art 1985.R.22 204
180s oil paint
painting The Print Collector Burrell Collection 35.210 199
1862 oil paint
print Nadar Élevant la Photographie à la Hauteur de l'Art Metropolitan Museum of Art 26.52.4 1862-05-25 photography
painting The Third-Class Carriage National Gallery of Canada 4633 214
genre art literary realism woman
painting The Laundress Musée d'Orsay RF 2630 1863 oil paint
genre art child
laundry detergent
painting The Laundress Metropolitan Museum of Art 47.122 119
1863 oil paint
drawing Art Lovers Cleveland Museum of Art 1927.208 1863
painting The Reader Des Moines Art Center 1958.59 1863 oil paint
print Absinthe: The first glass, the sixth glass, from 'The Chinese of Paris," published in Le Charivari, December 22, 1863 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.353 1863-12-22 satire
print The results of bad dramatic timing, from 'Theater sketches,' published in Le Charivari, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.382 1864 performance
print Driver.... driver!.... what are you thinking?, from 'The coachmen of Paris,' published in Le Journal Amusant Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.24 1864 satire
painting Crispin and Scapin Musée d'Orsay RF 2057 211
180s oil paint
commedia dell'arte
painting Street Scene Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen 2595 (OK) 23 1864 oil paint
print Faut pas s'plaindre de c'temps-la... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3202 1864
print Un Criminel! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3203 1864
print Allons bon!... il parait... chasse réservée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3204 1864
print Les Tritons de la Seine National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3205 1864
print Qu'on dise encore que la chasse... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3229 1864
print Les Politiques de café National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.576 1864
print Les Trains de plaisir National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.577 1864
print Vue d'un atelier... avant l'exposition National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.591 1864
print On dit que les Parisiens... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.47.1 1864
print Une Discussion littéraire a la deuxième Galerie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1980.3.7 1864
painting Don Quichotte et Sancho Pança Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum 44 1864 oil paint
Alonso Quijano
Sancho Panza
painting Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Burrell Collection 35.217 230
1864 oil paint
print A new theater model, from 'Theater sketches,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, January 30, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.375 1864-01-30 satire
print Just imagine that there are people drinking absinthe..., from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, January 30, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.385 1864-01-30 satire
print Who says, Parisians are never satisfied!, from 'Theater sketches,' published in Le Charivari, February 13, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.356 1864-02-13 satire
print A literary argument on the second tier, from 'Theater sketches,' published in Le Charivari, February 27, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.650.1 1864-02-27 satire
print Well, my brave Englishman..., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 5, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.146 1864-03-05 satire
print Winter's departure, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 9, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.143 1864-03-09 satire
print On the train, from 'The difficult moments of life,' published in Le Charivari, March 12, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.360 1864-03-12 satire
print View of a studio the final week before the exhibition, from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Charivari, April 1, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.468 1864-04-01 art of painting
print Sir, so far there are only five people here..., from 'Theater sketches,' published in Le Charivari, April 3, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.486 1864-04-03 satire
print The actor and a street urchin, from 'Dramatic sketches,' published in Le Charivari, April 18, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.650.2 1864-04-18 satire
print Coffee house politics, from 'The good bourgeois,' published in Le Charivari, April 21, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.363 1864-04-21 satire
print We shouldn't be unfair..., from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Charivari, May 12, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.366 1864-05-12 satire
print Proposal for an improvement, from 'Exhibition sketches,' published in Le Charivari, May 24, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.465 1864-05-24 satire
print Opening night, from 'The difficult moments of life,' published in Le Charivari, May 26, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.362 1864-05-26 satire
print A philosopher, from 'Types and features,' published in Le Charivari, June 8, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.365 1864-06-08 satire
print In the middle of the river: Come on, Balochet, give it a push!... You mustn't forget that some forty Parisians are watching us from the bridge up there!, from 'The bathers,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, July 30, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.378 1864-07-30 satire
print Having had the ambitious idea to outswim the train, from 'The bathers,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, August 6, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.380 1864-08-06 satire
print Philosophical contemplations of a lover of silent pleasures, from 'The bathers,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, August 6, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.480 1864-08-06 satire
print A forbidden swimming pleasure, from 'The bathers,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, August 6, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.379 1864-08-06 satire
print New security measures, from 'On the train,' published in Le Charivari, September 1, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.372 1864-09-01 satire
print Information, from 'Hunting sketches,' published in Le Chiavari, October 17, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.321 1864-10-17 satire
print Hello! My good man! How much for your hare?, from 'Hunting sketches,' published in Le Charivari, October 20, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 48.117.19 1864-10-20 satire
print Un Coup de Vent non Prédit par Mathieu (de la Drôme), Plate 1 of Croquis d'Hiver, published in le Petit Journal pour rire Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.7 1864-12-03 satire
print Which shows that even cleanliness can be hazardous, from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Journal pour Rire, December 3, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.38 1864-12-03 satire
print Full again... I think they are doing this on purpose!, from 'Winter sketches,' published in Le Journal pour Rire, December 3, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.193 1864-12-03 satire
print To imagine that there are people who even travel in winter for fun and enjoyment!, from 'Winter sketches,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, December 3, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 39.45.2bis 1864-12-03 satire
lithograph Eh! Bien Crois-Tu...les Peupliers. Brooklyn Museum 53.166.11 1865 lithograph
lithograph Un Peintre Fantaisiste Brooklyn Museum 53.166.22 1865 lithograph
painting Advice to a Young Artist National Gallery of Art 1941.6.1 209
1865 oil paint
painting The Strong Man The Phillips Collection 0380 219
painting Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Resting Beneath a Tree Statens Museum for Kunst
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
SMK 3268
1865 oil paint
painting The Chess players Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris PPP41 217
18th century
oil paint
chess player
painting Le Peintre (The Painter) National Galleries Scotland NG 1616 249
1865 oil paint
painting Sancho Pansa, unter einem Baum ausruhend Belvedere 1056 30
18th century oil paint
painting Au Palais de Justice (At the Law Courts) Rhode Island School of Design Museum 2007.113 255
print Entre recors National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.561 1865
print Ne tirez pas!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.578 1865
print Un Banquet d'hippophages National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.587 1865
painting Les amateurs d'estampes Kunsthalle Mannheim 1865 oil paint
print Voisin, êtres-vous comme moi? ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
2015.143.793 1865
painting Leaving the Theater San Diego Museum of Art 1972.186 238
1865 oil paint
painting Une loge au théâtre Hamburger Kunsthalle HK-5281 1865 oil paint
painting Trio d'amateurs Musée des Beaux-Arts de la ville de Paris PPP40 229
18th century oil paint
genre art
painting Don Quijote und Sancho Panza Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 2981 231
painting A Third Class Carriage Museum Wales NMW A 2455 237
1865 oil paint
painting Le wagon de troisième classe Manchester Art Gallery 1995.36 1865 oil paint
print Well, are you finally finished?... after all, it's tiring to relax for such a long time, from 'The countryside artists,' published in Le Charivari, February 2, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.331 1865-02-02 satire
print Well, are you finally finished?... after all, it's tiring to relax for such a long time, from 'The countryside artists,' published in Le Charivari, February 2, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.522 1865-02-02 satire
print A Sunday connoisseur, from 'At the Louvre,' published in Le Charivari, February 4, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.387 1865-02-04 satire
print If patience had disappeared all over the world, one would surely find it again at a bus station in Paris, from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, February 4, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.40 1865-02-04 satire
print Stop pushing please... you have the number 57 and I just called number 3!, from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, February 4, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.215 1865-02-04 satire
print A happy evening party in Clichy, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 16, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.203 1865-03-16 satire
print At a usurer's, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 21, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.205 1865-03-21 satire
print Consequences of a horsemeat dinner, from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Charivari, April 8, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.392 1865-04-08 satire
print In Clichy, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 11, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.208 1865-04-11 satire
print Still more Venuses this year... always Venuses!... as if there were any women built like that!, from 'Sketches from the Salon,' published in Le Charivari, May 10, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.307 1865-05-10 satire
print A fantastic painter, from 'A sketch from the Salon,' published in Le Charivari, May 11, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.349 1865-05-11 satire
print Bailiff at the commercial court, from 'Parisian Sketches,' published in Le Charivari, May 13, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.301 1865-05-13 satire
print Ah, my dear sir, allow me to tell you that this year you have quite simply exhibited a masterpiece, from 'Sketches from the Salon,' published in Le Charivari, May 31, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.306 1865-05-31 satire
print Come on... don't be such a bourgeois.... at least have a look at this Courbet!, from 'Sketches from the Salon,' published in Le Charivari, June 22, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.298 1865-06-22 satire
print Don't shoot!!!, from 'Hunting sketches,' published in Le Charivari, September 4, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.610 1865-09-04 satire
print Not everything in country life smells like roses... especially when having to take care of the manure, from 'The joys of country life,' published in Le Charivari, September 12, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.229 1865-09-12 satire
print A rainy day: The guest is condemned to six hours of billiards, from 'The joys of country life,' published in Le Charivari, October 4, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.141 1865-10-04 satire
cue sports
print A sudden awakening, from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Charivari, November 1, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.141 1865-11-01 satire
print Horseback exercises not without hazards, from 'The regeneration of man through gymnastics,' published in Le Petit Journal pour Rire, November 4, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.196 1865-11-04 satire
print Just imagine my good fellow.... if they knew how we make their cheese, they surely wouldn't hurry so much, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 30, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.396 1865-12-30 satire
painting Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Alte Nationalgalerie A I 976 267
1866 oil paint
print A droite ou a gauche? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.13 1866
print A propos des... caves de la Banque de France National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.552 1866
print Empedocle recevant... les honneurs divins... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.560 1866
print Étrennes pour 1867 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.562 1866
print Gare le déraillement! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.564 1866
print Le Rêve de l'inventeur du fusil a aiguilles... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.571 1866
print Vous aurez beau faire, ma pauvre presse... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.590 1866
print Décadence du drame en 1866 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.150 1866
print La Nouvelle Cendrillon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.184 1866
print Madame Gargantua National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.189 1866
print Ou Venise commence a espérer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.191 1866
print Voila bien des oeufs de cassés... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.219 1866
print Une Situation désagréable National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.220 1866
print Changeant son cheval borgne pour un aveugle National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.221 1866
print Se demandant si, le duel fini, ils ne vont pas etre plumes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.222 1866
print Renouvele de Gulliver National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.223 1866
print Attendez... il faut encore ceci... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.224 1866
print Voyons!... debout, on nous regarde National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.225 1866
print Il se plaint de rentrer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.226 1866
print La Presse réactionnaire cherchant en vain... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.227 1866
print Le Barbe bleu Prussien... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.241 1866
print Ce qu'on appelle le Royaume-Uni National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.242 1866
print Irlande et Jamaique - Patience!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.243 1866
print La Balançoire politique... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.244 1866
print Ah! ça... ils n'ont plus l'air de s'occuper de moi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.245 1866
print L'Ordre règne à la Jamaique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.247 1866
print Un Quart d'heure après sa mort il était encore en vie (A Quarter of an Hour after His Death, He Was Still Alive) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.255 1866
painting Sancho Panza and Don Quixote in the mountains museum collection Am Römerholz 266
1866 oil paint
painting Don Quixote Reading Museum Wales NMW A 2454 252
1866 oil paint
painting Don Quichotte chargeant les moulins à vent Jan Michiel Pieter Glerum collection 1866 oil paint
painting Tête de Don Quichotte Kunsthaus Zürich 1395 262
1866 oil paint
painting Study for “Saltimbanques Resting” Norton Simon Museum
The Phillips Collection
M.1985.2.P 225
1866 oil paint
print Gertrude, we need to have our cow analyzed, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, February 1, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.230 1866-02-01 satire
print The defendant (whispering to his lawyer): All this seems to bore the president. Why don't you just suggest to simply let me go home, from 'Parisian sketches,' published in Le Charivari, February 17, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.467 1866-02-17 satire
print Election reform in England, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, February 26, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.114 1866-02-26 satire
print Madame Gargantua: A model, recommended for the next carnival, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 2, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.480 1866-03-02 food
print Gentlemen in workhouse clothes: If the rich are disguising themselves as poor, one might get the idea that the poor might transform themselves into the rich, from 'News of the day' Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.63.4 1866-03-07 satire
print The Prussian bluebeard getting ready to finish off another new Chamber of Deputies, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 13, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.223 1866-03-13 satire
print Entrusted with guarding the Insignia of Wallachian sovereignty until the forthcoming election: the throne, the sceptre ... and the trunk., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 30, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.5- 1866-03-30 satire
print Yoohoo! here it is again!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 6, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.111 1866-04-06 satire
print Ireland and Jamaica: Patience!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 11, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.131 1866-04-11 satire
print The search for a house in the country: What is especially beautiful, sir, is the view!, from 'Parisian habits,' published in Le Charivari, April 25, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.192 1866-04-25 satire
print Empedocles receiving the divine honors from the inhabitants of Salinonte for having a river purified: Project proposed b the Charivari to the Academy of Fine Arts, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, May 1, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.116 1866-05-01 satire
print The decline of the drama in 1866, from 'Parisian habits,' published in Le Charivari, May 2, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.345 1866-05-02 satire
print What about that..., they don't seem to be interested in me anymore, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, May 30, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.178 1866-05-30 satire
print An uncomfortable situation, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 5, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.117 1866-06-05 satire
print –My dear Holsteiner, I urge you to vote. –Pardon me, but am I going to end the same way as this one?, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 23, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.485 1866-06-23 satire
public election
print A political-geographical anatomy lesson, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 16-17, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.119 1866-08 satire
print –You take your pin-gun in your hand like this.... you fire... puff... this kills ten times more people than the old system... –Ah, yes papa, this is what one calls progress, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 8, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.120 1866-08-08 satire
print Are you sure at least that I will be comfortable?, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 14, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.249 1866-08-14 satire
print On the railroad, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 18, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.402 1866-08-18 satire
print One hunt follows the next and none is alike, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 15, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.53 1866-09-15 satire
print If I had known....., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 29, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.121 1866-09-29 satire
print Thank God for the rain... especially since Europe was almost set on fire, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 8, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.12 1866-10-08 satire
print Madame Prudhomme, they are reorganizing the army. It is only right that I serve my duty as a Zouave, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 28, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.403 1866-11-28 satire
print The concierge rehearsing his December smile: Take care! take care! For New Year's Day is approaching!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 13, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.224 1866-12-13 satire
print S'assurant qu'il n'y a pas de féniant sous son lit, from Actualités, published in Le Charivari, December 21, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.271 1866-12-21 satire
print Making sure that there is no Fenian under his bed, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 21, 1866 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.16 1866-12-21 satire
painting The Third-Class Carriage Metropolitan Museum of Art 29.100.129 118
oil paint
genre art Realism woman
painting The Two Colleagues (Lawyers) Brooklyn Museum 2006.14 18th century
painting Don Quixote reading National Gallery of Victoria 1276-3 1867 oil paint
painting L'artiste à la mise au tombeau Museum of Fine Arts of Reims 899.16.14 1867 oil paint
painting Don Quixotte and the Dead Mule Musée d'Orsay RF 1965 7 270
1867 oil paint
print Équilibre Européen National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3218 1867
print Ce que l'Angleterre appelle un trait-d'union National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.554 1867
print Dialogue des morts National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.557 1867
print Embrassons nous National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.559 1867
print Jadis c'était différent National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.566 1867
print La Femme a barbe National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.568 1867
print Le Temps éprouvant lui aussi le besoin de s'équiper a la mode National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.573 1867
print Non... vous n'êtes pas de cette pièce-la! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.579 1867
print Premier prix de croissance - La Prusse National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.582 1867
print Prudhomme obligé de prendre des leçons... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.583 1867
print Réflection intime d'un épicier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.584 1867
print Renouvelé des Japonais National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.585 1867
print C'est dommage que ma chasse a moi soit fermée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.228 1867
print The concierge the day after, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, January 1, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.225 1867-01-01 satire
painting Le Peintre Museum of Fine Arts of Reims 907.19.81 1867 oil paint
painting The Wrestler Thiel Gallery TG 80 259
180s oil paint
print No my children... you are not part of this play here!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 8, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.21 1867-03-08 satire
print No my children... you are not part of this play here!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 8, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.571 1867-03-08 satire
print Is this really what the philosophers were thinking of when they asked that the nations should form a mutual bundle?, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 22, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.233 1867-03-22 satire
print You find spring too cold this year... next year you will perhaps find it too hot, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 30, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.518 1867-03-30 satire
print Hi! Hi! he licked the butter off my bread!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, May 3, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.291 1867-05-03 satire
print Stop!!!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 4, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.30 1867-06-04 satire
print Coachman, for the hand of our daughter!..., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 6, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.11 1867-06-05 satire
print Coachman, for the hand of our daughter!..., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 6, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.235 1867-06-05 satire
print Deep thoughts of a grocer: One really mustn't speak badly of the sheep of Panurge... these here are getting sheared too, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 20, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.23 1867-06-20 satire
print Marius in the ruins of Carthage, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 7, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.60 1867-08-07 satire
print First prize for growth – Prussia: Note: the prize winner is a bit deformed, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 13, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.481 1867-08-13 satire
print Madame is moving, from 'News of the day' Metropolitan Museum of Art 26.52.5 1867-09-02 satire
print The world fair: Pardon me for not offering you a chair, but you know... Peace: Don't worry, I am not used to being seated, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 16, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.206 1867-09-16 satire
print On Sentry Duty: Autumn –and the password? Time–Fraternity and artillery, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 30, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.479 1867-09-30 satire
print Looking everywhere for their king, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 4, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.61 1867-10-04 satire
print La Fontaine renewed, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 10, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.31 1867-10-10 satire
print The cloud of ducks obscures the sky so much that poor Europe does not know which road to take, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 22, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.4- 1867-10-22 duck
print The cloud of ducks obscures the sky so much that poor Europe does not know what road to take, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 22, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.14 1867-10-22 duck
print November, month of fog (Matthieu de Laensberg), from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 14, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.408 1867-11-14 satire
print The Charivari. Forced to draw a new map of an area now used for manoeuvres, which used to be the location of the "Temple of Peace," from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 26, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.62 1867-11-26 satire
print Too fat, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 16, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.9 1867-11-26 satire
print A bit too old to play "Colossus of Rhodes," from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 10, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.409 1867-12-10 satire
print This is what England calls a joint union, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 28, 1867 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.125 1867-12-28 satire
painting The Fugitives Minneapolis Institute of Art 54.16 33
1868 oil paint
painting The Troubadour Cleveland Museum of Art 1958.23 269
painting Don Quijote and Sancho Panza Bavarian State Painting Collections 8698 52
1868 oil paint
equestrian portrait
history painting
Alonso Quijano
Sancho Panza
print Chauds les gros! chauds!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.555 1868
print Consultations non gratuites National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.556 1868
print Expérience d'équilibre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.563 1868
print Invention charivarique National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.565 1868
print Les Cadeaux de Noël de 1868 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.575 1868
print Un procédé pour qu'il marche sans avancer National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.588 1868
print Doucement! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.193 1868
print Pas engageant pour les autres (Unenticing for the Others) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1998.118.7 1868 wove paper
painting The lawyer reading museum collection Am Römerholz 1868
painting Sancho Panca assis sous un arbre museum collection Am Römerholz 1868 oil paint
painting Lunch in the Country Museum Wales NMW A 2449 271
1868 oil paint
print An experience with equilibrium, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, February 20, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.236 1868-02-20 satire
weighing scale
print A blank newspaper, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 31, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 28.80.6 1868-03-31 satire
print View of Europe in 1900, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 17, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.505 1868-04-17 satire
print Gently!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 21, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.42 1868-04-21 satire
print Saint Médard of politics, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 27, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.277 1868-06-27 satire
print Idea for summer parliament submitted to Europe by the Charivari, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, July 13, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 48.117.9 1868-07-13 satire
print Let's just hope that this devil Mars doesn't pull out of his muzzle, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, July 18, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.56 1868-07-18 animal
print You may suspect that this is a spectator! But you are wrong.... It's the manager of the theater!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, July 29, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.410 1868-07-29 satire
print The European state of affairs, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 18, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.44 1868-08-18 satire
print This is just a way to strain your back, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 28, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.11 1868-08-28 satire
print An award winner in 1868, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 1, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.519 1868-09-01 satire
print The deputies on leave. Dreaming that they will not be re-elected, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 9, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.10 1868-09-09 satire
print Don't fall!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 24, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.294 1868-09-24 satire
print What do they see inside?, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 14, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.258 1868-10-14 satire
print The leapfrog game: Bend your head down! Again!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 20, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.265 1868-10-20 satire
print Big hot ones! Hot!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 14, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.47 1868-11-14 satire
print History revised and corrected by the operetta: Go ahead Chilperic and Agamemnon!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 11, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.65 1868-12-11 satire
print –Good Lord, what has happened to you? –Hush! It's a trick I invented in order to avoid giving New Year's presents, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 18, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.3- 1868-12-18 satire
print The spring-tide of 1868, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 19, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 36.12.6- 1868-12-19 bird
print December 31st, Table of contents, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 31, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 48.117.2 1868-12-31 satire
print December 31st, Table of contents, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 31, 1868 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.20 1868-12-31 satire
print Au Camp de Chalons National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.553 1869
print Électeurs, dans mes bras!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.558 1869
print Le Mot d'ordre: Réaction... Pardon... Liberté National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.570 1869
print Le vrai feu d'artifice est d'être libéral National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.574 1869
print On avait... joliment graissé le mât National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.581 1869
print Si je n'allais pas être réélu! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.586 1869
print La Partie de volant National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.183 1869
print Adoremus! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.186 1869
print Pardon mon cher... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.188 1869
print A l'instar de Pantin National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.190 1869
print J'ai beau laver, l'ancienne couleur... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.229 1869
print Mars sans carême National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.230 1869
print Je vous en prie, rentrez dans votre boite... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.231 1869
print Difficile à faire paraitre svelte National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.232 1869
print La France se préparant a passer... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.233 1869
print Utilisant les loisirs... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.235 1869
print What if I don't get re-elected!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 3, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.414 1869-03-03 satire
print I can wash as much as I want, the old color won't come back, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 8, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.130 1869-03-08 satire
print From Scylla to Charybdis, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 20, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.53 1869-03-20 satire
print I am a bird, see my wings. I am a bat, long live the rats (La Fontaine), from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 24, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.43 1869-03-24 bat
print The quartering reinstated: Give me your vote! To me! No, to me!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, May 8, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 48.117.24 1869-05-08 satire
print The electoral machine gun. What a strewing of flowers., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, May 11, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.259 1869-05-11 satire
public election
print Pardon my friend..... let's verify my powers before yours!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, July 16, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.122 1869-07-16 satire
print Away with the ballast!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 12, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.120 1869-08-12 satire
hot air balloon
print An anatomy lesson, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 21, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.250 1869-08-21 human anatomy
print Like a Puppet, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 12, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.29 1869-10-12 satire
print The restoration of the legislative body: –Hope that it will hold like this. –Hum... hummm! Maybe it wasn't enough to just re-plaster the walls., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 20, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.269 1869-10-20 satire
print The restoration of the legislative body: –Hope that it will hold like this. –Hum... hummm! Maybe it wasn't enough to just re-plaster the walls., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 20, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.270 1869-10-20 satire
print I think this umbrella is going to collapse pretty soon, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 23, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.21 1869-10-23 satire
print This is my "bullet," from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 20, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.127 1869-11-20 satire
print This is my "bullet," from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 20, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.272 1869-11-20 satire
print This is my "bullet," from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 20, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.18 1869-11-20 satire
print A deputy's nightmare: –Oh my friend, what has happened? –I dreamed I was invalidated, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 7, 1869 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.248 1869-12-07 satire
painting The Studio J. Paul Getty Museum 85.PA.514 285
1870 oil paint
painting The Painter at His Easel The Phillips Collection 0378 280
painting Two Sculptors The Phillips Collection 0383 295
painting Collectors of prints Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) 1913-Q 180s oil paint
drawing Actor Posing in Front of a Mirror National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3242 180s pen
India ink
watercolor paint
print Histoire d'un règne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3206 1870
print Ce que certains journaux appeleraient... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3207 1870
print Nous ne nous serions jamais douté tout de même... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3213 1870
print Décidément on ne peut pas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3214 1870
print Square Napoléon National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3215 1870
print La paix a tout prix National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3216 1870
print A qui le tour? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3217 1870
print Le couronnement de son édifice National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3219 1870
print Monsieur sera très bien ici... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3220 1870
print Trop étroit pour deux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3221 1870
print L'Arène parlementaire National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1964.8.567 1870
print L'unité allemande National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1978.104.2 1870
print Un cauchemar de M. Bismarck National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.182 1870
print Gare la lumière! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.187 1870
print L'empire c'est la paix National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.192 1870
print Les arènes législatives National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.237 1870
print Le Prince de Hohenzollern... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.238 1870
print L'appel de leurs réserves National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.239 1870
print Trop étroit pour deux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.240 1870
print Le supplice de tantale... eau comprise National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.248 1870
print Comment Bismarck comprend l'unité allemande National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.250 1870
print A qui le tour? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.379 1870
print Ce que certains journaux appeleraient... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.381 1870
print Décidément on ne peut pas... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.382 1870
print Histoire d'un règne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.383 1870
print La paix a tout prix National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.384 1870
print Le couronnement de son édifice National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.385 1870
print Monsieur sera très bien ici... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.386 1870
print Nous ne nous serions jamais douté tout de même... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.387 1870
print Trop étroit pour deux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.388 1870
painting La commère Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum 2385 1870 oil paint
painting Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Courtauld Institute of Art P.1932.SC.86 286
1870 oil paint
history painting Alonso Quijano
Sancho Panza
painting Sur la scène museum collection Am Römerholz 1870 oil paint
painting Sauvetage Hamburger Kunsthalle HK-5248 1870
painting Saltimbanques Resting Norton Simon Museum M.1976.06.P 224
1870 oil paint
print Proposal for a new system to better isolate reactionnaries, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, January 14, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.28 1870-01-14 satire
human head
print Basile, my friend, your word is going to be askew, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, January 20, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.147 1870-01-20 satire
print Will it burst or not?, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 12, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.54 1870-03-12 satire
print The declaration of Damocles, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 25, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.512 1870-03-25 satire
print Look out for the light!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 5, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 56.638.5 1870-04-05 bird
print I say, we are more advanced than the newspapers…. They stopped branding our kind years ago, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 12, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.89 1870-04-12 satire
print My dear France, I urge you not to panic every time before your delivery!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 23, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.265 1870-05-23 satire
print –It's the Apollo of the new opera. –Well, I had taken it for the statue of liberty, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 4, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 53.622.35 1870-06-04 satire
print Will she be helped enough..., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 17, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.418 1870-06-17 satire
print Victim of the drought, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, July 16, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.529 1870-07-16 satire
print My field plundered.... my horse taken away.... my money stolen.... and this is what they call patriotism!..., from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 5, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.506 1870-08-05 satire
print Poor old fellow. You are like me... it annoys you that you cannot speak up as you would like to, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 5, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.255 1870-09-05 satire
print Monsieur will be very satisfied here: a superb view... Right in front of the spot where they think the enemy will set up his first forces, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 14, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.421 1870-09-14 satire
print Wine harvest in Argenteuil, from 'Autumn sketches,' published in Le Charivari, September 21, 1865 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.311 1870-09-20 satire
print The Republic calls us! Let us be victorious or die, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, September 20, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.283 1870-09-20 satire
print The Empire means Peace, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, October 19, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.282 1870-10-19 satire
print A page from history, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 16, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.281 1870-11-16 Victor Hugo
print A page from history, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 16, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.566 1870-11-16 Victor Hugo
print The torments of Tantalus... water included, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, November 23, 1870 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.56 1870-11-23 satire
print Vous n'avez pas besoin de me rappeler ses titres... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1953.6.16 1871
print Moi je suis ravitaillé!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.129 1871
print L'éclipse sera-t-elle totale? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.185 1871
print Le défenseur de Calas consolé... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.194 1871
print La hache qui le coupera n'est pas encore trempée National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.195 1871
print Regardez, mais n'y touchez pas! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.196 1871
print Voyons, monsieur Réac... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.199 1871
print A Paris nous ne pouvions... aller a Versailles... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.200 1871
print Successeur de Charlemagne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.201 1871
print Versailles!... Trois semaines d'arrêt! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.202 1871
print Le char de l'état en 1871 National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.203 1871
print Déjà relevée! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.204 1871
print La république de Milo... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.205 1871
print Théâtre de Bordeaux - on joue la tragédie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.206 1871
print Ce pauvre Louis XIV n'en croyant pas ses yeux National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.207 1871
print Le Président de Rhodes National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.208 1871
print Je vous assure que vous serez très bien assise National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.209 1871
print Chère dame, avant de nous donner... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.210 1871
print Après la pompe a sang, la pompe à or National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.211 1871
print Vous n'avez pas besoin de me rappeler ses titres... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.212 1871
print Avis aux amateurs National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.213 1871
print Ce qui ramènera... nos députés à Paris National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.214 1871
print Tirez, ça fait équilibre National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.215 1871
print Prenez garde, madame la Majorité! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.216 1871
print Bien vexés de ne pas trouver... la couronne... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.217 1871
print Va te faire achever pour moi National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.234 1871
print Leur Mané, Thecel, Pharès National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.236 1871
print Les marches du nouveau trone d'Allemagne National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.249 1871
print C'est dangereux, la pêche à l'épervier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.380 1871
print Vous n'avez pas besoin de me rappeler ses titres... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1980.45.389 1871
print Album du Siége, Title page from Recueil de Caricatures Publieé Pendant le Siége dans Le Charivari Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172gg 1871
print Ce pauver henri iv voyant, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172z 1871
print Ceci a tué cela. (This has done away with that.) from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172c 1871
print Epouvantee de l'heritage. (Appalled at the consequences of war.) from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172g 1871
print J'ai besoin de quitter Paris-., from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172w 1871
print Je me suis mis dans les volontaires! from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172p 1871
print L'empire c'est la paix. (The Empire means peace.), from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172f 1871
print Laissez appuyer moa-, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172i 1871
print Le danger de manger, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172t 1871
print Le revers de la Médaille de Sainte-Hélène. (The reverse side of the Medal of Sainte-Hélène.), from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172ff 1871
print Les fuyards se dissimulant, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172n 1871
print Les Prussiens m'ont donne un ciagre! from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172m 1871
print Madame Putois, j'aurais tout de meme jamais, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172q 1871
print Maintenant j'adore les gens greles, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172r 1871
print Modes Parisiennes en prévision-, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172x 1871
print Moi, je suis ravitaille!-, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172b 1871
print Nous ne nous serions - from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172a 1871
print On aurait pu profiter, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172v 1871
print Plus de viande!-, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172s 1871
print Pour ne pas etre blesse, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172l 1871
print Préparant les étrennes pour son peuple. (Preparing New Year’s gifts for his people.), from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172cc 1871
print Quand je pense que-, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172u 1871
print Rationnement du pain. Un monsieur allant dîner en ville. (The rationing of bread.—A man going downtown to dine.), from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172ee 1871
print Six heures et demie, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172k 1871
print Soldats! il fait très-froid, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172y 1871
print Square Napoléon. (Napoléon Square), from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172h 1871
print T'allais jamais a l'Eglise, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172j 1871
print Tu t'es mis un faux ventre! from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172o 1871
print Un paysage en 1870. (The scenery in 1870.), from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172d 1871
print Le Bombardement. Qu’estce que c’est que ça, papa? C’est le dernier bouquet des feux du 15 août. Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172dd 1871
print Les animaux du Jardin des Plantes faisant queue comme tout le monde pour avoir leur viande, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172aa 1871
print Pauvre France! Le tronc est foudroyé, mais les racines tiennent bon!, from Album du Siége Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172e 1871
print Plus de gaz. Le beau sexe tenant cependant à se faire voir le soir sur le boulevard. Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1999.172bb 1871
print Poor France... the trunk was struck by lightning, but the roots hold fast, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, February 1, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.277 1871-02-01 satire
print These are responsible for those, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, February 9, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.75 1871-02-09 satire
print The Bordeaux Assembly: View of the conciliatory attitude of the "moderate party," from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, March 11, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.500 1871-03-11 satire
print I didn't vote yes for this!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 1, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.544 1871-04-01 satire
print The sadness of Rouher: Even though I did my best in stuffing him, it is impossible to make believe that he is still alive, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, April 12, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.286 1871-07-12 bird
print Already on her feet again!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, July 19, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.503 1871-07-19 satire
print Rest in peace!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 7, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.43 1871-08-07 satire
print Go and get yourself killed for me, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 10, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 48.117.15 1871-08-10 satire
print This poor King Louis XIV doesn't believe his eyes, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, August 21, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 48.117.4 1871-08-21 Louis XIV of France
print Thanks, I can do quite well without!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, December 29, 1871 Metropolitan Museum of Art 48.117.8 1871-12-29 satire
print C'est dangereux, la pêche à l'épervier National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1943.3.3212 1872
print La fusion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.56 1872
print La fusion National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.57 1872
print Les écuries d'Augias National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.197 1872
print Je ne pourrai jamais laver tout ça National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.198 1872
print Notre dernier gateau des rois National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1979.49.218 1872
print The cursed year!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, January 1, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.424 1872-01-01 satire
painting An Artist Clark Art Institute 1955.697 180s
print The parliamentary trains: A right wing deputy is shocked by the sight of the red flag of the signal-man, assuming that the Commune has been proclaimed at Versailles, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, January 22, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 60.708.127 1872-01-22 satire
print Basile in fear, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, February 9, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 54.557.46 1872-02-09 animal
print This trunk belongs no one, so it must be ours!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, May 6, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.280 1872-05-06 satire
print Poor Mr. Rouher! A voice (in the wings): –Go ahead! Jump! He: –But I'll sink to the bottom!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, May 9, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.425 1872-05-09 satire
print How can the building be restored, if the workers are fighting between each other!, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, May 17, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.245 1872-05-17 satire
print The Augeian stables, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 3, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.427 1872-06-03 satire
print The Charivari is proposing a new kind of bell which should remind the Assembly that some of the territories still need to be liberated, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 13, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 57.650.282 1872-06-13 satire
print View of the right, from 'News of the day,' published in Le Charivari, June 28, 1872 Metropolitan Museum of Art 48.117.16 1872-06-28 satire
painting Pierrot Playing the Guitar museum collection Am Römerholz 301
1873 oil paint
print My old Talma, you've got another thing coming!, from 'The third rate actors,' published in Le Journal Amusant, April 27, 1878 Metropolitan Museum of Art 22.61.222 1878-04-27 satire
print Les saltimbanques National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1958.8.58 1880
print The Ministerial Madhouse. Different Obsessions of Deranged Politicians Musea Brugge BMV.10709 1893 ink
drawing Les Amateurs d’estampes National Museum of Fine Arts 19th century print
painting Don Quixote and Sancho Panza National Gallery
Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane
1908 oil paint
Alonso Quijano
Sancho Panza
sculpture Ratapoil Musée d'Orsay
drawing Lezende man Rijksmuseum SK-A-3660 pencil
drawing Man under lock and key Finnish National Gallery A-2002-174
painting Feast of the Gods National Gallery of Art 1943.11.2
painting Man Bathing a Child Philadelphia Museum of Art Cat. 960 960 oil paint
lithograph De actualiteit - De Horatii van het Elysée Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) 2011-I
lithograph De Napoleonistische kranten bij het verlaten van de Assemblée Nationale na het aannemen per stemming dat generaal Cavaignac zich voor het vaderland zeer verdienstelijk had gemaakt Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) 2011-J
lithograph Een barones haar titel ontnomen.Wat… uw titels zijn niet rechtsgeldig…Ik die enkel met u ben getrouwd om barones te kunnen zijn…ik wil scheiden Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) 2011-K
lithograph Kijk, hier al de goedkope wijn… Zo zullen wij dit jaar slaag krijgen (geslagen worden) Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) 2011-L
lithograph De wereldtentoonstelling.De koetsier – Kijk burgers, u mag twisten om mijn koets zoveel u wilt, maar doe dat wel per uur, zodat ik er (tenminste) voordeel bij heb Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) 2011-M
lithograph Al wat men kan wensen-Neemt u mij niet kwalijk; ik ga aan tafel. Overigens, heeft u al gegeten…?-Neen! Nog niet.-Wel, wel! Dan zal ik voor u aan tafel zitten. Tot ziens. Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK) 2011-N
painting The Uprising (L'Emeute) The Phillips Collection 0384 160
oil paint
painting Mary Magdalene National Museum of Western Art P.1979-0006 religious art
painting A Meeting of Lawyers Museum of Fine Arts, Houston 74.137 186
painting The Ribalds (Les Ribaudes) Barnes Foundation BF22 28
oil paint
painting Two Drinkers (Les Deux buveurs) Barnes Foundation BF1197 156
painting The Hypochondriac (Le Malade imaginaire) Barnes Foundation BF75 201
painting The Painter in Front of His Painting (Le Peintre devant son tableau) Barnes Foundation BF1184 282
drawing Bedelares met twee kinderen Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 42 (PK)
drawing De kunstkenners ("Les amateurs") Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 60 (PK)
drawing De muziekliefhebber en een pianist Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 216 (PK)
drawing De prentenverzamelaar (L' Amateur d' Estampes) Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 12 (PK)
drawing De prentenverzamelaars ("Devant un litho de Raffet") Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 59 (PK)
drawing De verdediger ("Le défenseur") Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 189 (PK)
drawing De verzamelaar (de acteur Vincent-Alfred Baron, bekend als Cléophas) Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 31 (PK)
drawing De voorlezer Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 173 (PK)
drawing Een advocaat Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 70 (PK)
drawing Een advocaat Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 112 verso (PK)
drawing Een toneelspeler en andere studies Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 61 recto (PK)
drawing Le Flagrant Délit Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 190 (PK)
drawing L'Argument décisif (het slotpleidooi) Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 170 (PK)
drawing Scène uit een tragedie Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 113 (PK)
drawing Schreeuwende Pierrot ("Le crieur") Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 174 (PK)
drawing Staand mannelijk naakt Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 114 verso (PK)
drawing Studie van een toneelspeler Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 171 (PK)
drawing Studie van een toneelspeler Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 71 (PK)
drawing Studie van vijf mannenkoppen in een menigte ("Spectateurs au Théâtre") Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 112 recto (PK)
drawing Vrouw die een krachtpatser verzorgt ("Hercule de foire") Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen F II 115 (PK)
painting Das Drama (copy of) Bavarian State Painting Collections 12753 13135 oil paint
painting At the Print Stand National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
painting At the Gallery Drouot National Gallery of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art
painting Orchestra Stalls Cincinnati Art Museum 1960.22 oil paint
painting Duas cabeça São Paulo Museum of Art MASP.00071
sculpture Joseph, Baron de Podenas National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.1 bronze Joseph de Podenas
work of art
Benjamin Delessert National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.2 bronze
work of art
Jean-Claude Fulchiron National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3 bronze
work of art
Auguste-Hilarion, Comte de Kératry National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.4 bronze
work of art
Félix Barthe National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.5 bronze
work of art
Pierre-Paul Royer-Collard National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.6 bronze
work of art
Auguste-Hippolyte Ganneron National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.7 bronze
work of art
Dr. Clément-François-Victor-Gabriel Prunelle National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.8 bronze
work of art
Jean-Pons-Guillaume Viennet National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.9 bronze
work of art
André-Marie-Jean-Jacques Dupin Aîné National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.10 bronze
work of art
Jean-Marie Fruchard National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.11 bronze
work of art
Charles Philipon National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.12 bronze
work of art
François, Marquis de Barbé-Marbois (?) National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.13 bronze
work of art
Jean-Auguste Chevandier de Valdrome National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.14 bronze
work of art
Jean-Charles Persil National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.15 bronze
work of art
Alexandre Lecomte National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.16 bronze
work of art
Antoine Odier National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.17 bronze
work of art
Charles-Malo-François, Comte de Lameth National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.18 bronze
work of art
Horace-François-Bastien Sébastiani (?) National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.19 bronze
work of art
Charles Henry Verhuel, Count of Sevenaar (?) National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.20 bronze
work of art
Charles-Léonard Gallois (?) National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.21 bronze
work of art
Claude Bailliot National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.22 bronze
work of art
Alfred-Frédéric-Pierre, Comte de Falloux National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.23 bronze
work of art
Jean Vatout National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.24 bronze
work of art
Fugitives (Emigrants) National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.25 bronze
sculpture Ratapoil National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.3 bronze
work of art
Hippolyte-Abraham Dubois National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.4 bronze
work of art
Antoine-Maurice-Apollinaire, Comte D'Argout National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.5 bronze
work of art
Marthe-Camille Bachasson, Comte de Montalivet National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.6 bronze
work of art
Laurent Cunin, called Cunin-Gridaine National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.7 bronze Laurent Cunin-Gridaine
work of art
Jacques-Antoine-Adrien, Baron Delort National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.8 bronze Jacques-Antoine-Adrien Delort
work of art
Charles-Guillaume Etienne National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.9 bronze
work of art
Auguste Gady National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.10 bronze
work of art
François-Pierre-Guillaume Guizot National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.11 bronze
work of art
Jean-Marie Harlé, Père National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.12 bronze
work of art
Jacques Lefèbvre National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.13 bronze
work of art
Alexandre-Simon Pataille National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.14 bronze
work of art
Charles-Léonce-Victor, Duc de Broglie National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
1951.17.15 bronze
painting The First Bath Detroit Institute of Arts 70.166 64
drawing Figure of a Man National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3230 black chalk
laid paper
drawing Rest in the Country (Sancho Panza) National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
drawing Old Woman Seated National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3232 watercolor paint
laid paper
drawing Bathers National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3233 black chalk
drawing Study of a Man National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3234 black chalk
laid paper
drawing Scene of the Tribunal (The Verdict) National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3235 pen
drawing The Smoker National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3236 pen
India ink
laid paper
drawing Sheet of Studies with Two Large Men on the Ground National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3237 black chalk
laid paper
drawing The Prodigal Son National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3238 pen
India ink
laid paper
drawing The Prodigal Son National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3239 pen
India ink
laid paper
drawing Centaur Carrying Off a Woman National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3240 pen
India ink
drawing Don Quixote National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
drawing Lawyer National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3243 black chalk
drawing Dancer National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3244 laid paper
drawing The Grandmother National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3245 pen
India ink
laid paper
drawing Scene in a Palace of Justice National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3246 black chalk
drawing The Reading National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3247 charcoal
laid paper
drawing Woman with Veil National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3248 pen
India ink
black chalk
laid paper
drawing Head of a Man National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3249 black chalk
drawing Head of a Man National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
drawing Head of a Man National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
drawing Head of a Man National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3252 watercolor paint
black chalk
laid paper
drawing Head of a Man National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3253 watercolor paint
India ink
drawing Head of a Man National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3254 watercolor paint
drawing The Prodigal Son National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3255 pen
India ink
laid paper
drawing The Prodigal Son National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3256 pen
India ink
laid paper
drawing The Prodigal Son National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.3257 pen
India ink
laid paper
drawing The Prodigal Son National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
drawing The Young Courier National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
drawing Two Men National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.9319 graphite
drawing Man Carrying a Sack National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1943.3.9320 charcoal
drawing Two Lawyers National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
drawing Mother and Baby National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1963.10.243 pen
India ink
drawing Prosecutor National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1963.10.244 pen
laid paper
drawing Two Lawyers National Gallery of Art
Drawings in the National Gallery of Art
1963.10.245 charcoal
laid paper
print Le Jour de sortie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Une Alliance National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Les Trois petits saints National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Les Trois petits saints National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Two Men Amid Ruins National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Surveillant la Commission de Surveillance National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print En Irlande National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Croyez-moi! prenez mon bras... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Nos troupiers: En Italie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Nos troupiers: Villégiature National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Au camp de Saint-Maur: Visite aux tentes des turcos National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Au camp de Saint-Maur: La dame - Oh! Mon ami ... quel beau turco! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Actualités: Tiens Adélaide ... J'ai voulou te faire une surprise ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Actualités: Mme. Potard - N'est-ul pas vrai, brave turco ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Au camp de Saint-Maur: Bono ... Bono! ... France!!! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print En Italie: Le vin est l'ornement de l'homme... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Actualités: Oh! Mon ami ... J'ai peur de ces gens-la! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Au camp de Saint-Maur: M. Prud'homme se passant la fantaisie ... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Au camp de Saint-Maur: La levée du camp National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
print Voyageurs appréciant de moins en moins les wagons de troisième classe... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1989.62.1 wove paper
print Danger de porter des jupons-ballons... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1989.62.2 wove paper
print Adélaide...Adé me semble que je vois deja venir la comète !!... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1989.62.3 wove paper
print ça n'est rien Élé n'est rien... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1989.62.4 wove paper
print C'est-y embêtant de brosser ces machines là... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print La promenade du Critique influent National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
1992.14.1 wove paper
print Frontispiece for "Catalogue de l'Oeuvre Lithographié et Gravé de H. Daumier" National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
1994.40.1.a wove paper
painting A Meeting in the Palais de Justice Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek MIN 1899 oil paint
print Paysagistes au travail (Landscape Artists at Work) National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Aux Champs-Elysées, Ratapoil. Par suite d'une délibération philantropique [sic] du Comité du dix Décembre...à deux sous à club...deux sous... National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Mac-Adam [sic] et Bineau aux enfers. Par suite d'une punition terrible, mais méritée, ils sont condamnés à repaver les Champs Elysées. National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Et pendant ce temps-là ils continuent à affirmer qu'elle ne s'est jamais mieux portée! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Tu te plains toujours, tu n'es jamais content. National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Voilà le moment (passé minuit) o∙ le calme et la paix règnent véritablement dans les heureux ménages. Vaut mieux tard que jamais. National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print J'aimerais autant voir un ouragan se promener dans mon jardin qu'une de ces satanées crinolines! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Ma soeur disait comme ça, hier, qu'elle vous trouve trop laid! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Souvenir de Ste. Pélagie National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Le roi des potirons recevant les hommages de ses sujets National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print La mère dans le feu de la composition, l'enfant est dans l'eau de la baignoire! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Le Tailleur National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Nous ne partirons donc pas! -Hortense, je crois que ça va mordre . . . Rien plus qu'une petite demi-heure! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Position réputée la plus commode pour un portrait au daguerréotype National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Ces artistes sont presque tous fous . . . Ma parole d'honneur! . . . En voilà un qui a l'idée de faire le portrait d'un vieil arbre! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Ratapoil Fesant de la Propaganda: Si vous aimez votre femme, votre maison, votre champ, votre génisse et votre veau, signez, vous n'avez pas une minute de perdre! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Rêvant qu'elle a gagné le gros lingot d'or. National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print L'ours du nord, le plus désagréable de tous les ours connus National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Un invité à un dîner d'hippophages: Vous offrirai-je encore un peu? C'est excellent, n'est-ce pas? National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Dis donc amour! Crois-tu que ce sera un garçon. -Tu sais bien Clothilde que je te l'ai promis . . . Et j'ai un tact . . . Qui ne me trompe jamais! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
print Le dernier jour de la réception des tableaux. Saperlotte . . . Nous voici déjà arrivés et mon tableau n'est pas fini! National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
engraving Երկաթուղի սյուիտից National Gallery of Armenia 18744 lithography
engraving Երկաթուղի սյուիտից National Gallery of Armenia 18745 lithography
engraving Ճանապարհորդություն դեպի Չինաստան National Gallery of Armenia 18746 lithography
engraving Ճանապարհորդություն դեպի Չինաստան National Gallery of Armenia 18747 lithography
engraving Ամուրի մարդու օրը National Gallery of Armenia 18748 lithography
engraving Հին պատմություն. Էնեյը դժոխքում National Gallery of Armenia 18749 lithography
engraving Հին պատմություն. Ալկիվիադ National Gallery of Armenia 18750 lithography
engraving Մարսը և Վեներան National Gallery of Armenia 18756 lithography
engraving Ակտուալիտե National Gallery of Armenia 18757 lithography
engraving Փարիզի երաժիշտները National Gallery of Armenia 18758 lithography
engraving Երկաթուղի սյուիտից National Gallery of Armenia 18774 lithography
engraving Երկաթուղի սյուիտից National Gallery of Armenia 18775 lithography
engraving Ամուսնական բարքեր National Gallery of Armenia 18856 lithography
engraving Փարիզյան տպավորություններ National Gallery of Armenia 18857 lithography
engraving Ծաղրանկարների ռևյու National Gallery of Armenia 18858 lithography
engraving Այժմեականություն National Gallery of Armenia 18859 lithography
engraving Լողացողները National Gallery of Armenia 18870 lithography
engraving Ամուսնական բարքեր National Gallery of Armenia 18872 lithography
painting Children Under a Tree Toledo Museum of Art 1936.86 oil paint
painting Les Collectionneurs d'estampes Fondation Bemberg 2197 oil paint
painting Les amateurs d'estampes National Museum of Fine Arts of Algiers IG.3500
painting The Fugitives Burrell Collection 35.218 9502 oil paint
painting Un déjeuner à la campagne museum collection Am Römerholz
painting Le premier bain Hamburger Kunsthalle HK-2528
painting Cheval et buggy Utah Museum of Fine Arts UMFA2017.6.1 oil paint
print A visit to the studio, from 'The difficult moments of life,' published in Le Charivari, March 28-29, 1864 Metropolitan Museum of Art 62.650.361 satire
sculpture Monsieur Lefebvre, L'Esprit Fin et Trachant Vanderbilt University Fine Arts Gallery 1975.049
painting Two Singers Harvard Art Museums
Fogg Museum
1957.205 132
oil paint
painting The Secret Museum Wales NMW A 1602 197
oil paint
print La tristesse de Rouher : J'ai eu beau l'empailler de mon mieux, impossible de faire croire qu'il est encore vivant BOYER 2306 Boyer collection BOYER 2306 Eugène Rouher
print Actualités : Rouhero-Rouherini ou le monsieur que ses malheurs ont rendu Corse BOYER 2304 Boyer collection BOYER 2304 Eugène Rouher
print Les représentans représentés : Parrieu BOYER 2030 Boyer collection BOYER 2030 Félix Esquirou de Parieu
photomechanical print Rouher & de Parieu : reproduction d'une caricature de Daumier BOYER 2029 Boyer collection BOYER 2029
print Les représentans représentés : Berger BOYER 237 Boyer collection BOYER 237 Jean-Jacques Berger
print Les représentans représentés : Altaroche BOYER 33 Boyer collection BOYER 33 Agénor Altaroche
print Attachés par leur grandeur au rivage de la Seine, les ministres Parrieu et Rouher se consolent de ne pouvoir aller passer les vacances dans leurs montagnes en dansant à huit clos dans une des salles du ministère de la Justice BOYER 2314 Boyer collection BOYER 2314 Eugène Rouher
lithograph Moeurs Conjugales - Monsieur A Sa Bete, Madame Son Animal… by Honore Daumier - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005913 lithograph
lithograph Histoire Ancienne. Le Passage d'Annibal - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005942 lithograph
lithograph Histoire Ancienne. L'education d'Achile - Honoré Daumier Aberdeen Archives, Gallery and Museums ABDAG005943 lithograph
drawing Girardins begravning Nationalmuseum NMH 50/1952
drawing Den fina årgången Nationalmuseum NMH 229/1979
painting dancing pepole Munich Central Collecting Point 180/1 oil paint
painting caricature of a jewish advocate Munich Central Collecting Point 216/7 oil paint
painting the audience Munich Central Collecting Point 212/15
painting Washerwomen on the Steps of the Quay Max Silberberg 7040
painting Bloodletting from the Foot Wellcome Collection 45015i oil paint
painting A Famous Case National Museum Cardiff NMW A 2453
painting Tête de Don Quichotte Kröller-Müller Museum KM 106.097 20
painting De zangers Rijksmuseum 105
oil paint
painting Portrait d'un artiste Von der Heydt Museum G 0758 60
oil paint
oak panel
painting Fighting bricklayers Von der Heydt Museum G 1162 9018 oil paint
End of automatically generated list.