Wikidata:WikiProject Toki Pona

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The goal of this WikiProject is to build a complete representation of all lexemes in the constructed language Toki Pona (Q36846), which use the lexeme data structure as exemplary as possible. This would probably be the first (and last) language represented in Wikidata in its entirety! :)

Toki Pona is interesting because words often can be used in different lexical categories, have a lot of different senses, and never have multiple forms.

Looking at the data[edit]

Example lexemes: toki (L220792), pona (L220753)

You can look at the current status quo using these sites and queries:

Simple (incomplete) noun dictionaries, using the item for this sense (P5137) linking:




  • A lot of Toki Pona words are used in multiple lexical categories, and thus, are represented as separate lexemes. Because of that, all properties of their forms have to be replicated across these lexemes, leading to a lot of redundancy. When one form is edited, the others are not kept in sync. Can we solve that problem somehow?


Potential applications[edit]

  • Create Anki decks from the data (later maybe even for sitelen pona?).
  • Render pretty dictionaries in many languages.

Lexical categories[edit]

These are the lexical categories currently used for Toki Pona lexemes:


These are the most important properties for lexemes:



