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Wikidata:WikiProject ISRO

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Adding details to and maintaining items related to Indian Space Research Organisation (Q229058) and Department of Space (Q4158548).





Indian Space Research Organisation (Q229058) and Department of Space (Q4158548) have a lot of organizations within them. Their structure needs to be maintained using parent organization (P749) and has subsidiary (P355). The current structure can be visualized using the following query:

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?linkTo {
  wd:Q4158548 wdt:P355* ?item
  OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P355 ?linkTo }
  SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Try it!

Query to see a map or a timeline of the organizations use

# Can be seen as a timeline too.
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?date ?loc {
  wd:Q4158548 wdt:P355* ?item.
  ?item wdt:P571 ?date.
  ?item wdt:P625 ?loc
  SERVICE wikibase:label {bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
Try it!


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Nelson Mandela <instance of> human-
inceptionP571Point in timedate of establishment, founding and date of the first award ceremony: time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619Society of Jesus <inception> -
countryP17Itemhistorical country, state and sovereign state: sovereign state that this item is in (not to be used for human beings)Wusung Radio Tower <country> People's Republic of China-
parent organizationP749Itemparent company: parent organization of an organization, opposite of subsidiaries (P355)Airbus Commercial Aircraft <parent organization> Airbus SEhas subsidiary
has subsidiaryP355Itemsubsidiary: subsidiary of a company or organization; generally a fully owned separate corporation. Compare with "business division" (P199). Opposite of parent organization (P749).The Walt Disney Company <has subsidiary> Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures and Walt Disney Animation Studiosparent organization
headquarters locationP159Itemheadquarters, siège social réel, seat, episcopal see and titular see: city or town where an organization's headquarters is or has been situated. Use P276 qualifier for specific buildingOrganization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries <headquarters location> Vienna-
official websiteP856URLofficial website and home page: URL of the official page of an item (current or former). Usage: If a listed URL no longer points to the official website, do not remove it, but see the "Hijacked or dead websites" section of the Talk pageFacebook <official website>
coordinate locationP625Geographic coordinatesgeographic coordinates: geocoordinates of the subject. For Earth, please note that only WGS84 coordinating system is supported at the momentMount Everest <coordinate location> 27° 59′ 17.00″ N 86° 55′ 31.00″ E-
logo imageP154Commons media filelogo: graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations and productsKansas City Royals <logo image> Kansas City Royals Insignia.svg-



Types of launch vehicles



SELECT ?item ?label WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P176 wd:Q229058.
  ?item wdt:P279* wd:Q697175
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 
    ?item rdfs:label ?label
Try it!


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
subclass ofP279Itemsubclass of: this item is a subclass (subset) of that item; all instances of this item are instances of that item; different from P31 (instance of), e.g.: volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform); Everest is an instance of mountainapple <subclass of> fruit-
manufacturerP176Itemmanufacturer: (main or final) manufacturer or producer of this productAirbus A320 family <manufacturer> Airbus Commercial Aircraftproduct, material, or service produced or provided
imageP18Commons media fileillustration and image: image of relevant illustration of the subject; if available, also use more specific properties (sample: coat of arms image, locator map, flag image, signature image, logo image, collage image)Douglas Adams <image> Douglas adams portrait cropped.jpg-
heightP2048Quantityheight: vertical length of an entityEiffel Tower <height> 324 metre-
diameterP2386Quantitydiameter: diameter of a circular or spherical objectLondon Eye <diameter> 120 metre-
massP2067Quantitymass: mass (in colloquial usage also known as weight) of the itemPluto <mass> 13.05 yottagram-
throughputP2957Quantitythroughput: volume of units that do or can pass through or be transported by the objectV.90 <throughput> 56 kilobit per second-
start pointP1427Itembeginning: starting place of this journey, flight, voyage, trek, migration etc.2004 Tour de France, Stage 2 <start point> Charleroi-






SELECT ?item ?label WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q2133344.
  ?item wdt:P137 wd:Q229058.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 
    ?item rdfs:label ?label
Try it!


Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
instance ofP31Iteminstance of: that class of which this subject is a particular example and member; different from P279 (subclass of); for example: K2 is an instance of mountain; volcano is a subclass of mountain (and an instance of volcanic landform)Nelson Mandela <instance of> human-
space launch vehicleP375Itemlaunch vehicle: type of rocket or other vehicle for launching subject payload into outer spaceSkylab <space launch vehicle> Saturn V-
operatorP137Itemoperator: person, profession, organization or entity that operates the equipment, facility, or serviceYamanote Line <operator> East Japan Railway Companyitem operated
UTC date of spacecraft launchP619Point in timespace launch: date of spacecraft launch in UTCSTS-1 <UTC date of spacecraft launch> -
manufacturerP176Itemmanufacturer: (main or final) manufacturer or producer of this productAirbus A320 family <manufacturer> Airbus Commercial Aircraftproduct, material, or service produced or provided
start pointP1427Itembeginning: starting place of this journey, flight, voyage, trek, migration etc.2004 Tour de France, Stage 2 <start point> Charleroi-
type of passengers/cargoP3437Itemthe type of passengers or cargo a vehicle actually carries/carriedMRS 50326 Trecate-Gricignano <type of passengers/cargo> liquefied petroleum gas-
throughputP2957Quantitythroughput: volume of units that do or can pass through or be transported by the objectV.90 <throughput> 56 kilobit per second-




SELECT ?item ?label WHERE {
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q2133344.
  ?item wdt:P137 wd:Q229058.
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . 
    ?item rdfs:label ?label
Try it!


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