Wikidata:SPARQL query service

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What is SPARQL

SPARQL (pronounced "sparkle") is an RDF query language, that is, a semantic query language for databases. Wikidata provides an SPARQL endpoint including a powerful web GUI since September 2015. With SPARQL, you can extract any kind of data, with a query composed of logical combinations of triples.

Learning SPARQL

Presentation "SPARQL and Wikidata intro" by shonagon- École de Bibliothécaires Documentalistes (French) (2016-04-04)

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SPARQL queries can be submitted directly to the SPARQL endpoint with GET request to{SPARQL} or the endpoint's alias{SPARQL}. The result is returned as XML by default, or as JSON if either the query parameter format=json or the header Accept: application/sparql-results+json are provided. See the user manual for more detailed information. RDF data can alternatively be accessed via a Linked Data Fragments[1] interface at

Wikimedia SPARQL query services

On Wikidata, the WDQS allows practicing SPARQL queries creation in an intuitive way.
Human interface Machine's endpoint Description
Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) Run SPARQL Queries upon the Wikidata Wikibase instance. Run, test, download the data as XML, JSON, CSV, or TSV. Has advanced user-friendly features such as: word hovering to see a term's meaning, code optimization, etc.
Wikimedia Commons Query Service (WCQS) Run SPARQL Queries upon the Wikimedia Commons Wikibase instance.
LinguaLibre Query Service (LLQS) Run SPARQL Queries upon the LinguaLibre Wikibase instance. Run, test, download the data as XML, JSON, CSV, or TSV.


Further resources