Shortcut: wd:WDQS/Result views

Wikidata:SPARQL query service/Wikidata Query Help/Result Views

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:SPARQL query service/Wikidata Query Help/Result Views and the translation is 84% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
WDQS interface
Tooltips when hovering SPARQL code
WDQS result display selection
Link to show script in WDQS results window after a Try It

This page helps you to understand the various possibilities to display results on SPARQL query service.

The query example page contains many good examples you can try!

Open the WDQS interface and then:

  • select your language in of the upper tool bar.
  • write a valid SPARQL code in the text area.
  • check your script by hovering the elements with your mouse; tooltips appear and should be consistent with what you intend to do. They adopt the language you have selected (default to english).
  • then click on blue button Execute query of the sidebar to launch the request. Red square is lit in the sidebar while the command executes.
  • After running a query, you can choose with the "Display" button which result view you want to display. Depending on your query and the data type, some of the views will be available.

Note: You can also run directly a hardcoded request via the TryIt links of this page. When it brings you directly to the result display you can always return to the source script unsing the link at the bottom of the interface.

Table (default)

Shows the result data as a table. It is the default view for results and can display every data type.

Will map every variable from the SPARQL select clause to a formatted table column.

Image Grid

Image Grid Try Out

Shows the result data as a grid with images.

Every grid item has a big picture and opens the gallery when clicking on it.

Contents an item is the formatted row data.

Variable Data Type Mapping Description
* Commons Media Grid Item Image columns will create a grid item.

Rows containing no image will be ignored.

It’s nonetheless possible to include no image rows in the result by modifying the sparql by including a default image in case the image variable is not bound:

  optional {
    ?item wdt:P18 ?img_ .
  bind (if(bound(?img_), 
           <>) as ?image) # [[:commons:File:Profile_avatar_placeholder_large.png]] as a placeholder

Here the file commons:File:Profile avatar placeholder large.png is used as a placeholder, you can use your own.


Option name Type Description
hide One or more variable names (strings, starting with ?), single value or array Don’t show these variables in the result.


Shows the result data as map with Open Street Map data.

Variable Data Type Mapping Description
* Coordinate or Geographic shape Map Marker Columns will create a marker on the map.

Content of that marker is the formatted row data.

?layer Map Marker Layer Creates a coloured map layer that allows filtering.
?rgb Colour Colour Map Marker Example 000000 for black colour.

Technically, any well-known text literal can be displayed, not just a point coordinate. Non-point geometry values are never stored on Wikidata, but they can be constructed in SPARQL using functions like CONCAT() and STRDT() – see this map of Czech railway lines for an example of LINESTRING() geometry.


specify using e.g. #defaultView:Map{"hide":["?foo", "?bar"],"layer":"?bar"}, using an array when there are multiple variables.

Option name Type Description
hide One or more variable names (strings, starting with ?), single value or array Don’t show these variables in the result.
layer One or more variable names (strings, starting with ?), single value or array Use these variables for the map layer, instead of the default ?layerLabel, ?layer.
markercluster boolean or object
  • * If the value is an object, pass these options to Leaflet.markercluster, a map plugin for clustering nearby map markers. (If the value is the empty object {}, Leaflet.markercluster is enabled with its default options.)
  • If the value is true (default for queries without map layers), Leaflet.markercluster is enabled with a special set of options that doesn’t cluster any nearby map markers (it only “spiderfies” markers with exactly identical coordinates) and attempts to replicate the default map look as much as possible.
  • If the value is false (default for queries with map layers), Leaflet.markercluster is not enabled. (If the value is the empty object {}, Leaflet.markercluster is enabled with its default options.)
  • If the value is true (default for queries without map layers), Leaflet.markercluster is enabled with a special set of options that doesn’t cluster any nearby map markers (it only “spiderfies” markers with exactly identical coordinates) and attempts to replicate the default map look as much as possible.
  • If the value is false (default for queries with map layers), Leaflet.markercluster is not enabled.

Line, Bar, Scatter and Area Chart

Shows one of these chart types.

Variable Data Type Mapping Description
* Number





First will be X-axis, second Y-axis
* Label Category / Legend Item (optional) Will only be used after the above are mapped
* Label Storyboard / Animation (optional) Will only be used after the above are mapped

Bubble Chart

Bubble Chart Try Out

Shows a bubble chart where the size and the colour of the bubble can configured.

When an item is provided a bubble is linked to

Variable Data Type Mapping
* Label Bubble Label
* Number Bubble Size
* Item Bubble Link (optional)
?rgb Colour Bubble Colour (optional)

Tree Map

Tree Map Try Out

Shows a zoomable tree map.

Variable Data Type Mapping Description
* Label Label 1st label in a row will be 1st level in tree map.

2nd label will be 2nd level.

3rd label will be 3rd level etc..

* Item Link (optional)
* Quantity Size


Shows an expandable tree.

Tree Try Out
Variable Data Type Mapping Description
* Item Node ID First item will be a root node the following items in the same row will be nested.
* Label Node Label (optional) Labels will be appended to current node.
* Number Node Label (optional)
* Commons Media Item image


Timeline Try Out

Shows a explorable timeline.

Variable Data Type Mapping Description
* DateTime Item Point in Time

Item End Point in Time

First date in a row sets the item position in the timeline.

If a second date is present a start and end date will be set.

* Commons Media Item image


Option name Type Description
hide One or more variable names (strings, starting with ?), single value or array Don’t show these variables in the result.


Dimensions Try Out

Shows dimension and their links.

It also allows filtering them by selecting an axis fraction.

This type of graph is also known as parallel coordinates.

Variable Data Type Mapping Description
* Label Dimension Every column in the result row is mapped to a dimension
* Number
* DateTime


Shows an interactive graph that allow hierarchically ordering and exploring items.

Variable Data Type Mapping Description
* Item Node ID First item in a row of output variables will have an arrow pointing to the items in the same row
* Label Node Label (optional)
* Commons Media Node Image (optional)
?rgb Colour Node Colour (optional) Example 000000 for black colour.
* Number Node Size (optional)
?edgeLabel Label Edge Label (optional)

Additional Information

RDF Data Type Mapping

RDF Type RDF Data Type Constraint Data Type
URI String starts with
URI String starts with
Commons Media
Literal DateTime
Literal Coordinate

Literal Has no RDF Data Type Label
Literal Has property
Literal String matches


There is special formatting for the following data types:

Data Type Format
Entity Link to

Label is shortened to wd:Qxx

Explore an item (magnify icon)

DateTime MM DD, YYYY

Tooltip shows raw ISO timestamp

Commons Media Link to

Displaying Gallery ( image icon )

Mobile / Responsive

Result views are made to work on different devices and resolutions. Their appearance may change depending on the space they can use.

Embed Mode

Result views can be linked or embedded via iframes. You can get the regarding link or code by clicking Link in the above menu. See the difference: link to a query and link to a result or the embed code:

<iframe style="width:80vw; height:50vh;" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" src="">

Download results

Download results buttons

There are several ways to export the results of a query.

JSON, TSV and CSV are three different open-standard formats to download the data, offered under the Download tab. To get results in XML format, click on Link > SPARQL endpoint.

You can also download some of the graphic views as a SVG file: this feature works with all the views except table, image grid, timeline, graph builder, map, and graph.

Default View

The default view can be change for each SPARQL query by using a comment:


For example:


Result view options

Result views can be configured with various options, which are specified in JSON (Q2063) format, either following the defaultView comment (see previous section) or following a separate view comment.

#defaultView:Map{"layer": "?typeLabel"}
#view:ImageGrid{"hide": "?coords"}


Result views can show a title. The title can be set via a title comment.

#title:A title of your choice

List of WDQS tags

WDQS tag Display options Notes
#defaultView:Table Table default format when omitted
#defaultView:ImageGrid Image grid
Graph builder access to the graph builder tool
#defaultView:Map Map
#defaultView:LineChart Line chart
#defaultView:BarChart Bar chart
#defaultView:ScatterChart Scatter chart
#defaultView:AreaChart Area chart
#defaultView:BubbleChart Bubble chart
#defaultView:TreeMap Tree map
#defaultView:Tree Tree
#defaultView:Timeline Timeline
#defaultView:Dimensions Dimensions
#defaultView:Graph Graph
#title: title of the WDQS results frame
#view: equivalent to prefix #defaultView:

Auto language

When using the magic keyword [AUTO_LANGUAGE] it is replaced by the users language when submitting the query. This allows writing a query with where the result is display in the users language.


#Use language of the user for display labels and fallback to english as default
SERVICE wikibase:label {
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" .

Auto coordinates

When using the magic keyword [AUTO_COORDINATES] it is replaced by the users location when submitting the query. This allows writing a query with the users' location.


SELECT ?place ?coordinate_location ?dist {
SERVICE wikibase:around {
    ?place wdt:P625 ?coordinate_location.
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:center "[AUTO_COORDINATES]".
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:radius "1".
    bd:serviceParam wikibase:distance ?dist.
Try it!