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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:SPARQL query service/Query Helper and the translation is 37% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Not to be confused with Wikidata:Query Builder.
WDQSclick on icon to view the Query Helper







  • JSON序列化不应包含新行(换行)。
  • 模板可以放在查询中的任何位置:例如顶部或底部。
  • 模板的内容将添加到查询的URL中。也许这会导致一些问题。





You can use identifiers Pxxx or Qxxx directly in the interface input fields to access the items correctly.

Add 'instance of zoo', 'species kept polar bear' and 'species kept lion' filter

  1. Click on 'Filter'
  2. Click on the combo box and enter 'zoo'
  3. Select the 'zoo (Q43501)' item from the combo box
  4. Click on 'Filter' and select 'polar bear (Q33609)'
  5. Click on 'Filter' and select 'lion (Q140)'

Add 'official website', 'image', 'coordinate location', 'inception' and 'species kept' columns

  1. Click on 'Show' and select 'official website (P856)'
  2. Click on 'Show' and select 'image (P18)'
  3. Click on 'Show' and select 'coordinate location (P625)'
  4. Click on 'Show' and select 'inception (P571)'
  5. Click on 'Show' and select 'species kept (P1990)'


Query Helper - Edit 'Cat Query'

This section will show how you can edit a query with the Query Helper

Change 'cat' to 'zoo'

  1. Select the 'Cats Query' from the examples
  2. Click on 'cat' to modify the value
  3. Click on the combo box and enter 'zoo'
  4. Select the 'zoo (Q43501)' item from the combo box

The query will now find items that have 'instance of zoo' instead of 'instance of cat'


  1. Click on 'Filter' button
  2. Enter 'Germany'
  3. Select 'Germany (Q183)'
  4. Click on 'instance of' from 'instance of Germany' to modify the value
  5. Click on the select box and enter 'Country'
  6. Select country (P17) item

The query will now only find items that have 'instance of zoo' and 'country Germany'

Add 'inception' and 'image' columns

  1. Click on 'Show' button
  2. Enter 'inception'
  3. Select 'inception (P571)' item
  4. Click on 'Show' button
  5. Enter 'image'
  6. Select 'image (P18)'

The query result now has two additional columns 'image' and 'inception' and can be displayed as a Timeline or Image Grid.

Add a title

In the code view, in the right-hand pane, add #title: Your title at the beginning of the query; changing "Your title" to whatever you would like the title to be.



查询助手 - 查询模板 女性担任政府首脑的最大的城市

Queries that have a Query Template defined will show the defined textual representation of this query inside of the Query Helper.Query Helper allows you to create or modify an existing query without knowing SPARQL.

When working with the tool it will modify the SPARQL query, based on the input you provide in the visual interface, and vice versa.

It is displayed on the left side of the query editor.

Blue items in this textual representation can be clicked to modify them.

Defined suggestions will be shown or a text can be entered to search for a replacement.

When selecting one of the items in the list it will replace the item in the textual representation and the SPARQL query.

You can find all the queries in the Query Examples List that have a defined Query Template by searching for '#TEMPLATE' in the page text.

Create a Query Template

Query templates can be created by providing a template definition. Here is an example query with a template definition.

The definition is expressed in JSON and inserted as SPARQL comment to the query like this:


JSON definition example:

  "template": "Largest ?c with ?sex head of government",
  "variables": {
    "?sex": {},
    "?c": {
      "query": "SELECT DISTINCT ?id WHERE {  ?c wdt:P31 ?id.  ?c p:P6 ?mayor. }"
示例 描述 SPARQL查询
模板 这个文本将作为查询的描述显示给用户。


Largest ?c with ?sex head of government

This will define two variables within the text: ?c and ?sex

The values for this variables must be defined

in the SPARQL query.

BIND(wd:Q6581072 AS ?sex)

BIND(wd:Q515 AS ?c)

In this section you have to define the variables from the template. You can optionally define a SPARQL query that is used for suggesting values for that variable.

"?sex": {},
"?c": {
  "query": "[SPARQL]"

This will define two variables: ?c and ?sex

For the variable ?c there is a SPARQL query defined that will suggest Items.

{ ?c wdt:P31 ?id.?c p:P6 ?mayor. }
The SPARQL query from the Query Template will be embedded into this query to display the result with label, description. If ?count is provided then it will be sorted by desc(?count):
SELECT ?id ?label ?description WITH {				 


} AS %inner			
INCLUDE %inner				
?id rdfs:label ?label.				
?id schema:description ?description.				
FILTER((LANG(?label)) = "en")				
FILTER((LANG(?description)) = "en")			} 
ORDER BY DESC(?count)