Wikidata:Property proposal/ISCED field
ISCED field
[edit]Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic
[edit]The ISCED field identifies the field or domain of study for an educational level according to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) in a more detailed form. When this is approved, it allows for comparing the field a course belongs on the global scale. As demand for accurate and comprehensive data on educational systems increases, there is the need for a property that can capture the field or domain of study associated with each ISCED level. This property will allow for more granular and nuanced representations of educational programs, curricula, and qualifications, and will enable researchers, policymakers, and educators to better understand the distribution of fields of study at different educational levels in different countries and regions.
The property that would be used to map local fields of a particular course to the international field classification of the subject or the course. ISCED field is a way of categorizing educational programs based on the subject matter or discipline that they cover. The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) divides education into broad fields of study, such as humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering/technology. The ISCED field classification system is used to describe the content and purpose of educational programs and to facilitate international comparisons of educational systems. It can also help individuals make informed decisions about their educational and career paths based on their interests and goals. For example, if someone is interested in pursuing a career in medicine, they may want to look for educational programs in the health field. Similarly, if someone is interested in a career in computer science, they may want to look for educational programs in the field of information and communication technology. ISCED field classification can also be used to analyze educational trends and to identify areas where more resources and support may be needed to promote educational development and innovation.
ISCED field is a property that would be used to map local fields to the international field classification of the subject. Subjects and courses can be named differently from a country to another, that’s why we aim to represent the the academic major using both local field and ISCED field as shown below.
Notified participants of WikiProject Education please vote!
[edit]- Such prop is obviously needed but I have some concerns
- You show quailifier "code". Please confirm that don't plan to record such a qualifier. If you like, you can record this code in each individual ISCED entry, but not in incoming links
- You show qualifier mapping relation type (P4390) and the examples show the need (narrow vs exact). However, this qualifier is intended to be used with external identifier props (check the examples on its page), not props that link to WD entries. @Jneubert, ArthurPSmith: can you comment?
- Right, as said in the definition of the property it is intended for external identifiers. I would not recommend to use it between Wikidata items without a discussion and consensus about a change of the scope and use of the property (preferably on the property talk page or the project chat). --Jneubert (talk) 07:18, 5 July 2023 (UTC)
- Since you've gone to the trouble of adding all of ISCED as WD entries, you don't necessarily need a specific property. You could use some general "classification" property, and you can figure out it's the ISCED classification since each entry is instance of ISCED Field of Education and Training (Q113586463). But I would be ok with a specific property too --Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 14:00, 21 June 2023 (UTC)
- @Vladimir AlexievThank you so much for your comment. Your comments are very valuable especially with the suggestions given. The third comment is not clear us and we would be glad if you explain further or give us other examples. Also, the part "You could use some general "classification" property" projects that you have a property in mind that could help us achieve the same results and we would be glad if you could mention it. If you need any further explanation, we will be glad to meet you at an agreed time. Thanks again for taking time to review our request. Dnshitobu (talk) 16:52, 28 June 2023 (UTC)
- There are several props that nearly match what you need, but are over-specified to apply only to some situations:
- field of this occupation (P425), field of work (P101), field of usage (P9488), field of training (P8258)
- The last one matches best, so I think you can say:
- We can change the description of P8258 and add alias "field of study" to match your need perfectly.
- Once you populate it this way, you can find all your assignments with this query:
- There are several props that nearly match what you need, but are over-specified to apply only to some situations:
SELECT ?course ?courseLabel ?isced ?iscedLabel WHERE {
?course wdt:P8258 ?isced. # field of study
?isced wdt:P31 wd:Q113586463 # instance of: ISCED Field of Education and Training
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- To reiterate: since you've added all of ISCED as WD entities, you don't need a special prop to link to these entities: you can use an existing one.
- hope to help! -- Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 12:45, 30 June 2023 (UTC)
- @Vladimir Alexiev Thank you for your suggestion. We explored all those properties but the property constraints wouldn't allow us use it. Anyway, we will explore those options again. Dnshitobu (talk) 12:35, 6 July 2023 (UTC)
Oppose See reason above --Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 12:46, 30 June 2023 (UTC)
After interactive discussion today:
- mapping relation type (P4390) is not needed because all the links from curricula to ISCED are "narrower" and because P4390 is an allowed qualifier only for "external-ID" properties. You can get the parent (or all ancenstors) of a course classification using subclass of (P279):
SELECT ?co ?coLabel ?isced ?iscedLabel ?iscedParent ?iscedParentLabel WHERE {
?co wdt:P279 ?isced. # course/curriculum is classified with an ISCED field. Replace "subclass of" with "ISCED Field" when/if approved
?isced wdt:P31 wd:Q113586463. # instance of ISCED Field of Education and Training
?isced wdt:P279 ?iscedParent.
?iscedParent wdt:P31 wd:Q113586463.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
- Codes should be attached to ISCED items as main statement code (P3295) not as qualifier, see for example
- field of training (P8258) is inappropriate because it's over-specified to apply to persons only, not courses/curricula.
- We corrected the property proposal above
Support the creation of an object property (linking Wikidata items) --Vladimir Alexiev (talk) 14:26, 2 August 2023 (UTC)
- @Vladimir AlexievThank you so much for your time and guidance. Dnshitobu (talk) 19:43, 2 August 2023 (UTC)