Wikidata:Property proposal/NER portfolio ID

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NER portfolio ID[edit]

Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Person

Descriptionunique identifier of the profile of an engineer listed in the Engineers Australia National Engineering Register
Representsno label (Q109286396)
Data typeExternal identifier
Domainhuman (Q5)
Allowed values[0-9a-zA-Z]{32}
Example 1Mark F. Randolph (Q1900033)QzBaWHp1N0FDNEZpQkxvZ2I5S0g1Zz09
Example 2Nev Power (Q98648310)NlJvU0FGYlNTZVEwdTJ2UEViS1diZz09
Example 3Ian Young (Q65030778)eUF0aHNMb216aGZKVnBaQWE4YjZsZz09
Formatter URL$1
Applicable "stated in"-valueNational Engineering Register (Q109286306)
Distinct-values constraintyes
Wikidata projectWikiProject Australia (Q11036831)


This identifier represents a profile of an old man (Q109269439)engineer (Q81096) in the National Engineering Register (Q109286306) directory on the Engineers Australia website. Engineers Australia membership is not mandatory to practice engineering in Australia and many Engineers Australia members elect not to be listed on this register publicly, hence this property will only ever capture a small subset of Australian engineers. Note that once an engineer is no longer practicing, they are removed from the register. For this reason, the formatter URL is set to an Internet Archive URL to capture potentially older information that has since been removed, at the risk of new entries in the NER having not yet been crawled by the Internet Archive. Dhx1 (talk) 15:04, 27 October 2021 (UTC)[reply]
