Wikidata:Lexicographical data/How to help

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  • Translate the pages of this project in your language
  • Add your ideas of tools and ideas of queries
  • Check how your use cases fit into the data model (see Wikidata:Lexicographical data/Layout)
  • Tell us more about your use cases
  • Tell us more about specific needs in your language
  • Create a Wikidata project on your local Wiktionary (example on English one) and add the link on the list below
  • Share any ideas you have about projects, tools, and improvements that could be made using Wikidata on the talk page!
  • Identify gaps between and the Wikidata namespace approach
  • Check the Lexicographical coverage in your language, and focus on creating the "Most frequent missing forms"

Ambassadors, and links to relevant local discussions[edit]

People who are familiar with both Wiktionary and Wikidata and can assist with questions. Ideally, we should have at least one for each language in Special:SiteMatrix. Please add your language, your name, and a link to a local project.