Wikidata:GLAM/Koninklijke Bibliotheek Nederland/maintained by

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Wikiprojects maintained by KB[edit]

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: #maintained by de Koninklijke Bibliotheek SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE { ?item wdt:P126 wd:Q1526131. SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". } }
Article description
Biblioteca Van der Linde-Niemeijeriana chess and checkers collection in The Hague, the Netherlands
Digital Algemeen Letterkundig Lexicon Digital (and structured) version of the Algemeen Letterkundig Lexicon
Digital Library for Dutch Literature website about Dutch language and Dutch literature
Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren author ID identifier for an author on the DBNL-website for Dutch language authors
Dutch Basic Classification Decimal classification, library classification, and universal classification scheme
Dutch National Thesaurus for Author Names thesaurus with names and other personal data of authors, so that a distinction can be made between authors with the same name
Nationale Thesaurus voor Auteursnamen ID identifier for person names (not: works nor organisations) from the Dutch National Thesaurus for Author names (which also contains non-authors)
Short-Title Catalogue, Netherlands library catalog
WikiProject Alba amicorum of the KB, national library of the Netherlands Wikiproject focusing on the alba amicorum of the National Library of the Netherlands
WikiProject Algemeen Letterkundig Lexicon Wikiproject for turning the Algemeen Letterkundig Lexicon (Dutch philological lexicon) into Linked Open Data by using Wikidata
WikiProject Canon of Dutch literature Wikiproject focusing on the canon of Dutch language literature
WikiProject Children's picture books of the KB, national library of the Netherlands Wikiproject focusing on the (children's) picture books of the National Library of the Netherlands
WikiProject Collection highlights of the KB, national library of the Netherlands Wikiproject focusing on the collection highlights of the National Library of the Netherlands
WikiProject Dutch National Thesaurus for Author Names WikiProject to include the full Dutch National Thesaurus for Author Names (NTA) in Wikidata, run by the KB, national library of the Netherlands
WikiProject Dutch literary awards Wikiproject focusing on Dutch language literary awards
WikiProject Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman Wikiproject focusing on the oeuvre of Hendrik Nicolaas Werkman
WikiProject Literatuurplein naar Wikidata WikiProject to add data from an archived version of to Wikidata
WikiProject Maps and atlases of the KB, national library of the Netherlands Wikiproject focusing on the maps and atlases of the National Library of the Netherlands
WikiProject Medieval manuscripts of the KB, national library of the Netherlands Wikiproject focusing on the medieval manuscripts of the National Library of the Netherlands
WikiProject Netherlands Public Libraries Wikiproject focusing on public libraries (both library branches and organisations) in the Netherlands
WikiProject Publishers of the Low Countries project to describe the historical (pre 1800) publishers (organizations and persons) from the Low Countries, particularly the Netherlands and Flanders
End of automatically generated list.

Overview of KB Wikiprojects[edit]

#Wikiprojects maintained by the KB
SELECT ?project 
?WDprojectpage ?projectbanner 
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?subjectLabelEN ; separator = " **** ") as ?projectAboutEN) 
(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ?subjectLabelNL ; separator = " **** ") as ?projectAboutNL)
?projectTopicMainCat ?projectTopicMainCatLabelEN
  ?project wdt:P31 wd:Q16695773; wdt:P126 wd:Q1526131.
  OPTIONAL {?project wdt:P18 ?projectbanner.}
  OPTIONAL {?project rdfs:label ?projectLabelEN FILTER(LANG(?projectLabelEN)='en').}
  OPTIONAL {?project rdfs:label ?projectLabelNL FILTER(LANG(?projectLabelNL)='nl').}
  OPTIONAL {?WDprojectpage schema:about ?project .
     ?WDprojectpage schema:isPartOf <>.}  
  OPTIONAL {?project wdt:P921 ?subject.
     ?subject rdfs:label ?subjectLabelEN. FILTER(LANG(?subjectLabelEN)='en').}
  OPTIONAL {?project wdt:P921 ?subject.
     ?subject rdfs:label ?subjectLabelNL. FILTER(LANG(?subjectLabelNL)='nl')}
  OPTIONAL {?project wdt:P910 ?projectTopicMainCat.
     ?projectTopicMainCat rdfs:label ?projectTopicMainCatLabelEN. FILTER(LANG(?projectTopicMainCatLabelEN)='en').
     ?commonscatURL schema:about ?projectTopicMainCat .
     ?commonscatURL schema:isPartOf <>.}
   OPTIONAL {?project wdt:P910 ?projectTopicMainCat2.
     ?WPNLurl schema:about ?projectTopicMainCat2 .
     ?WPNLurl schema:isPartOf <>.}

} GROUP BY ?project  ?projectLabelEN ?projectLabelNL ?WDprojectpage ?projectbanner ?projectTopicMainCat ?projectTopicMainCatLabelEN ?commonscatURL ?WPNLurl #?commonscat
Try it!