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This compares current members of the Council.

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@@ wikidata_id (SPARQL) wikidata_id (CSV) name (SPARQL) name (CSV) url (SPARQL) url (CSV) ward_id (SPARQL) ward_id (CSV) party_id (SPARQL) party_id (CSV) start (SPARQL) start (CSV) end (SPARQL) end (CSV)
--- Robert Finnigan (Q56882256) Robert Finnigan Morley North (Q55466800) Morley Borough Independents (Q55465915) 2019-05-07T00:00:00Z


  • Items only found in SPARQL (--- in the first column): 1
  • Items only found in CSV (+++ in the first column): 0
  • Items that differ between sources (→ in the first column): 0
  • Total items in SPARQL: 100
  • Total items in CSV: 99

External source

SPARQL query

SELECT ?wikidata_id ?name ?url ?ward_id ?party_id ?start ?end WHERE {
    BIND (wd:Q55465119 as ?legislature) .
    ?member wdt:P361 ?legislature ;
    MINUS {?member wdt:P576 [] }
    MINUS { ?legislature wdt:P576 [] }
    ?node ps:P39 ?member .
    OPTIONAL { ?node pq:P4100 ?party_id }
    OPTIONAL { ?node pq:P580 ?start }
    OPTIONAL { ?node pq:P768 ?ward_id }
    OPTIONAL { ?node pq:P582 ?end }
    ?node ps:P39 ?position .
    ?position wdt:P31 ?positiontype .
    ?wikidata_id p:P39 ?node .
        ?wikidata_id p:P973 ?describedAt .
        ?describedAt ps:P973 ?url .
        OPTIONAL {
            ?describedAt pq:P1810 ?name .
        FILTER(CONTAINS(LCASE(STR(?url)), ""))
    FILTER(!BOUND(?end) || ?end > NOW())
ORDER BY ?wikidata_id
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