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This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?who ?mem_start ?mem_end { wd:Q2577077 wdt:P2670 ?item ; wdt:P571 ?cabinet_start; wdt:P576 ?cabinet_end . OPTIONAL { ?who p:P39 [ ps:P39 ?item ; pq:P580 ?mem_start; pq:P582 ?mem_end ] . FILTER ( (?mem_end > ?cabinet_start) && (?mem_start < ?cabinet_end) ) } }
Article ?who ?mem_start ?mem_end
Cabinet Secretary for Commonwealth Games, Sport, Equalities and Pensioners' Rights Shona Robison 2014-04-22 2014-11-21
Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop 2011-05-19 2014-11-19
Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning Michael Russell 2009-12-01 2014-11-19
Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth John Swinney 2011-05-19
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing Alex Neil 2012-09-05 2014-11-19
Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Cities Strategy Nicola Sturgeon 2011-05-19 2012-09-05
Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure and Capital Investment Alex Neil 2011-05-19 2012-09-05
Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities Nicola Sturgeon 2012-09-05 2014-11-19
Cabinet Secretary for Justice Kenny MacAskill 2007-05-17 2014-11-19
Cabinet Secretary for Parliamentary Business and Government Strategy Bruce Crawford 2011-05-19 2012-09-05
Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment Richard Lochhead 2011-05-18 2014-11-21
Cabinet Secretary for Training, Youth and Women’s Employment Angela Constance 2014-04-22 2014-11-19
Deputy First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon 2007-05-17 2014-11-19
First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond 2007-05-16 2014-11-19
End of automatically generated list.


The underlying query behind this report is:

SELECT DISTINCT ?position ?positionLabel ?cabinet_start ?cabinet_end ?who ?whoLabel ?mem_start ?mem_end {
  wd:Q2577077 wdt:P2670 ?position ; wdt:P571 ?cabinet_start; wdt:P576 ?cabinet_end .
    ?who p:P39 [ ps:P39 ?position ; pq:P580 ?mem_start; pq:P582 ?mem_end ] .
    FILTER ( (?mem_end > ?cabinet_start) && (?mem_start < ?cabinet_end) )
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
ORDER BY ?positionLabel ?mem_start
Try it!