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Autodescription — migrant worker (Q15320003)

description: person who migrates to pursue work
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Classification of the class migrant worker (Q15320003)  View with Reasonator View with SQID
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See also

I would like to argue that the German word Wanderarbeiter denotes a person constantly required to move, essentially following opportunities to work. A migrant worker on the other hand is described by Wikipedia as someone usually searching seasonal labour with no intention of staying in the country they are working in. The appropriate German word for this phenomenon would be Saisonarbeiter. While the difference may seem marginal, I think it is important to note, since Wanderarbeiter can also carry the connotation of people working outside the law or rules of a particular region or country. --2001:638:504:F265:C813:71B0:15BC:5216 09:50, 13 March 2018 (UTC)[reply]