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Autodescription — Minister for Infrastructure (Q10686169)

description: Swedish cabinet minister
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See also

WikiProject Sweden

Labels in Swedish, English, German, French, Spanish, Finnish and Russian from Utrikes Namnbok (Book of Foreign language names) issued by Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

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Andreas Carlson (Q5602835) 2022-10-18 –
Tomas Eneroth (Q5711551) 2017-07-27 – 2022-10-18
Anna Johansson (Q4956893) 2014-10-03 – 2017-07-27
Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd (Q2941786) 2010-10-05 – 2014-10-02
Åsa Torstensson (Q271235) 2006-10-06 – 2010-10-05
Ulrica Messing (Q4967115) 2002-10-16 – 2006-10-06  Inconsistent predecessor [1]
Position created: 2000
Replaces: Minister for Communications and Regional Policy (Q110801943); talk

Moved officeholder (P1308) prior to 2002[edit]

Minister for Infrastructure (Q10686169) was introduced 2002, replacing previous Minister for Communications and Regional Policy (Q110801943). If it is considered a change of name or including a change in the mission is debateable. But for almost every new mininster, even if called the same, there is a change in the mission so there is a lot of grey areas in such a succession anyway. This was discussed on Swedish Wikipedia,[1], to be the best way to solve the mismatch between calling holders of the post an anachronistic name that did not even exist ("infrastruktur" was not used in Swedish prior to the 50's and infrastrukturminister was introduced in 2002) and still try to keep the succession. If there is a better way to keep track of name changes, using dates or whatever, the objects can be merged again as long as any anachronism is handled.--LittleGun (talk) 10:14, 5 February 2022 (UTC)[reply]