Cathedral Church of St Marie (Q977409)
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Roman Catholic cathedral in Sheffield, England
- Cathedral Church of St Marie, Sheffield
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | Cathedral Church of St Marie |
Roman Catholic cathedral in Sheffield, England |
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1 reference
Cathedral Church of St Marie, Sheffield
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Wikipedia(11 entries)
- arzwiki كنيسه كاتدرائيه سانت مارى
- dewiki St.-Marien-Kathedrale (Sheffield)
- enwiki Cathedral Church of St Marie, Sheffield
- eswiki Catedral de Santa María (Sheffield)
- fawiki کلیسای جامع سنت ماری، شفیلد
- frwiki Cathédrale Sainte-Marie de Sheffield
- gawiki Cathedral Church of St Marie, Sheffield
- idwiki Katedral Sheffield
- plwiki Katedra Najświętszej Marii Panny w Sheffield
- ruwiki Собор Святой Марии (Шеффилд)
- zhwiki 聖瑪麗主教座堂 (謝菲爾德)
Wikibooks(0 entries)
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Multilingual sites(1 entry)
- commonswiki Category:Cathedral Church of St Marie, Sheffield