Llibre de Jacob (Q2359962)
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part of the Book of Mormon anglès
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anglès | Book of Jacob |
part of the Book of Mormon |
The Book of Jacob the Brother of Nephi (anglès)
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The words of his preaching unto his brethren. He confoundeth a man who seeketh to overthrow the doctrine of Christ. A few words concerning the history of the people of Nephi (anglès)
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For behold, it came to pass that fifty and five years had passed away from the time that Lehi left Jerusalem; wherefore, Nephi gave me, Jacob, a commandment concerning the small plates, upon which these things are engraven. (anglès)
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And I, Jacob, saw that I must soon go down to my grave; wherefore, I said unto my son Enos: Take these plates. And I told him the things which my brother Nephi had commanded me, and he promised obedience unto the commands. And I make an end of my writing upon these plates, which writing has been small; and to the reader I bid farewell, hoping that many of my brethren may read my words. Brethren, adieu. (anglès)
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Viquipèdia(14 entrades)
- cawiki Llibre de Jacob (Llibre del Mormó)
- cswiki Kniha Jákob
- enwiki Book of Jacob
- eowiki Libro de Jakob (Libro de Mormono)
- eswiki Libro de Jacob
- iawiki Libro de Jacob
- idwiki Kitab Yakub
- iewiki Li libre Jacob
- iowiki Libro di Iakob
- itwiki Libro di Giacobbe
- lfnwiki Libro de Jacob
- plwiki Księga Jakuba
- ptwiki Livro de Jacó
- urwiki یعقوب کی کتاب