Oliver Twist español (Q164974)

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novela de Charles Dickens español
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    Oliver Twist
    1837–1839 novel by Charles Dickens
    • The Adventures of Oliver Twist
    • The Parish Boy's Progress


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    nombre en kana español
    Oliver Twist (inglés)
    or, The Parish Boy's Progress (inglés)
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    1 referencia
    1 referencia
    Oliver Twist español
    1 referencia
    Twist inglés
    1 referencia
    Twist inglés
    Oliver Twist español
    1 referencia
    Fagin the Jew inglés
    1 referencia
    Oliver Twist inglés
    1 referencia
    Oliver Twist español
    1 referencia
    Oliver Twist inglés
    1 referencia
    Oliver Twist español
    1 referencia
    1 referencia
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    febreru 1837Gregorianu
    abril 1839Gregorianu
    0 referencies
    Fagin español
    0 referencies
    Nancy inglés
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    Artful Dodger inglés
    0 referencies
    Mr. Sowerberry español
    0 referencies
    Bill Sikes inglés
    0 referencies
    Charley Bates inglés
    0 referencies
    Rose Maylie inglés
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    Oliver Twist español
    protagonista español
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    Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born; on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the (inglés)
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    But, if the spirits of the Dead ever come back to earth, to visit spots hallowed by the love—the love beyond the grave—of those whom they knew in life, I believe that the shade of Agnes sometimes hovers round that solemn nook. I believe it none the less because that nook is in a Church, and she was weak and erring. (inglés)
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    Oliver Twist (1837, Dickens)
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    1 referencia
    20 set 2020
    Goodreads español
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