clinical trial (E189)

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enclinical trialEntity Schema for a clinical trialedit
fressai cliniqueschéma pour un essai cliniqueedit
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX prov: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX pr:  <>

# Example SPARQL query: 
# SELECT ?x WHERE {SERVICE bd:sample {?x wdt:P31 wd:Q30612. bd:serviceParam bd:sample.limit 5 . } }

start = @<#wikidata-clinical-trial>

<#wikidata-clinical-trial> EXTRA p:P31 {
  p:P31 @<#P31_instance_of_clinical_trial> + ;
  p:P6099	. * ;	# clinical trial phase
  p:P1476	.{1};	# title
  p:P1813	. * ;	# short name
  p:P924	. * ;	# possible treatment
  p:P4844	. + ;	# research intervention
  p:P1050	. * ;	# medical condition
  p:P2175	. * ;	# medical condition treated
  p:P859	. * ;	# sponsor
  p:P580	. + ;	# start time
  p:P582	. * ;	# end time
  p:P1132	. * ;	# number of participants
  p:P2899	. * ;	# minimum age
  p:P4135	. * ;	# maximum age
  p:P921	. * ;	# main subject
  p:P856	. * ;	# official website
  p:P973	. * ;	# described at URL
  p:P8005	. * ;	# research subject recruitment status

  p:P137	. * ;	# operator
  p:P1840	. * ;	# investigated by
  p:P767	. * ;	# contributor to the creative work or subject
  p:P710	. * ;	# participant

  p:P17		. * ;	# country
  p:P131	. * ;	# located in the administrative territorial entity
  p:P6153	. * ;	# research site

  p:P577	. * ;	# publication date
  p:P1433	. * ;	# published in

  p:P373	. * ;	# Commons category
  p:P18		. * ;	# image
  p:P527	. * ;	# has part

  # Identifiers
  p:P3098	. ? ;	# ID
  p:P6366	. * ;	# Microsoft Academic ID
  p:P6220	. * ;	# OpenTrials ID
  p:P7019	. * ;	# ANZCTR ID
  p:P8064	. * ;	# Chinese Clinical Trial Registry ID


<#P31_instance_of_clinical_trial> {
	ps:P31 [ wd:Q30612 ] ; # instances of clinical trial