preprint (E185)
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language code | label | description | aliases | edit |
en | preprint | entity schema of a preprint | edit | |
da | preprint | edit | ||
de | Vorabdruck | Entity-Schema für einen Preprint | Preprint | edit |
es | preimpreso | Esquema para un preimpreso | Prepublicación | edit |
fr | prépublication | edit | ||
ja | プレプリント | プレプリント記述用のスキーマ | edit | |
pl | wydruk wstępny | schemat dla wydruku wstępnego | edit | |
pt-br | preprint | Esquema para artigos científicos publicados como "preprints" | pré-publicações | edit |
PREFIX E193: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
# Example query: SELECT ?preprint WHERE { ?preprint wdt:P31 wd:Q580922 . } limit 5
start = @<preprint>
<preprint> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
wdt:P31 [ wd:Q580922 ] ;# instance of a preprint; see also discussion at$
wdt:P1476 @<title> ; # title of the preprint
wdt:P921 @<subject> * ; # main subject of the preprint
# This author part needs to be adapted to reflect that
# there should be one of (P50 | P2039) for each position on the author list
p:P50 @<author> * ; # author
p:P2093 @<authornamestring> * ; # author name string
wdt:P407 @<language> ? ; # language of work or name
wdt:P577 xsd:dateTime OR xsd:date + ; # publication date
wdt:P1433 @ E193:preprint_server * ; # preprint server
p:P1104 @<pagecount> ?; # number of pages
wdt:P356 xsd:string * ; # DOI
# Example of condition. Preprints should have at least 3 pages
<pagecount> {
ps:P1104 xsd:integer or xsd:decimal MinInclusive 3;
<author> {
ps:P50 .;
pq:P1545 xsd:string ;
pq:P1932 xsd:string ?;
<authornamestring> {
ps:P2093 .;
pq:P1545 xsd:string
<title> {
<subject> {
<language> EXTRA wdt:P31{
wdt:P31 [ wd:Q34770 wd:Q436240 wd:Q1288568] + ;