Algorithm (E178)

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PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
start = @<#algorithm>
<#algorithm> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q8366  ] ;#instance of a algorithm
  wdt:P138 .* ;#named after
  wdt:P61 .* ;#discoverer or inventor
  wdt:P3752 .+ ;#worst-case time complexity
  wdt:P3753 .+ ;#best-case time complexity
  wdt:P3754 .+ ;#average time complexity
  wdt:P3755 .+ ;#worst-case space complexity
  wdt:P3756 .+ ;#best-case space complexity 
  wdt:P3757 .+ ;#average space complexity 
  wdt:P575 .{1} ;#time of discovery or invention