submarine communications cable (E147)

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language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
ensubmarine communications cableschema for submarine communications cablesedit
slpodmorski komunikacijski kabelshema za podmorske komunikacijske kableedit
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX p: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>

#query map:  SELECT ?item WHERE {?item wdt:P31 wd:Q506572. } LIMIT 10

start =@<#submarine_communications_cable>
   <#submarine_communications_cable> {

    # instance of
    wdt:P31 [ wd:Q506572 ] ;
    # length
    wdt:P2043 xsd:decimal ? ;
    # country
    wdt:P17 [ <>~ ] * ;
    # owned by
    wdt:P127 [ <>~ ] * ;
    # inception
    wdt:P571 xsd:dateTime ? ;
    # official website
    wdt:P856 IRI * ;
    # image
    wdt:P18 [ <>~ ] ? ;
    # locator map image
    wdt:P242 [ <>~ ] ? ;
    # start point
    wdt:P1427 [ <>~ ] ? ;
    # destination point
    wdt:P1444 [ <>~ ] * ;
    # material used
    wdt:P186 [ <>~ ] ? ;
    # located in the administrative territory
    wdt:P131 [ <>~ ] * ;
    # crosses
    wdt:P177 [ <>~ ] ? ;
    # Commons category
    wdt:P373 xsd:string ? ;
    # OSM relation ID
    wdt:P402 xsd:string ? ;
    # connects with
    wdt:P2789 [ <>~ ] * ;
    # location
    wdt:P276 [ <>~ ] ? ;
    # terminus location
    wdt:P609 [ <>~ ] ? ;