Parlament Europeu (Q8889)

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institució parlamentària de la Unió Europea triada directament per els ciutadans de la Unió
  • Europarlament
  • UE Parlament
  • Parlament d'Europa
  • PE
Llengua Etiqueta Descripció També conegut com a
Parlament Europeu
institució parlamentària de la Unió Europea triada directament per els ciutadans de la Unió
  • Europarlament
  • UE Parlament
  • Parlament d'Europa
  • PE
European Parliament
parliament of the European Union directly elected by the citizens of the Union
  • Europarl
  • EP
  • EU Parliament
  • Europarliament
  • Parliament of Europe


Europa Parlament 1985.jpg
4.158 × 2.974; 5,59 Mo
Sitzung des Europa Parlament im April 1985 in Straßburg (alemany)
European Parliament Session April 1985 (anglès)
L'hémicycle à Strasbourg 1985 (francès)
Parlamento Europeo 1985 (espanyol)
Sessione dell'Assemblea a Strasburgo 1985 (italià)
Europees Parlement in Straatsburg 1985 (neerlandès)
15 abr 1985
0 referències
Assemblée parlementaire européenne (francès)
març 1958
2 referències
The single Assembly convened for the first time from 19 to 21 March 1958. At its first session, it took the name Assemblée parlementaire européenne in French, Assemblea parlementara in Italian and, more significantly, Europees Parlament in Dutch and Europäische Parlament in German. On 30 March 1962, the Assembly decided to harmonise its name in the various official languages and opted for Parlement européen in French and Parlemento europeo in Italian. That designation was made official by the Single European Act of 1986 (Article 2). (anglès)
Parlement européen (francès)
març 1962
2 referències
The single Assembly convened for the first time from 19 to 21 March 1958. At its first session, it took the name Assemblée parlementaire européenne in French, Assemblea parlementara in Italian and, more significantly, Europees Parlament in Dutch and Europäische Parlament in German. On 30 March 1962, the Assembly decided to harmonise its name in the various official languages and opted for Parlement européen in French and Parlemento europeo in Italian. That designation was made official by the Single European Act of 1986 (Article 2). (anglès)
Assemblea parlementara (italià)
març 1958
1 referència
The single Assembly convened for the first time from 19 to 21 March 1958. At its first session, it took the name Assemblée parlementaire européenne in French, Assemblea parlementara in Italian and, more significantly, Europees Parlament in Dutch and Europäische Parlament in German. On 30 March 1962, the Assembly decided to harmonise its name in the various official languages and opted for Parlement européen in French and Parlemento europeo in Italian. That designation was made official by the Single European Act of 1986 (Article 2). (anglès)
Parlemento europeo (italià)
març 1962
1 referència
The single Assembly convened for the first time from 19 to 21 March 1958. At its first session, it took the name Assemblée parlementaire européenne in French, Assemblea parlementara in Italian and, more significantly, Europees Parlament in Dutch and Europäische Parlament in German. On 30 March 1962, the Assembly decided to harmonise its name in the various official languages and opted for Parlement européen in French and Parlemento europeo in Italian. That designation was made official by the Single European Act of 1986 (Article 2). (anglès)
Europees Parlement (neerlandès)
març 1958
1 referència
The single Assembly convened for the first time from 19 to 21 March 1958. At its first session, it took the name Assemblée parlementaire européenne in French, Assemblea parlementara in Italian and, more significantly, Europees Parlament in Dutch and Europäische Parlament in German. On 30 March 1962, the Assembly decided to harmonise its name in the various official languages and opted for Parlement européen in French and Parlemento europeo in Italian. That designation was made official by the Single European Act of 1986 (Article 2). (anglès)
Europäisches Parlament (alemany)
març 1958
1 referència
The single Assembly convened for the first time from 19 to 21 March 1958. At its first session, it took the name Assemblée parlementaire européenne in French, Assemblea parlementara in Italian and, more significantly, Europees Parlament in Dutch and Europäische Parlament in German. On 30 March 1962, the Assembly decided to harmonise its name in the various official languages and opted for Parlement européen in French and Parlemento europeo in Italian. That designation was made official by the Single European Act of 1986 (Article 2). (anglès)
Европейски парламент (búlgar)
Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο (grec)
0 referències
60 Rue Wiertz Brussels, B-1047 Belgium (anglès)
Thalys anglès
1 referència
Le Parlement doit par exemple affréter des Thalys spéciaux (3,6 millions d’euros en 2017) (francès)
European Parliament
European Parliament
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Evropský parlament
0 referències
0 referències
1 referència
Parlamento Europeo
26 juny 2022
Euroopan parlamentti
0 referències
0 referències
1 referència
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