¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? (Q605249)

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novela de Philip K. Dick
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¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas?
novela de Philip K. Dick
    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
    1968 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick
    • Blade runner (Dick, 1968)


    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (inglés)
    0 referencias
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    22 capítulo
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    A merry little surge of electricity piped by automatic alarm from the mood organ beside his bed awakened Rick Deckard. (inglés)
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    She gave her address and hung up. And, feeling better, fixed herself at last a cup of black, hot coffee. (inglés estadounidense)
    0 referencias
    Auckland: A turtle which explorer Captain Cook gave to the King of Tonga in 1777 died yesterday. It was nearly 200 years old. The animal, called Tu'imalila, died at the royal palace ground in the Tongan capital of Nuku, Alofa. The people of Tonga regarded the animal as a chief, and special keepers were appointed to look after it. It was blinded in a bush fire a few years ago. Tonga radio said Tu'imalila's carcass would be sent to the Auckland Museum in New Zealand. (inglés)
    And still I dream he treads the lawn, walking ghostly in the dew, pierced by my glad singing through. (inglés)
    0 referencias
    Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
    0 referencias


    Dick, Philip K. Do androids dream of electric sheep?
    Dick, Philip K. Blade runner
    0 referencias
    0 referencias
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