Església ortodoxa (Q35032)

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comunió d'esglésies cristianes autocèfales que segueixen el cristianisme ortodox
  • Església Ortodoxa de l’Est
  • Església Ortodoxa de l'Est
Llengua Etiqueta Descripció També conegut com a
Església ortodoxa
comunió d'esglésies cristianes autocèfales que segueixen el cristianisme ortodox
  • Església Ortodoxa de l’Est
  • Església Ortodoxa de l'Est
Eastern Orthodox Church
second-largest Christian church
  • Eastern Church
  • Orthodox Church
  • Orthodox Catholic Church
  • Greek Church
  • Eastern Orthodox communion
  • Church of the Seven Councils
  • The Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church


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Church of the Seven Councils (anglès)
Église des sept conciles (francès)
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Greek Church
Eastern Church
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Orthodox Eastern Church / (frequently spoken of as “the Greek Church,” and described officially as “The Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Eastern Church”)
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1 referència
There are also “autonomous” churches (retaining a token canonical dependence upon a mother see) in Crete, Finland, and Japan. (anglès)
The church and the world / Missions: ancient and modern / In Japan an Orthodox church was established by St. Nikolay Kasatkin. The distinctively Japanese character of this church enabled it to survive the political trials of the Russo-Japanese War (1904–05), the Russian Revolution, and World War II. The church of Japan received full autonomy from the Russian church in 1970. (anglès)
1 referència
The Orthodox church is a fellowship of "autocephalous" churches (canonically and administratively independent), with the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople holding titular or honorary primacy. [...] the Church of Constantinople (Istanbul), the Church of Alexandria (Africa), the Church of Antioch (with headquarters in Damascus, Syria), and the churches of Jerusalem, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Albania, Poland, the Czech and Slovak republics, and America. (anglès)
Eastern Orthodox Church
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pravoslavné církve
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Eastern Orthodoxy
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Eastern Orthodoxy
John Meyendorff
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1 referència
Eastern Orthodoxy, officially Orthodox Catholic Church, One of the three major branches of Christianity. (anglès)