Republic of South Africa Constitution Second Amendment Act, 1981 (Q19096467)

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repealed South African constitutional law
Language Label Description Also known as
Republic of South Africa Constitution Second Amendment Act, 1981
repealed South African constitutional law


    Republic of South Africa Constitution Second Amendment Act, 1981 (English)
    0 references
    Tweede Wysigingswet op die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1981 (Afrikaans)
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    6 November 1981
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    Act No. 101 of 1981
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    Act to amend the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961, to provide that certain acts in respect of the National Flag of the Republic shall be punishable as offences; to increase the maximum fine for a contravention of section 13; to provide for the assignment of powers, duties and functions entrusted to a Minister by any law; to provide that a member of the President’s Council shall vacate his seat if he is nominated as a candidate for election at certain elections; to determine the circumstances in which the remuneration and allowances of the members of the President’s Council shall be reviewed; to further regulate the reference of any matter to a committee of the President’s Council; and to adjust the provisions relating to the alteration of provincial boundaries; to amend the provisions of the Interpretation Act, 1957, relating to the assignment of powers, duties and functions entrusted to a Minister by any law; to amend the Admission of Persons to the Republic Regulation Act, 1972, to authorize removal from the Republic on the ground of a contravention of section 5A or 13 of the Republic of South Africa Constitution Act, 1961; and to provide for matters connected therewith. (English)
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    Wet tot wysiging van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1961, ten einde te bepaal dat sekere handelinge ten opsigte van die Nasionale Vlag van die Republiek as misdrywe strafbaar is; die maksimum boete vir 'n oortreding van artikel 13 te verhoog; voorsiening te maak vir die oordrag van bevoegdhede, pligte en werksaamhede deur 'n wet aan 'n Minister toegewys; te bepaal dat 'n lid van die Presidentsraad sy setel ontruim indien hy as verkiesingskan­didaat by sekere verkiesings genomineer word; die omstandighede te bepaal waarin die vergoeding en toelaes van lede van die Presidentsraad hersien moet word; die verwysing van 'n saak na 'n komitee van die Presidentsraad nader te reël; en die bepalings in verband met die verandering van provinsiale grense aan te pas; tot wysiging van die bepalings van die Interpretasiewet, 1957, betreffende die oordrag van bevoeghbede, pligte en funksies deur 'n wet aan 'n Minister toegewys; tot wysiging van die Wet op die Reëling van die Toelating van Persone tot die Republiek, 1972, ten einde verwydering uit die Republiek op grond van 'n oortreding van artikel 5A of 13 van die Grondwet van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika, 1961, te magtig; en om voorsiening te maak vir aangeleenthede wat daarmee in verband staan. (Afrikaans)
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    6 November 1981
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    15 October 1981
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