Le Bébé (Q17635088)

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peinture de Gustav Klimt
Langue Libellé Description Également connu comme
Le Bébé
peinture de Gustav Klimt
    Baby (Cradle)
    painting by Gustav Klimt


      Baby (Cradle) A18969.jpg
      3 969 × 4 000 ; 24,7 Mio
      0 référence
      1 référence
      (Galerie Nebehay, Vienna); sold 1919 to Otto [d. 1926] and Eugenia Primavesi, Vienna;[1] acquired 1928 with other paintings from Eugenia Primavesi by Hugo or Otto Bernatzig (or Bernatzik), Vienna. Brought to the United States by Josef Urban [1872-1933], New York.[2] (Galérie St. Etienne, New York), possibly by 1959;[3] Otto [1894-1978] and Franziska [1899-1992] Kallir, New York; acquired 1978 through gift and purchase by NGA.[1] According to Tobias G. Natter, cited in Klimt, Schiele, Moser, Kokoschka. Vienne 1900, Exh. cat., Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 2005-2006: unnumbered catalogue. The name Sigmund Primavesi that is listed in the painting's provenance in the 1965 Guggenheim exhibition catalogue is probably an error.[2] According to Jane Kallir, Saved from Europe: Otto Kallir and the History of the Galerie St. Etienne, Exh. cat., Galerie St. Etienne, New York, 1999: pl. 16.[3] The Galerie St. Etienne, whose owners were Otto and Franziska Kallir, included the painting in its 1959 Klimt exhibition. Mrs. Josef Urban was listed in the catalogue as a lender, but which painting(s) she lent is not specified, so it is possible she had inherited the painting from her husband and still owned it in 1959. (anglais)
      1 référence
      (Galerie Nebehay, Vienna); sold 1919 to Otto [d. 1926] and Eugenia Primavesi, Vienna;[1] acquired 1928 with other paintings from Eugenia Primavesi by Hugo or Otto Bernatzig (or Bernatzik), Vienna. Brought to the United States by Josef Urban [1872-1933], New York.[2] (Galérie St. Etienne, New York), possibly by 1959;[3] Otto [1894-1978] and Franziska [1899-1992] Kallir, New York; acquired 1978 through gift and purchase by NGA. (anglais)
      4 avril 2024
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