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// <nowiki>

 * wikibase.js
 * ===========
 * wikibase.js is a libary which provides functions to edit Wikibase entities. It also supports importing site links from wikipedias.
 * If you want to use this libary in a gadget, you have to add to the [[MediaWiki:Gadgets-definition]] page:
 *  * <GadgetName>|wikibase.js|<GadgetName>.js

( function ( mw, $ ) {
	var debug = mw.util.getParamValue( 'wikibase.js' );

	var errorMessages = {
		'unknown': {
			'en': 'An unknown error had occured.'

	function errMsg( key ) {
		/*var msg;
		if ( i18n[ lang ][ key ] ) {
			msg = errorMessages[ lang ][ key ];
		} else if ( key in i18n[ 'en' ] ) {
			msg = errorMessages[ 'en' ][ key ];
		} else {
			msg = '<' + key + '>';
		for ( var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
			msg = msg.replace( new RegExp( '$' + i, 'g' ), arguments[i] );
		return parse( msg );*/
		return '<' + key + '>';

	function parse( key ) {
		mw.messages.set( key, key ); // register key
		return mw.message( key ).parse().replace( '\n', '<br>' ); // html encode

	 * Class to make editing Wikibase entities easier.
	function WikibaseTools() {
		/* properties */ = mediaWiki.config.get( 'wbEntityId' );
		this.entities = {
			ITEM: 'item',
			PROPERTY: 'property',
			QUERY: 'query',
			NONE: false
		switch( ? 0, 1 ) : false ) {
			case 'q':
				this.entityType = this.entities.ITEM;
			case 'p':
				this.entityType = this.entities.PROPERTY;
			case 'xxx':
				this.entityType = this.entities.QUERY;
				this.entityType = this.entities.NONE;
		/* functions */
		this.createItem = createItem;
		this.updateItem = updateItem;
		this.getItem = getItem;
		this.getSiteLinks = getSiteLinks;
		this.getInterwikiLinks = getInterwikiLinks;

	 * Create a single new Wikibase entity.
	 * @param data The serialized object that is used as the data source. A newly created entity will be assigned an 'id'.
	 * @param summary Summary for the edit. Will be prepended by an automatically generated comment.
	 * @param success function called on success
	 * @param error function called on error
	function createItem( data, summary, success, error ) {
		this.updateItem( data, false, summary, success, error );

	 * Modify a Wikibase entity with serialised information.
	 * @param data The serialized object that is used as the data source. A newly created entity will be assigned an 'id'.
	 * @param id The identifier for the entity, including the prefix. If set to false, a new item will be created.
	 * @param summary Summary for the edit. Will be prepended by an automatically generated comment.
	 * @param success function called on success
	 * @param error function called on error
	function updateItem( data, id, summary, success, error ) {
		var postData = {
			'format': 'json',
			'action': 'wbeditentity',
			'data': JSON.stringify( data ),
			'summary': summary,
			'token': mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfToken' )
		if ( id ) {
			postData['id'] = id;
		} else {
			postData['new'] = 'item';
		$.ajax( {
			type: 'POST',
			url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
			data: postData,
			success: function ( data ) {
				if ( data.error && ) {
					error( parse( ) );
				} else {
					success( data );
		} );

	 * Get the data for multiple Wikibase entities
	 * @param id The IDs of the entities to get the data from
	 * @param success function called on success
	 * @param error function called on error
	function getItem( id, success, error ) {
		$.ajax( {
			url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
			data: {
				'format': 'json',
				'action': 'wbgetentities',
				'ids': typeof id === 'string' ? id : id.join( '|' ) 
			success: function ( data ) {
				if ( data.error && ) {
					error( parse( ) );
				} else {
					success( typeof id === 'string' ? data.entities[id] : data.entities );
		} );

	 * Get the existings site links of an entity
	 * @param id The ID of the entity to get the site links from
	 * @param success function called on success
	 * @param error function called on error
	function getSiteLinks( id, success, error ) {
			function ( data ) {
				if ( data.sitelinks ) {
					success( data.sitelinks );
				} else {
					success( {} );

	 * Return the existings links in a page of a wiki
	 * @param lang the language of the wikipedia ( look for <lang> )
	 * @param title title of the page
	 * @param success function called on success
	 * @param error function called on error
	function getInterwikiLinks( lang, title, success, error ) {
		$.ajax( {
			url: '//' + lang + '',
			data: {
				'format': 'json',
				'action': 'query',
				'titles': title,
				'prop': 'langlinks',
				'lllimit': 400
			dataType: 'jsonp'
		} )
		.done( function ( data ) {
			if ( data.error && ) {
				error( parse( ) );
			} else if ( data.query && data.query.pages ) {
				for ( var id in data.query.pages ) {
					if ( id === -1 ) {
						error( errMsg( 'unknown' ) );
					} else {
						if ( data.query.pages[id].langlinks ) {
							var langlinks = data.query.pages[id].langlinks;
							var links = {};
							for ( var i in langlinks ) {
								links[langlinks[i]['lang']] = langlinks[i]['*'];
							success( links );
						} else {
							success( [] );
			} else {
				error( errMsg( 'unknown' ) );
		} )
		.fail( function ( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
			error( errMsg( 'unknown' ) );
		} );

	var wikibaseTools = new WikibaseTools();

	window.wikibaseTools = wikibaseTools; // global access
} )( mediaWiki, jQuery );
// </nowiki>